>be me >17 yo khv >having huge crush on 8/10 qt3.14 >to much of a pussy to approach her, just stare at her in class like the creep i am >almost certain she has noticed at one point >fastforward to today >again staring at her (cant help it) >she looks in my direction, we lock eyes >fuckfuckfuck >pretty sure she is creeped out >smiles at me >what the >completly startled >never thought a qt like her would show interest in a lowlife like me >to autistic and nervous to smile back, simply look away >qt approaches me after class and we have a little talk >suprisingly didnt fuck that up for once >she asks for my number and tells me she will text me later >jackpot.exe >havent felt so good in years, finally im on the right track >she text me in the noon >basically just sayng hi user but she even sent a heart emoji >think she might be really into me >halfway done writing my reply >freeze and realize i have no idea how to properly respond >have literally zero friends and no one texts with me, dont even have internet friends >should i just say hi back or push the convo further >close whatsapp completly nervous >figure i just think about what to say and reply later >really dont want to fuck up what i think is my only chance >couple hours later she texts me again >if youre not interested you should have just told me user >mfw when i realized i left her on fucking read >mfw when i blew my only chance >mfw when three years later still virgin
Anyone cucked themselfes due to autism aswell? Share your story anons, share your pain.
Her tan makes her look racially ambiguous for some reason. I don't fap until I'm sure the girl is fully white.
Landon Roberts
I mean she is pretty (as a someone who desperately craves brown girls myself), but her untanned bikini areas are a huge turn off and establish her as white.
Asher Parker
Lol dude, just write her the truth. Just tell her that you were confused and did not know what to write. And did not want to fuck it up, because it is very important to you.
It is not lost yet. They love the drama and you just being honest.
Adrian Butler
who the fuck is this god damnit hottest girl ive ever seen
Nathan Wright
she's a popular cam girl another user posted i don't know her name
Michael Powell
>Someone who desperately craves brown girls Ew. Why?? They might seem exotic because you grew up around and live around white girls but trust me I've lived for long periods of time with both, and realised in the end that there's nothing better than a white woman