Daily reminder:

daily reminder:
NEETs are the most powerful race in the world

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>tw your ancestors conquered the injuns, stole their lands and women, and destroyed their culture, but it doesn't matter because now they just live off our gibs
I really hate this shit.

>doesn't have the mental strength to get out of his room
>doesn't have the physical strength to lift anything above 10 pounds
"Most powerful race"

>despite this, enjoys a life of comfort at the expense of others who do all the work for them
It's like saying a slave owner isn't powerful since the slaves do all the heavy lifting.

bumping NEET thread

>life of comfort
>most NEETs are severely depressed and suicidal
how's that working out for you, lad?

I'm a NEET and I couldn't imagine a worse life if I wanted to.

seems like you just made that up.

I'm a NEET and I couldn't imagine a comfier life if I wanted to.

>Implying all neets are filipino

Any NEET who actually things that it's a positive position to be at in life is an idiot.
t. 21 year old NEET

Yeah, you need a job so you can get money and buy stuff otherwise you are a loser. Imagine being a loser and not having money to buy stuff. ROFL. that is the worst. I cannot imagine not having money to buy stuff.

Even if you have people with money buying stuff for you, it's pathetic since you didn't earn any of it and you basically have no autonomy and independence in your life. Those people are also more than likely to be NEETs parents, which is also doubly humiliating, since your still relying on mummy and daddy as an adult.

>you basically have no autonomy and independence in your life
wagie autonomy: work for shekelberg 8 hours a day for 50 years.
NEET autonomy: get money without working

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you judging it as pathetic has no bearing in reality. your only argument against NEETdom is that it's pathetic. do you have any objective criticism?

And have absolutely no self worth whatsoever. You do realize there are more possibilities in life than just literally doing nothing with yourself or working as a cook at some shitty McDonalds?

ah what a lovely violin sound
what should I do next
piano practice or perhaps read some philosophy?
luckily I have time for both

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lmao objective criticism. do yo have any objective proof that being a NEET is positive for a person?

what the fuck is self worth? How you view the time you use working at a job with 'prestige' among peers? The fuck are you even on about?

>Prove god is real
>P-prove he isn't

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self worth: the sense of one's own value or worth as a person.
Quite sad that you need to wageslave to feel you are worth anything. Indicative of mental issues, I think.

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>tfw dabbin on my mum as she goes to wrok

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>Thinking those are the only two options
>Not knowing what a promotion is
>Not realizing that I could become Shekelberg in a fraction of 50 years
>Not realizing that i could become self-employed and live the life of a NEET with more money than the average wagie in a fraction of 50 years
Why are NEEToids so closed-minded?

>Pretending you're somewhat gifted, talented and sophisticated even though none of that seems to get you a job, because it's a lie
>Trying to make shit up to not feel like you're absolute scum doing nothing but sitting on your ass, fapping, shitposting and watching animu

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>I could become Shekelberg in a fraction of 50 years
>this is what wagies actually believe
lul. the american dream.

>thinking salary is the only relevant factor in life
>calls others close minded
you're either employed or you're not. point out the other option please.

You're shit at comprehending philosophy you Nietzsche scum.
Your violin sounds like the screeching cats it's made of.
Your shitty 2 octave MIDI controller isn't a "piano", and practice isn't banging on the keys.
kys halal

Ooh, sounds interesting, user! Let's hear recording of you playing your instruments!

you are unironically the most butt hurt wagie I've seen in one of these threads. Stay pissed, it's painfully obvious your job is the only thing that gives you any value.

Like I said, you do realize that you can do more with yourself than just wageslave that doesn't involve wrapping yourself up in blankets and staying indoors all day? It's fine if you're content with that existence but don't trick yourself into thinking it's lead to any sort of fulfillment in ones life.

Anyone who uses the term 'objective criticism' in an online argument is a literal brainlet so yeah

I'm a NEET you idiot. But I don't lie to myself how badass amazing cool talented and gifted I am, because if I was, I'd have a job, a gf, a car, a house, and not lie depressed in my mancave all day.

Okay, so how long do you think it takes to become a rich CEO of a company then?

Hilarious that these idiots think that anyone who disagrees with them is a WAGESLAVE le cog in the machine.

You have brainwashed by goymercials to feel that you need buy a house, a car, all the latest goy trinkets and reach other goy-milestones, in order to be fulfilled.
NEETip: you will never catch that dragon, dumb wagie.

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>so yeah
I'd be careful throwing the term brainlet around there, brainlet. There's nothing incorrect about the phrase objective criticism. You literally said that it would be a 'trick' to convince a NEET that there is fulfillment in choosing to be a NEET. You are incapable of disputing what is inherently wrong with choosing to sit at a computer for somebodies entire life. That person has an equivalent value to you as a human being, regardless of whether or not he chooses to work for 1/3 of his life. Prove me wrong please.

for every shekelberg there are 1000 wagepeons. otherwise he couldn't be shekelberg. you do the math, wageidiot.

This is a pepe I'll be saving

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gentlemen you seem a tad upset
where all that anger somes from?
I'd gladly share with you a wonderful piece of two, but unfortunately I am currently busy
you see I am having my daily barber visit at this very moment, I am sure you understand

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You're just projecting then fag. You don't know if that user is talented or not. You're just assuming because all YOU do is jack off to hentai that's all every NEET does. Sorry to pop your bubble, that's just not true. I doubt he's a master violin player, but not everybody is like you big guy.

>you're either employed or you're not.
>Unironically calls others closed-minded
Just...stop, NEET. Your refusal to exit your room and join the outside world has made you ignorant of what's out here.

If he had anything to show for it he wouldn't have such a hard time living a normal life like everyone else you fucktard. Results speak louder than some autism Mozart wannabe shitposting about his "daily barber visits", who the fuck even goes to the barber every day, what the fuck you wanna get cut? Your atoms?

It's pretty binary. You're either a wagie who's literally angry that people can get away with not working for a third of their life like you do, or you're a NEET with mental illness. Not every NEET has existential dread because of the need to perform to societal standard.

>tfw they simply don't understand
sometimes I pity you working class I really do

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go work at macdonalds you dumb wagebitch.

That was a great non-answer bud.

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Do you like buying stuff user?

I know this has never occurred to you wagie, but not everybody wants to tow the line and be 'normal'. What a fuckin brainlet.

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What made you think I'm upset? I just love violin music and want you to play a song for us.

>unironically believing that every NEET is a NEET due to failure to adjust rather than choice
holy fuck, please never reproduce.

>All NEETS are retards
Well that explains a lot.

that is literally the opposite of what that post implied. Kill yourself as soon as it is convenient.

>NEET cousin tried to flirt with a girl
>she reject him
>she is drawn to me because i have money, work and have a gf
>NEET cousin hates me because i somehow cucked him

LMAO masterrace at being KEKED

>how's that working
Excellently, because I don't have to work.
>self worth is derived from how much you slave away from
Holy shit LMAO
I always thought wagies were just coping but now I see they actually believe this shit. You guys are like ants.

nice fictional story you made up there. Sounds like you're the cousin who got KEKED

>You guys are like ants.

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>NEET shills
I'm curious what will you do when your parents pass away.

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gay NEETs are always in denial, its so pathetic.

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ba3sed orni

jewhair lol

It's arguable that making up stories about getting 'KEKED' is far more pathetic.
inherit what they have? I'm confused as to why you wagies think this is some glorious check mate. My parents own the house and have enough for me to comfortably survive afterward.

>user is forced to eventually get a job
>So Mr. user, let's take a look at your resume
>Hmm, a 10 year gap, what have you been doing in all those 10 years?

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But its true and denying it makes you pathetic lmao

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helping mentally challenged survive (wagies)

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>Implying you asked for anything

No, your fictional story about KEKING your cousin because you're employed doesn't make me pathetic, the opposite infact.

>My parents own the house and have enough for me to comfortably survive afterward.
Are your parents millionaires? If they aren't, you won't last more than few years.

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>point out the other option please
What an actual fucking brainlet. Holy shit you're embarrassing.

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I will be around 50 when they die, How much do you think it costs to pay a property tax and be minimalist like I currently am? I'm curious. You seem to think it will cost $100k a year to survive.

I replied to the wrong post. I meant to reply to But it doesn't really matter. I still managed to trigger a NEET.

why are you so jealous of my job and gf? if you hate me so much go out and get one instead of dreaming of getting rich off crypto lel stupid neet

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Again assuming those are the things that people who disagree with you want in life.

Semantics can be argued in regards to peoples subjective experiences and self worth being totally up to the individual (hint it isn't, we're social creatures and what others think about us affects how we think about ourselves), but beyond that it's just obvious that sitting in one spot for hours, even days at a time, staring at a computer screen is detrimental to one's health and can degrade the quality of one's life in the future. That's pretty much objectively true.

The reason the term 'objective criticism' is brainlet, especially in the context of this dicussion, is because literally none of the pro-NEET people here are actually using any stats to back up their arguments and their only response to any objection to their opinion is 'muh own self worth,' which is literally just based on their subjective experience. There's nothing wrong with the term in it of itself when used outside of this discussion.

I see.
Well, be grateful for your parents.

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>thinking pointing out obvious inconsistencies induces jealously.
The amount of assumptions you're making is pretty far out. But it makes sense considering the fictional story you conjured beforehand.

This is now a poop jug thread

dude your jealous i got the girls attention and admiration. im not fucked up to bust in her because i have a gf but stay mad and jealous dumb NEET. Denying things wont get you anywhere in life lmao

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No you weren't asking for anything. You were telling me what to do. Or trying to, anyways. The only person that can tell me what to do it's my boss.

>there are actually people that defend their wageslave lifestyle
Absolutely incredible.

>2D Avatarfag
>Actually has a 3DPD gf

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>hint it isn't
Yes it is. Being social creatures doesn't imply that others affect how somebody values themselves.
>sitting in one spot for hours, even days at a time, staring at a computer screen is detrimental to one's health and can degrade the quality of one's life in the future
There is such a thing as balance. People who work 8-5 staring a computer screen are equally unhealthy to the NEET with this line of logic. A NEET who works out isn't particularly unhealthy for example.
>can degrade the quality of one's life
Ok, then what? I'm asking because quality is also subjective. At the end of the day everybody dies, wagie or NEET. How soon it ends is kind of a moot point when discussing the inherent wrong doing by being A NEET.
>literally none of the pro-NEET people here are actually using any stats to back up their arguments
The reverse of this also happens to be true, haven't seen any stats as to why choosing to sit at a computer and play games which NEETs presumably find fun is a wrong decision. If somebody truly does not care about job prospects, what are they losing by choosing to opt out of the rat race?
>which is literally just based on their subjective experience
as are wagie opinions, your arguments aren't unique to the NEET side of life.

because there wasn't a question mark at the end? You're actually retarded. I also noticed you haven't pointed out any other options to the obviously binary question. Go ahead and keep taking orders from your boss big guy. I'm sure you're a real alpha male.

only neets are the real robots

Holy shit wagies are sonbad at banter its not even funny anymore. I get that deepthroating sheckelstiens cock everyday kills your brain cells but damn, get a bit creative champ ! You are a valuable asset to your company after all aren't you !

bud, you're just repeating yourself. nobody gives a fuck about your fictional story. You're the one in denial here. Nice anime pics btw, really adding credibility to that story of yours.

>be at the beck and call of Mr Berg
>trade my most valuable resource (time) working a job I statistically don't like for a few shekels
>return home after 8 hours of bullshit too tired to do anything
>be highly likely to develop health issues directly related to working
>use 100% of my time in the way I wish to
>beholden to nobody
>experience the joy and freedom of a (relatively) frugal life
>have energy for anything
>be able to spend the necessary time on healthful pursuits such as eating very well and getting natural uninterrupted sleep every night
>devote life to acquiring knowledge, mastering your hobbies and passions and spreading the joy of NEEThood to your fellow man

Huh... sure is a tough choice.

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>we are this so that and beyond that it is obvious that this is bad.
>That's pretty much objectively true.
holy shit, wagies are stupid. are your thoughts really that devoid of logical coherence?

You're living at their mercy. You have no way to pressure them. When they stop tolerating you, you are fucked. Pathetic


You are joking, right?
ou have been muted for 16 seconds, because

are you? what are you basing that off of? You can be depressed and suicidal without being a NEET and vice versa.

>but I know someone who is different

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>when they stop tolerating you
oh wait you're serious
That's part of the beauty my man, I don't even need to pressure them. No whip cracking, no beatings. They just give me their money, and anyone that speaks against NEETbux gets ostracized. Cope harder wagie.

can't view the img, got a link my guy?


what language is this
basketball american?

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nice dubs
anyways why should employers care what I did in that time?
I don't get why "gaps" in the resume are considered a bad thing

the average neet

>muh free time

does nothing with it

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>be wagie
>have limited free time
>still waste it on Jow Forums
tick tock goes the clock

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feed me you ragie, wagie.

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To satisfy the need for 'muh objectivity,' here's a paper on Canadian NEETs and the multiple adverse things that they're vulnerable to.


Aww did the ragie wagies give up so soon? This was just getting fun!

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