Teeth quality alone can make the difference between able to acquire a GF and being seen as subhuman. Guy in pic related will never be a slayer, but with his teeth fixed he should at least be able to secure a braphog

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>tfw I have peefect teeth
>tfw I smile constantly at work
>tfw my sales numbers are higher than everyone elses combined for the week, consistently, other than the ex-real estate agent with an even brighter, whiter smile than mine

Its not a meme.

I love having bright, white, straight teeth.

i dont like girls with fake teeth cleaned up and shit like that. need me a real bitch

The fuck?

Clean, straight teeth are attractive as fuck, women love mine, and I love a great smile.

I notice immediately when people have fucked up gross teeth. Snaggle teeth, yellow teeth, weirdly misshapen fucked up teeth - ill unconsciously start staring at them. I cant help it, thwyre disgusting, if you have gross teeth wither get them fixed or shut your mouth so im not transfixed by their disgustingness

deal with it faggot

me and my stank-ass breath goth gf are gonna make out in front of you while you cry

He's very handsome. Could easily be a slayer

The nigga on the left looks better tho.

No homo

>tfw I have a good face but really fucked up teeth and it would cost thousands and thousands of dollars to fix them when I can barely afford rent so I just languish unloved for eternity, and even if I somehow lucked into that kind of money, I'd be a man in his late 20s/early 30s wearing braces

this feel is PAIN

>need me a real bitch
>The fuck?

You limp wristed little underaged wiggers both need to scurry on back over to reddit

guy on the right looks like he has a mouthguard in

his teeth look fake as fuck and out of place now

d-d-dont post on my forum unless u type like m-m-me

In the after pic he looks like a fucking alien trying really hard to blend in with the human species.

While me and my gf (who has an even better smile than me) fuck in front of you. Like I give a fuck.

A great smile is a genuine asset and mine makes me fucking money. I used to hate smiling, now dumbshits I sell ahit to are mesmerized by mine, especially women.

Also my girlfriends breath is fresh, after showering together we like to brush our teeth with a crest 3d whitening therapy (this shit is legit go fucking buy it) use whitening mouthwash, then use regular mouthwash before we kiss before our night time fucks, its great.

Fuck nasty ass breath, your whore goth gf probably uses it to mask the dicks she sucked prior you fucking faggot ass bitch

Yeah, all his teeth look glued together or something.

I have a noticeable gap between my two front teeth, I've had it my whole life and I think it's why women don't take me seriously.

I take really great care of my teeth and they are a nice shiny natural white with very healthy gums. They are mostly straight, but I would like to get them aligned. Hopefully someday I can go do that invisalign thing without braces.

is right though, a nice smile in sales is great. even on over the phone sales, you get instructed to smile on the phone as it carries over in your tone. People can subconsciously tell and will go more for the one who smiles and lures you in. I think as long as you have decent looking teeth (not yellow, do you even brush faggot tier) and its not a big deal if they aren't perfectly straight.



From subhuman to someone most would at least treat as an actual person

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God damn fucking right. Kill yourself newfaggot. 2 years before posting

hes still el goblino del cincuenta y seis por ciento

His new teeth look face as fuck

b-but crooked teeth are cute on men...

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What? This dudes whole head is skinnier after just getting his teeth fixed? And the removed his forehead wrinkles and skin blemishes too? The dentist even lightened his skin and plucked his unibrow

>tfw only 3 grand away from being able to afford braces
anyone else know this feel?

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Said no one ever

A clean bright smile means the man behind it is healthy, organized and has his shit together.

Any woman who isnt retarded is attracted to those qualities

There's a point where it's unnaturally white. The people in commercials teeth creep me out. It looks like they soaked their teeth in bleach for days. Gives a sort of uncanny valley vibe.

His gums are white

>Have really nice teeth that I get complimented on now and then
>Brush them twice a day
>Still yellow because I drink shitloads of coffee
Worth it. Coffee is my shit.

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okay, i'm retarded then. but i still love crooked teeth. they make people look friendly.
i'm definitely not the only one out there that isn't attracted to people who are "typically attractive".
i much more prefer guys who are ugly.

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left looks better, what was wrong with his teeth?