He's not an orbiter

>he's not an orbiter

Attached: snap_eliza.png (511x794, 667K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Orbiters must be gassed


yep, you have been muted for 2 seconds

Why do orbiters Iike Ciara "cat fucker" horan so much?

Yikes she's looking really old

She is 18 now yet she still looks like an acne covered, disgusting mess

perfect face for daily cum facials

Orbiters are disgusting scum, with that being said lets share rares

Attached: 118688E1-1C97-4F58-A567-26D6BB60842D.jpg (750x1334, 126K)

Some of these are new ciara pics

Attached: 930AC68C-A939-405B-92E1-AED04BA6075C.jpg (750x1334, 93K)

nice ones, ciara/jay

Ciara is trash, cute trash

Attached: 7E48EA1E-F319-4B5C-8236-43D0713438E4.jpg (750x1334, 150K)

Ciara wouldn't do that, she loves animals

Attached: 14F359A5-7CFC-4BAA-9F38-6D83C8C1FFA4.jpg (750x1334, 191K)

What a cute dog, awww

Attached: B93CCCAA-E5A8-499F-8559-C150DC13D509.jpg (750x1333, 98K)

my affection for her is so primal, that I can easily get hard and cum just by looked at pictures of her face. Also I want to see her naked, squatting in the woods and releasing a thick log of fresh excrement from her delicious brown/pink asshole

alright could one of you faggots explain to me who this cutie pie is and why she is famous on Jow Forums

Please do the world a favor and leave for a long time

Attached: 92C4AC81-4AC8-48F4-A57F-0D802F32583F.jpg (750x413, 52K)

Damn this bitch was cute 2 years ago. What the fuck happened?

Attached: vi9m161zch011.jpg (750x368, 45K)

never, i'll orbit until i die

Attached: r4IxPSv.jpg (480x349, 21K)

What a nice shirt, supa cute

Attached: 4230F3FE-6AAF-4E5E-98BA-D4F85BB3ACD8.jpg (750x1334, 187K)

she's getting too old guys. I remember when she was 13 but her age is really showing. We need to find a new girl to stalk.

-37 year old robot

If you are older than her and orbit you should consider sitting on the tracks taking one final trainride

>t. totally not jay wanting orbiters to stop harassing ciara

i'm not that gay nigger Jay. I just want you guys to find a new loli to groom. Cecelia, like boxy, is meeting her shelf life.

If it was anyone it would be Ciara herself not her jobless boyfriend

how would one even go around becoming the new ciara without receiving immediate hate?

I don't think Jow Forums has the mystique it once had to groom any more lolis. The only shitters who will get that 13 year old bootie are instagram models and shit ass jewtubers. It's apparent that the age of 13 year old girls on Jow Forums is over.

You just need to
>be a fembot
>tell people ur sob story
>do things for attention
Remember no publicity is bad publicity, but make sure your public image is innocent girl. Also you need to be lucky

can this be done without sob story? mine is just that i get lonely too easily from daddy issues.

She has all the cats in her house lick her pussy

Here are logs of her admitting to it in private and in a public group chat



Thats fine, it doesn't need to be extreme, its just something that proves you are a fembot and makes you interesting
if you want you can see ciaras story here

Attached: BFB73DFF-EE4D-4352-9507-AAC952296A29.jpg (731x3198, 721K)

she sounds very annoying in this. but thank you for the advice. maybe you'll see me later if i do end up trying hehe.

anyone find it weird that the cuck guy maimon is friends with ciara now?
he's following her on her private instagram @buirp and friends with her on discord

I like how i can always come back from 6 months without browsing and always find new ciara pics and drama

If you haven't harrassed and bullied her on instagram for sexually abusing her cats you should. Fucking disgusting

Didn't know you browsed Jow Forums that long Jay.

Omg did you just green text????
Lmao!!! Hahahahahah SNAP

>Omg did you just green text????
>>Lmao!!! Hahahahahah SNAP
Omg did you just green text????
Lmao!!! Hahahahahah SNAP

Attached: snap_eliza1.png (506x787, 483K)


Ahhhhhh refreshing

Attached: 9C0334C6-5BB3-44EE-A930-C53D0C4EB1F8.jpg (2159x3840, 1.33M)

she should sip on my dicke juice to be quite frankly honest with you familia

I am 10 years older than this camwhore and I look younger than her.

Attached: 1520821724244.jpg (689x720, 297K)

hi act


These baby boomers are getting younger by the minute