r8 1-10
I know im handsome
Solid 8 to me but I'm not gay
1 for face
>leave squintmaxing to me
sorry i had water infiltrating my eyes
Your eyes creep me out.
Thats why you have eye brows and eye lashes, fuck your pussy ass eye defence
2 tops uggo
6, maybe 7 on a good day but a 1 for being a faggot who thinks he's handsome.
Potato nose and really bad negative canthal tilt.
>that negative canthal tilt
4/10. Your brow slopes, your eyes are angled (may just be the squint but it's hard to tell), nose is far too wide and shapeless, cheekbones aren't clearly defined, and mouth is fucked up although it's hard to articulate how.
probably a 2
have a nice day
>didn't take the neckpill
weak jaw/10
grow a neck
i saw your pic on one of the incel forums. it was either lookism or braincels. I rate you 1/10 for that reason, and may god have mercy on your shallow soul.
Creepy vibes/10. You'll pull some chicks when you go out but will struggle to find anything with a quality girl
i have never been to either of those places. you are mistaken or i have a big fan
ill try
4/10. Weak jaw and subhuman canthal tilt and receding hairline.
nose is horrendous, negative canthal tilt, lack harmony
you look dimorphic though so 5/10 you will have no trouble getting a gf if you have a personality and a social circle
> nose looks like a potato
> where's your upper lip
> weakest jawline I have seen on a adult male
Not gonna make it/10
His upper lip is nonexistent in comparison to the lower.
>receeding hairline.
Found the baldcel
If anything his hair isnt a problem
>negative canthal tilt
>recessed midface
>weak chin
>shit chin to philtrum ratio
You are 3.5/10 at best
squintlord the onions
you're fucking ugly bro
>slight NW but there are products you can take for that
Im ngl, your chin isn't "weak" it just isn't strong. You have good facial bone (atleast you don't look like a fat gook) but most of all you have facial harmony. You are an easy 5/10 but at most a 5/10. These idiots rating you have no idea how much harmony comes into play, green eyes, average nose and chin, average jawline, nice skin etc etc. You are not attractive but you may mog normies in certain ways.
Take another photo, but this time with eyes open. And a smile.
You look fine, op. No need to mask your insecurities with arrogance