What the hell does #doitforthestate stand for? what kind of retarded new trend is this

what the hell does #doitforthestate stand for? what kind of retarded new trend is this

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just dont look into it its just suburban chicks going to college to be slutty for attention

it kinda makes me actually scared to date any chick thats lived on campus. dont most people live off campus though?

its like having a job is a cult and you have to go to college as some sort of sex ritual

I don't know but I wish my white gf would do it and come back and teasingly kiss me while wanking me off and then making me eat her slutty used cunt and asshole.

I think its because they do it because the guys are state sports players? I think thats where it originally came from but who knows now. School pride is now just being slutty I guess.

>imagine your cute 18 year old daughter going to college just to suck some manlet nigger dick
Truly disgusting

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State penitentiary. It's a tribute fundraiser for the locked up niggas

>supposed bbc
>girls are practically smashing their faces together to get any piece of it at all
>no movement


This is old as fuck

that looks like a couple of pigs being feed in a pigsty

>you have to go to college as some sort of sex ritual
>implying it's a bad thing

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it refers to sexual culture that's usually rampant in state universities.

Holy fuck you're right lmfao

These are people's daughters/future moms
Let that sink in

As long as she doesn't breed with niggers and finds a nice whiteboi to marry and breed with I would not murder her

Kill yourself you fucking cuck. I hope you never reproduce.

>keeping the white race alive is your last source of motivation in life
>it's fading

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White trash are like a quarter of what's wrong with this country.

I means they willingly act as easy lays and line up to fuck guys on sports teams (usually black) for their college, claiming they deserve it and it's for school spirit and support. Like, it's some neccessary duty to let the guys fuck constantly, so that they'll do better or win at their sport.

Something like that. All it boils down to is sluttiness and the desire since high school to fuck the jocks. Subtle blackpill as well, since it's such a big thing/trend, that girls are basically openly saying and agreeing that alphas along with everything else not only deserve but need to have their balls empty in fresh pussy constantly. Like they're some fucking race horses or something that have studding needs to make them win. I mean imagine being a girl in that situation and thinking that,

>I want our team to win, but how can I help? The jocks already get all the help and support from everyone in their lives already. Oh wait, I know, I'll just use my pussy! Like everything else in life I resort to it! It's not enough that already they get to fuck all the cheerleaders, no their balls are not empty enough! Me and all the other girls, all girls really, need to keep these guys constantly sexed for them to win! It's my duty and school spirit and I'm helping out!

Once again, in a sense, it's an attention whore thing. A chance for the girl to take credit for yet another thing they had nothing to do with. Team won? Oh yeah I fucked them so I contributed!

Is there hope? Can the baggage be stripped away?

>he hasnt #doneitforthestate

I don't have much hope. The culture has been thoroughly trashed. It also blows my mind how I'll visit family out in the country and it seems like I'll hear more assholes playing loud rap music than in my busy suburb. Fucking wiggers man.

Sign me up. Where are my two bimbos for my suck and fuck for state?

Is that still an ongoing trend in America?

It stopped being a trend and just became normal and accepted, of fucking the jocks. As if it wasn't already a thing.

The Doitforstate thing I think was just a recognition of something that not-so-secretly always went on, and by making it a trend they didn't need to hide or lie about it anymore.

>Imagine letting your daughter have sex
Couldn't be me

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Whelp people do fuck specially in college so there's nothing wrong with that and College athletes are celebrity tier in terms of fame. So roasties fucking athletes is more of a bragging right than anything really.

I hope you get raped by niggers daily and die of painful STDs that will rot you to death

Only white manlets will do.

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Yeah you'd have to have sex to have kids.

>I don't know but I wish my white gf would do it and come back and teasingly kiss me while wanking me off and then making me eat her slutty used cunt and asshole.
based and redpilled

>its like having a job is a cult and you have to go to college as some sort of sex ritual

100% correct

It basically means giving sexual favours to players on sports teams

Sportsball chads

probably something to do with a sports team
probably college sports
probably college handegg/lardcollide
like 'penn state' or 'georgia state' or whatever

I thought the thing where Chad gets tons of girls was just a meme, had no idea that it's so common that it's a hashtag.

He looks like he's having a great time lol

>be a stupid slut
>gain Attention by sucking BBC
>degenerate lifestyle
>don't have a ideology
>praising sex as a religious cult
>be a fan of Hillary or Bernie
>do Drugs because some nigger rapper said that it's cool
>crying about rape culture but acting like rape craving slut
>it's a Jersey thing bruhhh

EDIT No I'm not a Alt Right Member

Edit 2 Thanks for the gold

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>dick not even visible
>girls have to press their noses to his guts to be able to lick it
yeah bbc my ass

Humans cannot die off fast enough

Say whatever you want about it, those two girls have 10/10 bodies.

In this moment maybe, soon they'll get fat and sag and then they'll rot and eventually be just bones then dust. The only comfort I have is they'll suffer one day and be completely forgotten like all humans. I hope their end is unpleasant throughout though.

>post Murdoch Murdoch
>No I'm not a Alt Right Member

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>a ideology
>a Alt Right

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Well, the hashtag says #DoItForState not #doitforTHEstate as you said.

I would assume this is some sort of reference to a state college and having school pride. The joke in this instance is these two women blowing a dude for the good of the school. It's a joke.

#doitforTHEstate would be more of a collectivist, creepy totalitarian thing where people would be motivated or compelled to fuck for the overall good of the state or government.

I don't meant to be one of these assholes that corrects people, but I just wanted to point out the huge difference here. Have a webm with your (you).

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Why would I imagine my daughter having sex of any kind? I'm not a pervert. Are you?

You mean normal?

They'll marry a rich white super beta and not have to work a day in their life

Or they'll die screaming and crying for help as they slowly burn to death in a flaming wreckage on the side of the road after one their idol jocks crashes while driving them home drunk. Good things can happen user.

do americans really get pussy just for being fucking high school athletes?

I hate seeing women waste themselves like this....they will never have a successful marriage...ever...

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>neglect daughter for 18 years
>she ends up a slut

like you wouldn't enjoy two chicks at the same time man

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I believe it originated from NC State University, known in short as just State. Unsure how it spreader from there.

Quads aside, almost every single state college is known in short as State.

In the real world everything doesn't fall apart for somebody because of a few lewd photos/videos they did back in college, especially if they're with a fellow normie that has a past as well.

I've been to NCSU, it has a garbage campus layout but nice buildings.

As a UNC student im obligated to dislike it, however ive heard theyve got a great engineering program. Not my thing but

This is your future wife
Say something nice about her

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Post more of these so I can fap

>like you wouldnt enjoy amphetimines either!
Is there a point to such a reply?

I'm from UNCG and had to visit it to collaborate with a research team from their because a few of the sites we needed to go to are owned by NCSU. I just don't like their campus layout as it's not very self-contained and the city planning is absolute ass compared to Greensboro.

>exclusively picking racemixing shit to post
fuck off with your cuck fetish
the tag is literally for any bottom of the barrel college hoeing. not sure why the fuck it's active now considering that it's the middle of the fucking summer though, but it's literally just drunken thots being thots.

Colleges are primarily racemixing nowadays, white men who aren't the top tier Chads get nothing

God I hope she does that in front of me

Don't worry brothers, soon the fire will rise...

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>the guys are state sports players?
AFAIK this is right. it is college athletes posting about how much pussy they get.

excellent analysis, A+

No hymen no diamond. She will never marry anyone but a cuck.

you have to be an athlete on a non-shitty college team, bro. not just anyone gets this kind of treatment.

these guys get it

At this point I will settle for anything female.

It's an Americuck thing so I don't really give a shit.

he payed them

who's instagram is this from btw? link>

You couldn't be more bitter

>>imagine your cute 18 year old daughter
>imagine having children
>imagine having impregnted a woman
>imagine not being a virgin

I'm not bitter at all

>first thought higher education was to learn a craft
>then thought it just to prove you can adapt to society
>now know it's just an erotic rite of passage

They're fucking to appease the state.
Every hundred years the state rises up. It is the female's jobs to appease the state by fucking niggers.

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It's a documentary about modern american college life.

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State is a generic term meaning college. Generally state schools are just trashy party spots. Hence white girls going to school on daddy's 25k/yr sucking bbc on camera

Sure thing buddy it's all cool when she's a whore just as long as she fucks white guys with herpes

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that's what I thought too, those women are quite fat

Imagine your adorable 18 year old princess going to college and she ends up in a nigger blowjob threesome

God I hope I never have a daughter

I'm telling you, when your daughter reaches the age of eighteen you gotta take out 250k so she can get FUCKED

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