Best method for suicide? I'd use a gun but i'm in europe. Hanging myself seems scary...

Best method for suicide? I'd use a gun but i'm in europe. Hanging myself seems scary, i don't want to suffer before i go, it needs to be either instant or in my sleep or something.
I'd let myself get decapitated by a train but i dont want to involve anyone else.
Any recs?

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helium or carbon oxide poisoning
from what I know it's like falling asleep

Heroin or other opiates are painless I've heard.

They most definitely are not. I've seen people od. They freak out and convulse and die choking on their own spit. Not a good way to go, at least from the way it looks outside.

You don't feel that part. Most of the time people die in their sleep from OD'ing on opiates. They simply don't wake up.

is 80% helium 20% air fine
what else is needed

this seems like it, now just need to find a location

no way i'm getting any sort of drugs as a friendless poor loser

why is this shit so fucking hard

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I guess
what I've seen is you should get about 3 things of it
pipe 'em all together into a mask
release 2 on full blast and last one about a quarter to a half as to make sure the job is finished
also it will suck if you screw up, you could permanent brain damage
then again most suicide methods are all or nothing
if you do it for attention, just call the hotline, taking pills would suck since they will pump them out and from what I heard that'll suck

suicide by cop oririrririirir

pls help plse

Do you people really can't just jump under a train?

pretty sure you need just one tank, and not on full blast. I've read that full blast can burst your lungs, resulting in a painful death

You should get 99.9% helium
If you can't find it search for Nitrogen(from a welding shop)

> tfw normies treat mental illness like "hurr durr man it's just in your head, just don't be sad, it's easy"
> people start commiting suicide through helium inhalation
> normies start to mix helium with air to prevent this

It is like they are ignoring all your problems, let you suffer, so you decide "oh well... nobody gives a fuck so i might as well just off myself"
but that's where normies go ape shit "we'd rather you suffer than to admit that society is shit"

Heres a list of success rates of some methods, hope it helps

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A method I've heard about is insulin, it will deplete all the sugar in your body for a quick enough and painless death.

Nembutal is best option, you could spend all you have to go to Switzerland to try get it or buy it from chinese/mexican markets.

>get full crusader armor
>acquire horse
>charge into a mosque
>kill all heathens whom pray to a false god
>keep going till police show up and shoot you
>go to heaven

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Why not use your suicide to experience something you've never experienced before, like burning to death or worse?
You know what I mean, do something fucking crazy.

We live in it
Gangweeders rise up

Climb to the top of a mountain and freeze to death.

Go drown your self it's said to be the most peaceful way to die