Fembots and mental illness

Why do so many girls on Jow Forums have mental illnesses?

Fembots, does therapy actually help?

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I want ciaras milkers to give me milk desu

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I never took to therapy, but after a decade of trying different meds I've finally found a combination that works and makes me not want to kill myself every day

as for the why...got molested a whole bunch for most of my childhood. you know, the usual.

>big tits

this no way this girl doesn't bang 300 dudes a week. her social media must be full of like hundreds of messages of people begging for just the slightest attention and probably even 9/10 chads would fuck her there's no way she doesn't get tons of dick shes taking the typical whore selfies

also why does every thot have a really new iPhone? does being rich make girls sluts or something?

Why do so many girls on Jow Forums get molested during childhood? It tends to make you more into sex I thought.

not me, just turned me into an anxious mess. I'm 27 and I've never had consensual sex with anyone, and to be honest I'm not really interested in ever doing it with anyone.

probably criss crosses the wires or something so you dont have normal sexual function. I mean molested repeatedly who knows what that could do

tfw you're a guy that got molested and has daddy isseus

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Do you fear men or something?

I know how you feel user. I can't wait for my dad to kick the bucket. Really hope I have inheritance

Stop shilling for psychiatry user

I just fear sex mostly. I'd love to have like an asexual boyfriend to just cuddle and who would never want to put anything inside me.

Fuck off we dont need two Ciara threads, you know all these threads with her face just derail into her. Go to the already existing thread or post someone elses face

Same person posts them late at night when janitors are sleeping
Probably Maimon since he's friends with Ciara now and he has no life

sauce OP ? I have a fetish for Velma tier women

He is? How the fuck does that work

Just checked her private Instagram, fuck you're right

He's been whiteknighting her hard and even spreading stuff like Sunny's dox for her
I wouldn't be surprised if he shills her for her based on the group chat logs in this post

Uhhh, can I legally view those logs? I dont wanna risk it.

>Why do so many girls on Jow Forums have mental illnesses?

user, these "mental illnesses" you're talking about aren't exclusive to the girls here. You could ask the very same question of the males here.

There are no nudes in them
Only Ciara making a fool of herself and being embarrassed by the cat pic leak

>why do so many on Jow Forums have mental illnesses?

My mental illnesses improved a lot since I started Keto/ZeroCarb.

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>Fembots, does therapy actually help?
Therapy helps but it's too expensive to go on a regular basis. If you can't afford it don't bother.

Hol Up she made a new Instagram? What's the @?

what "cat pic"

it feels bad, i hope the same user i hope the same

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My mum was a cunt also. Tfw mum and dad issues. Step dad was abusive, foster dad is a cunt.
When will it all end

Why exactly do you feel therapy helps?

It holds you accountable for your actions. It's easier to make changes when you have to report back to someone on a regular basis. It is also nice to speak with someone who will be nice to you and treat you like a real person. I realize they are being paid to talk to you; it still feels good to have someone on your side.

A boyfriend or husband could do all of that.

i got my mum who does her best with the tools she's got. I broke contact with my alcohol dad and his alcoholic wife.
it will end when you can stand on your own legs, don't let you're issues difine you, You user can still do great things. there are forms of joy that you can still optain even with your baggage. atleast that is what i try

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>A boyfriend or husband could do all of that.
Just another reason to hate myself, thanks.

I'm merely saying my piece. I have a job and a very qt gf. Still can't wait for my parents to die though

Wait what why is that a reason to hate yourself?

Because I can't even do something basic like get a boyfriend. I have to pay someone to give me the things everyone else gets for free.

If you aren't a fat fuck then you could get a boyfriend easily, the question is whether you'd get a worthwhile one.

I wasn't bashing or anything friend.
was just trying to give you some corrage to keep going. because I know the weight of being a male daddy issue victim.

it is very emasculating

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How old were you lad? I was between 3-6
So I never really had that real emasculated feeling.

If my life goes downhill though I worry about the consequences. It only takes a bad day to think about and blame everything and everybody

i was the same age when i got molested, it wasn't my dad though
i got daddy issues when i was 13 when my dad turned his back to me and my mum so he could get a wife that is as big of alcoholic as him

stop being a whiny cunt. no one likes a person that blames other people for their shit. you dont have daddy issues.

I have never met a girl on this website who wasn't into being sexually degraded. Not one.

Well, he can blame you for being a cunt. Because that's what you are. Nobody asks to be molested lad

Degeneracy attracts more degeneracy.
I've found theraphy to be nothing more than just a way for me to get face-to-face human contact. Doesn't actually help me and I've sworn off taking any kind of medication for mental health.