Is acid an Jow Forums drug?

Is acid an Jow Forums drug?

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don't do it user it fucks you up t. 21 year old boomer burnout

Psychedelics are drugs

ive heard tons of nerds say it made them go crazy but idk. ive done it a few times its only 5 bucks a hit off the deep web and if I ever feel anxious on it I just drink some alcohol and I calm right down

Shut the fuck up
I've done DMT 200 times
LSD 20 times
Shrooms 230 times
I'm 36 now

>Shut the fuck up
>I've done DMT 200 times
>LSD 20 times
>Shrooms 230 times
>I'm 36 now

And you are still on Jow Forums
I wonder why...

It is normalfag drug, like any other illegal drug, you cannot get them without acquaintances and without going out, they don't fall from the sky. You have a social life, thus you're either a normalfag, underage attention seeker or failed normie.

congratulations on striking it lucky and not being genetically prone to any mental health issues. others aren't so fortunate.

What this user said. Acid almost totally fucked my entire perception on what was real and ruined my life. Don't take this shit. It's fun but the risk of a bad trip outweighs the good.

21 y.o. reporting in
DMT 1 time
LSD 60 times
Shrooms 2 times.

Shit tier shroom stats i know, I just got some though and am waiting for the right time to take them. Dmt was scary desu so probably be a couple years before i do it again

I didn't obtain these face to face

Shut the fuck UP

>Dmt was scary
DMT doesn't scare me, i fucking rape those creatures in my trips
oooo i love my shadow (dark side)

This dude's a pleb, if you're gonna dress like that you'd better have the balls to commit to it and shave your head

>This dude's a pleb
wew. He trips without drugs
like, shut up
He's an enlightened being. There are only 500 enlightened beings out of 7 billion plebs

I'm pretty sure what i did was 5meo dmt, but that whole "dread" feeling associated with realizing you're dead was fucking insane for me. Scary isn't exactly an accurate word for it though

who cares

acid is fucking incredible and everyone should try it

Why did you believe me you gullible bitch? I don't even know where to get Psychedelics. I'm not gonna suck botnet dick and use TOR

>an enlightened being

spoken like a truly out of touch retard.

>buying into the nonsense spewed by people whose brains are literally fried from chemical abuse

I mean. I just saw it as an opportunity to share my psychedelic stats. But whatever user, if you weren't a complete autist and had friends maybe you'd have a connection and could try it:)

I mean, keep being a pleb. If you want to stay in this 3rd dimension reality, go for it, 7 billion plebs are anyways. Brainwashed cunt

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Yeah you'd think that since he's an enlightened being he'd shave his head

who /gang weed/ here?

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Just give his videos a try. I honestly thought he was a faggot, retard etc etc but damn, it's something wayy different. Yeah, he fucking looks weird. idc

Ggx gang bois!!

Maybe i will user...b-but not because you told me to or anything!!

If you were right you wouldn't be sat here on Jow Forums arguing with losers lol. You probably can't even explain what a 4th dimension or anything higher really is mathematically.

>but muh bruh like bro i took some acid and SAW how REALITy isn't REAL i went to like the 4th dimension and could UNDERSTAND things I can't now

No. It's a failed normie drug. Anyone with real issues, not meme "muh depression" or "muh anxiety" where in reality they are just vaguely discontent and not totally happy for real addressable reasons, shouldn't mess around with psychedelics. They will fuck your mind up bad if you aren't neurotypical to begin with.

That's the craziest part about breaking through. When you're there, you understand more..ish..last time i was 'there' i tried to bring something back with me. At the end of the trip when i was back in my body i was certain that i had done it, but i had no idea what i had brought back.

>thinking that someone who bases their entire identity around drug use is somehow a stable individual

I get how psychedelic can be this life changing thing that can open you up to new perspectives of existence, but it's simply naive to think that these are totally positive substances that can't potentially have life changing consequences, especially when being taken in unsupervised environmental conditions/by young people whose brains are still developing.

>You probably can't even explain what a 4th dimension or anything higher really is mathematically.

Not everything is supposed to be explain in words and equations you atheist . Stephen hawking tried to explain the whole universe in one simple equation and guess what? He died a cripple

>>but muh bruh like bro i took some acid
never done it

>he died a cripple

wow fucking got him I guess

>you athiest

worst insult I've ever heard.

I understand there are things that you can think about that are beyond mathematical and scientific expression but almost all of it is baseless and nothing except fantasy

>worst insult I've ever heard.
am i wrong that you are an athiest? It's not an insult. I can spot atheists and religious fags easily.
Both are retarded cunts

Dude you're worse than the people you're calling cunts. Religious people and atheists are both cunts for sure but people who take psychs and go down the wrong path (self-righteous god complex path) are bottom tier human beings.

basically anyone who acts extremely self-righteous about their identity and is judgmental towards others are shit-tier, like the user you're replying to

>but people who take psychs and go down the wrong path
I never took them

the fact you can't pick up on the fact that he's talking about the medias response to him taking acid not acid itself shows that your brain is permanently fried

>not meme "muh depression" or "muh anxiety" where in reality they are just vaguely discontent and not totally happy for real addressable reasons
He look a perfect description of me

>shouldn't mess around with psychedelics. They will fuck your mind up bad if you aren't neurotypical to begin with.
bullshit. I've never felt more sane than on acid, and I've never felt better after doing something.

Acid can negatively affect a certain kind of mind but not like how you described it at all. I think gullible people with simple, small scope worldviews suffer from acid. It confuses them.
My mind is fractured, chaotic, and spread thin over a vast terrain. Acid lets me experience the kind of clarity that I'd wish for from a fucking Genie. It's utter magic. I hardly even hallucinate unless I decide to, acid is above all an organizational/analyzing tool for me. My fucking handwriting gets neater, I'm more coordinated and in the moment, I'm even more comfortable for people to be around. But I'm not ok sober, no sirr, and not a while people generally respect my mind not a soul in my life would call me neurotypical

I think it's your schizo brain that's fried man, the fuck are you on about?

>not okay sober
>"acid has nothing to do with this"

It's a normie drug

Literally every teenager who thinks they're unique has done it

Good luck in the cult that you're inevitably going to end up joining

I'm not joining shit

Think he replied to the wrong post, was meant to be the McCartney acid video the other user linked

yea its a funny interview

Ah fair enough user thanks for clearing that up

Do lsd but keep benzo on hand to kill your trip if it goes bad.

got off the wrong foot i guess :/

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>>not okay sober
I've had a long, drugless history with mental unwellness that I recognized as such long before I ever touched acid. You can insult my intelligence if you want, but I'll tell you that I'm pretty confident that acid has been strictly healthy for me and for all my problems I do have a good sense of them

And you're literally insulting other peoples intelligence and being incredibly judgmental when you claim that anyone who has negative experiences with acid are "gullible people with simple, small scope worldviews."

>self diagnosed
>Not meme mental health issues
Whatever you need to tell yourself mr normalson.

Robots don't buy drugs off anyone in person, dummy. They just show up on their mailboxes.

That being said, I wouldn't recommend most robots take psychedelics at all. It can exacerbate mental issues like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and psychosis.

If you do them, start with a reasonable dose, and make SURE that you're in a good place mentally and emotionally.

I've taken acid dozens of times, but only ever when I know that I'm in a good place mentally. If you are ever 2nd guessing if you should take psychedelics or not, don't take them at all. Going into it with the wrong mindset or being in the wrong state of mind can really fuck you up.

Probably the most articulate, accurate and reasonable advice ITT.

PCP is the real robot drug

Smoke PCP everyday #YOLO

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is it autistic when I am deeply interested in mind-altering substances or psychonautics in general ?
not only drugs, different kind of meditation, holotrophic breathwork, lucid dreaming, etc.

even the fact that when you get very high fewer you are basically in delirium, similar to as if you took a high dose of DPH, or took Datura

there are so many ways to fuck with your mind, to discover things but just because it is dangerous we rather don't try it right ?
Till this day it is still inconclusive how damaging weed is since bias is enormous and the condition for research is bad ( how can you research properly something when it is illegal )

Besides, when I saw documentaries on drugs, the first weed "ban" was basically to get rid of mexicans during the crysis and the second time with not only weed but most psychedelics, it was because of the hippies who were not in support of the war, they were against the government...

I'm not saying that drugs are good or bad, but they have a place. If your Adderall helps your ADHD even tho it's an amphetamine, why not ?

The problem is the stigma around drugs that has been put in place with false propaganda and war on drugs ( remember that commercial when a schizo smoked weed and murdered his whole family ? )

Drugs can be dangerous and addictive, but even if you are somebody who copes by overeating and junkfood, that can too be considered an addiction.
But people got brainwashed and perceive the word drug as satan himself...
Guess what, benzos get prescribed like candy and are proven to increase the chances of Alzheimers disease and Parkinsons, the withdrawal is supposedly worse than heroin withdrawal but you know, there was no anti-benzo propaganda.

Even if you did pure morphine daily, in reasonable dosages, the physical damage to your body would be lower than that of benzos, alcohol, even weed.

I care about the pursuit of truth, I find drugs fascinating, even starting to study pharmacology because of this interest.

Acid is the drug for "open minded" normie redditors

Heroin is the true robot drug

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