Tfw just got my first paycheck

>tfw just got my first paycheck
>400 bucks
>want to buy a computer for 1200

ah damn it, either they give me a credit card that can reach that (unlikely with my lack of credit) or I wait 4 weeks to get the money

wagie life isnt so bad, only work 3 days a week and moms stopped nagging at me for neeting all the time
you guys made it seem like id want to kill myself every moment of every day till the weekend where it all cools off

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>3 days a week
Kill yourself you fucking manchild, it would be better to just not work at all

400 bucks for 3 days a week? you're making the big bux op

Part time work is the best, superior to both wagies and neets.

Keep on living the good life user.

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> $400 dlls for 3 days a week


Ah yes the pizza delivery guy

quite the extravagant career path

oh shit sorry Ive been working for 3 weeks
so 9 days of work for a net $422

so im not real wagie?

I work the closing shift so I still get to keep the neet sleep schedule
get in at 8 pm and leave at 2-3 am and only work every other day

feels comfy man, even get fridays and sundays off

>400$ for 3 days a week
>400$ for 6 days of work
>400$ for 6 times 8 hours of work
>400$ for 44 hours of work
Yeah it makes sense.


Maybe in your united states of poor
In Australia 3 days of work is easily $600+

why are you fags so obsessed with spending money you don't even have on a computer? aren't you still just going to sit there. like that is such a fucking useless thing compared to a car or something useful for that money. you're just upgrading something you already have to sit in the same chair you've sat for years

a computer is probably the only thing worth spending on these days. everything else is just a money sink. buy a car lmao for what? pinch every penny only to buy a five thousand dollar piece of shit that will break down after six months? lmao get a grip.

last job I worked it for six months, I bought a computer, a nice new bike, and some exercise equipment. then I quit. literally don't need any thing else.

why are you so obsessed with buying a car?

why not spend that money on something useful I mean dont you have two working legs?

god you should save all your money, live with your parents, and dave until they die and youre a dusty old man who lives off rice and tap water but has millions in the bank account for useful things like more rice

vbuck time

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something giving you joy and happiness is not a reason to buy it

you should have one pair of shoes, two white shirts, two pairs of underwear, and two pants that you cycle through every week
you should only eat rice and drink tap water
you should use matchsticks or be sitting in the dark because you dont pay for the useless power bill in your one room appartment in the shittiest part of detroit
you never shower because thats a waste of money
you have one meal per day to save as much rice as you can for the next day
and you wash your set of clothes in the local river because you dont want to pay for the water

this is the optimal way to live so you dont waste your money on useless things like a computer

Just buy a used computer for 400 bucks. Problem solved. You can get a powerful machine for that money.

Don't reveal our secret

but im a brainlet and dont know what to buy
I just looked for the best laptop I could on amazon with the 1060

>this thread
Finally, shilling for the part time master race is starting to bear fruit.

Third or second generation i5, 8 GB of RAM and at least GTX 1050 ti or similar ( look at Techpowerup GPU hierarchy for graphics card tier list)

but I want the 1060 cause im a graaaphix fag

I see that acer predator and I want that
Im probably just gonna wait out the 4 weeks for the money
maybe get a credit card for foods and booze while I wait too

Good for you user. having something to get up in the morning for and go do is healthy for most people. it's the prolonged working in shit jobs that grind a person down. Hopefully this positive experience will be a springboard for you to move even further.

You should get a desktop. Laptops are garbage especially for gaming.

I hate desktops so thats gonna be a no from me dawg
I dont have a desk or room for one cause my bed takes up 5/6 of my room

plus I like to use my laptop on my bed

You might not need to spend 1200. I built a moderate gaming pc for 500. I have a 1050ti and a Pentium G4560

the least I need is $1050

>and moms stopped nagging at me for neeting all the time
Just you wait, a few years from now she'll start nagging you again trying to get you to either work full time or get a second part time one.

>washing your clothes in Detroit river water
Enjoy your cancer, I guess.

Wait until you move up in the workforce! My job is really fun and interesting. The people are nice and I can listen to music my entire shift. Plus I'll make $22/hr once certified (in a year or do), making $20/hr now.

It's really a fulfilling life for me. It adds structure and it helps with the depression because it gives me self worth. When I'm just home, I get bored so fast because I don't have any hobbies that I get done with everything and it sucks. My work is very close so I only have a 7 minute drive, so I have plenty of time in the day to do things that I want to do and not get burnt out on them.

That's like 120 USD though.

Good on you, OP. Enjoy the work, I used my shit job to eventually get better at social interaction.

I say keep working and wait. If you really want the computer now, try and schedule yourself a bit more - otherwise, just wait a little while. It feels good to spend your own money.

I use to work regular wagie 5 days a week 8 hours at least daily shifts and I wanted to kill myself

after neeting for 2 full years after that im giving it another go and only working the bare minimum
if that means I wait a little longer for the stuff I want then so be it, at least I wont be repeating "I want to die" over and over in my head every waking moment