Hey there not to be rude or anything but does anybody want to be my e-bf

hey there not to be rude or anything but does anybody want to be my e-bf

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sure why not, are you into gfd?

Do you want to tell us about yourself a bit, or...?

are you a cute girl? how old?

Only if you like BBC, baby

Yes me if you are a girl

no sorry
two facts about me are that i get really nervous when asked about myself and i don't handle pressure well
i wouldn't say cute, maybe more of a goblin or ghoul type gal some could say. i'm 20
the british broadcasting corporation is ok i don't have much of an opinion on it sorry i watched a couple of their specials
great then

>no sorry
Fuck you

where are you from? oworiginal

I'll happily talk to you, add me on discord. tacticalwater#8363


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western hemisphere
i don't want an e-slut e-bf he has to be only mine

>western hemisphere
Well, I'm from western Europe. I wouldn't want a relationship without the chance of ever meeting.

At least I saved you from talking to my ol' friend Tactical Water.

I'm not a slut. I'm alone and not talking to anybody

Hey man, if you've been shilling your discord here almost daily for at least 7 months, there has to be some deep, underlying problem for you to solve on your own time.

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I shouldn't have to put up with this defamation

we're all just looking for our qt robot g/bf no need to antagonize the poor guy

If I'm the one infrequently BTFO-ing you on your love quest, then you've got some serious issues to look into, friend.

Then again if you're still at it all these months later, despite your superabundance of attempts, there's probably a reason why you're still at home base.

I kept seeing his discord pop up all the time earlier this year, and it reached it's apex back in April, so I thought I'd have a bit of an intervention with him - thought I'd make sure he's doing okay. That devolved into me continuously thwarting his schemes, a la Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner.

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you're a real hero then user

I truly am an hero.

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somebody finally adds me and they delete me for no reason. wtf

I added tacticalwater#8363 and he sent short answers then said he was distracted with GTA. I think he is talking to a few people and lying about it.

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I'm not lying what the hell

That's what you get for adding he-thots.

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Not surprising. I always see his screen name posted everywhere. He probably has a harem of female orbiters that he leads on for lewds.

give me another chance jeez

just another female joining in on this.
i am desperately lonely and would be loyal beyond measure to an e-bf.

will you give me a chance?

only if you'll give me a chance. do you have discord or another way of talking?

i've already posted it in the thread but its tacticalwater#8363 I don't understand why everyone's giving me shit


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Some peopIe have no shame.

all I've done is post my discord, is that a crime?