Why am I obsessed with serial killers, anons? am i that mentally fucked?

why am I obsessed with serial killers, anons? am i that mentally fucked?

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why exactly are you obsessed with them? what is it about them that interests you? your answer will tell us if you are or not

i have no fucking idea
maybe because they are a more genuine expression of masculinity
im just speculating

I'm not sure Holden, why do you I'm so special?

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Try to kill me faggot.

that show butchered ed kemper's mystique

I am too.

It is because I can connect with them.

Most of them have been treated badly by other people. Years of rejection and suffering.
So you have to choices. You can become a depressed whiny faggot that kills himself or you can destroy what destroys you. There is no justice in this world, you can only get justice if you take it. If you put me in a corner and I cant see a way out, you need to pay for it. You need to pay for the pain you have caused me. You will suffer as much as me.

Normies are into this stuff user, its not a big deal. Why do you think there are so many documentaries on these people, you can find them on Netflix, TV etc.

>genuine expression of masculinity
what in the hell do you mean by this

I find them & criminal organisations interesting because I'm very different.

I find them fascinating, I particularly find myself trying to understand their mentality the reasoning behind the motive the way they're manipulative and cunning. I guess that's why I find ted the most interesting his charisma says it all in the end he was an alpha chad, jeff is also quite intriguing the way he turned towards religion and accepting jesus christ after the horrors he committed really makes you think can any sin be forgivable?

cause you're an edgy faggot
grow up or kys

Again. Try to do shit, you're gonna get shot.
Actually, I'd rather break your legs, kidnapp you and torture you in my basement for trying to do shit like that.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

And it's absolutely cringy to read, as a grown-ass dude, how a 16 year old kids would want to off someone. You won't do shit, bitch.

>omg its so kool how they kill le people haha they're so dark and mysteryous hahah I'm just like them hahaha

Very mature response my friend

You wish you were powerful enough to take a life. If I ever saw either of you irl I'd follow you home, get your address then begin calculating the perfect murder. You both are like cattle soon to be slaughtered.

i'll butcher your mystique you little fuck

wow i feel emotionally assaulted
guess you're the real sociopath

You wouldnt do shit if you saw me.

You would think I am a nice shy friendly funny witty guy. You would look into my face and see a genuine good person.
You would invite me to your home, but just as the door closes the mask would slip. I would stab you from behind. Leaving you on the floor I would go and get your wife and kids. I would stab them in their neck and make you watch them bleed to death. Then I would cut off your tongue, your hands and legs, then I would rip your eyes out. Then I would put you in front of the door and would start a fire.

You would be lying on the floor and the last thing you see before bleeding to death is how everything you have worked for burns to death.
Even if you go to heaven, your soul will be damaged for eternity.

Little bitch I take everything away from you.

Because you're underage. It will pass on its own once you find out they're nothing special later when you grow up, there is a lot of more fucked up shit in the world.

PS. I would put the eyes I have ripped out in a place where you can see the whole scenario burning down.

LOOOk @ this dude

Thanks for reminding me to watch American Psycho

I'm obsessed with the Unabomber and all his writings

Well, you can try, but you sure as fuck ain't gonna survive this. Lol.

Also I bet youre morbidly obese or a fucking walking stick.

Stop talking shit online and enjoy your summer vacation. Or someone someday might take you seriously, and you'll find yourself in a situation where your mommy and daddy can't help you.

like I care if I die or live, you really dont understand what motivates evil people

I am above average looks, not super handsome, but you will say he doesnt looks bad

I have no summer vacation, I have been brooding for the last years. There is no humanity left in me

That's resonable though because his writings are an accurate assessment of modern society

Nah you're just tryharding the edgelord class.

>all these edgy post-teens
I thought this got old in 2010, turns out I was wrong.

it is all fun until someone dies.

You like million other people are completely unaware of all the miserable people that live among you. There are so many people that only need one last push to unfold their true potential. Who knows maybe you live fine and safe for the rest of your life, but also remember any someone could lose his mind and stab you to death just because he wants to murder someone.

it's no fun until someone dies

No. I was diagnosed with ASPD 5 years ago. Serialkiller-Stans don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Retarded faggots like you revel in the "glamour" you project onto people like me. It's obnoxious.

I'm on the brink of going on a killing sopree myself, I wish some edgelord would try and kill me.

Plus I sleep with a gun under my bed, and my house has bars on every window.

Lol all these fucking kids larping as edgelords ho lee shit

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You have ASPD that doesnt make you a serial killer or a murderer, it only makes you an annoying faggot.
Who talks about glamour you worthless faggot. This is just a deep desire to hurt and destroy. Do you think these people want to be like that? The world broke them.

They only get what they deserve. Whole society constantly tells us that we are worthless. Why do they make us feel that way. I wanted to be good.

>speak out against edgelords
What did he mean by this?

Please be bait

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This whole thread is about glamourization of the disorder and it's insanely obnoxious.
Fuck off already.

Nah, normies love living vicariously through serial killers to delude themselves into thinking they're complex and interesting.

This is quality comedy here, I haven't laughed this hard in a long time now. Keep being edgy self-unaware teenagers.

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This is about people who weren't bad but who got fucked over by life. They are so broken that they can identify with the most broken people. That's not glamourization, that is true despair. Their is no other solution but destroying left.

>the most broken people
That's the glamourization I'm talking about. ASPD is nothing like that, serial killers are nothing like that.

Serial killers and mass murderers are the most broken people.

You can have ASPD but to become a serial killer and mass murderer life had to fuck you very hard.

I agree with the other guy. They're not the most broken people, they're just your average guy but every once in a while they kill people instead of watching Netflix and chill.

Nonsense, you can just have ample opportunity and a lot of free time.

you know who the biggest psychopaths are?

Homeless. So? Who gives a shit.

Also you can get your face kicked in by a total normie, it does not fucking matter than you don't love your mommy or you killed your cat when you were eight.

Most of mma fighters, soldiers, police officers are normies, but they will fuck your shit up if you would want to start something.

Also those so called serial killers are the biggest losers possible. Stabbing crackheads or kidnapping little kids. How fucking sad can it get.

So yeah. Just keep dreaming and talking shit online.

I am too. My sexuality is very similar to theirs. However, I'd never actually kill someone, and I don't understand how they could do that. I don't understand how one day a guy like Ted Bundy just decided "I'm going to kill for sex" and then actually started doing it.

because you're female thats why

>Serial killers and mass murderers are the most broken people.
That's not always true, a lot of them grew up without any physical/emotional abuse they weren't shunned by society but rather grew into the monsters they became through obsession and curiosity. For example look at bundy and dahmer they grew up christian with loving parents who supported them had jobs and were functional in society, for dahmer his downfall was alcoholism and curiosity he had from a young age with seeing the insides of animals, bundy on the other hand claims it was through his obsession with pornography and wanting something harder and harder each time which supposedly fueled his murders, the majority of them weren't broken people they just became what they were because of the influences they had in their lives

You usually don't suddenly decide, but you work your way up to it.

The point is that one day he decided he'd do it and actually did it. That's the mystery. I'm sure he thought about it before that day but that day was something different.

I like ted kaczynski. If he lived today he would have ended up in here.

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I wouldn't really call Ted a serial killer though. He was more like a terrorist.
Also, there's almost no chance he would post on Jow Forums he actually had high intelligence.