Fat people, what's YOUR excuse for being fatl?
Sure, eating food feels good, but stuffing your face is stupid. You know what feels better than overeating? Having a healthy bmi and looking normal.
Fat people, what's YOUR excuse for being fatl?
I have a glandular problem. No matter what I do, I can never be normal.
i have an fucked up foot , i'm a cripple basically , and my friends made fun of me for years , so i stress eated and now i can't loose any of my body fat without seriously injuring my foot . altough i could do some other stuff , like cycling and stuff , being a poor normie also factors in as to why i'm fat , cuz i waste a lot of money on junk food and don't use it to , say , buy an bike or go to the gym.
I'm never going to have sex so I might as well eat what I want. Have to find something that makes me feel good.
>eat whatever i want
>eat however much i want
>never get any noticeable increase in bodyfat
feels good.
>Be fat
>Be disgusted how fat I am
>Change diet drastically
>Lose weight and now look average
>Never lifted a weight, never did cardio
I spent 8 months at 140 and fit by any reasonable standard. Hated it. The food sucks. Always hungry. Never started enjoying the gym. No one treated me any better to my face, I was still invisible. 200lbs now, overweight, but I eat what and when I want and life is better day to day.
I dunno user sure being overweight feels worse than being a healthy weight but even after working out and getting visibly built I still only see a horrifically underwhelming failure in front of the mirror so not much changed.
Stuffing your face with healthy food is a much better experience than gorging down on grease-laden fast food though and much better on your mind too
Chubby girls are cute, warm, and soft!
I'd trade being fat for being a skinnyfat ultra manlet all day.
Lmao every fat person says this
Lay off the fork fattie
>Eat less than 1200 calories per day
>My basal metabolic rate is supposed to be 1400
>Still obese
I eat and drink (alcohol) more calories than i expend on average.
Oof I got put on hunger anti psychotics when I was anorexic and ill mentally. Now I'm morbidly obese and nearly a diabetic. Thanks British health service. Srsly though I am losing weight
literally just get on the keto diet and do light cardio and the weight will melt off.
How the fuck is your basal metabolic rate 1400?
Even if you're 4'10 and just barely obese, your basal metabolic rate is 1550
If you don't eat I guarantee you will lose weight. It is harder for you, but not impossible. Unless within your body is the ability to circumvent the laws of thermodynamics, I call bullshit.
most women's are around 1400
>Even if you're 4'10 and just barely obese, your basal metabolic rate is 1550
Not her, but my basal metabolic rate is 1,451 and if I ate that amount of calories everyday I would be very fat. I'm 5'2.
Not obese women.
That means you weigh 140 lbs. According to a body mass index table you have to weigh 164 to be obese. If you weigh that much you would take 1550 cals for maintenance level.
>You know what feels better than overeating? Having a healthy bmi and looking normal.
No it doesn't.
My parents overfeed me and my dad threatens to beat me if I don't eat it all.
No time to exercise.
Gotta work, gotta sleep, gotta eat. Might do a bit too much of the last two.