Oh no boyos

Women will refuse to have sex with us unless we become pro abortion
>how will we ever recover?

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Haha, my ex got so pissed with me when I argued with her about abortion and told her it was immoral, practically broke up with me, actually, before I apologized and pretended I was actually pro-abortion.

Fucked her a few more times, but she lost the chance of having a committed and loving boyfriend/husband due to shit like that, kek.

Good luck ending up miserable and alone, you rancid cunt.

Who cares about a committed and loving partner when they can't murder their offspring at will. You have to realize their priorities my friend.
This smart pic related gentleboyo has found the solution.

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I know full well their priorities. I saw the full face of femininity in my last relationship... and it was horrific.

>I traded the right to my own opinion for pussy, sure showed her
>she later dumped me, but the joke's still on her

Well not really, I never changed my opinion, just lied to her about it and never mentioned it again. It wasn't a subject that really came up much.

Like that changes anything, you pussy.

Women are more likely to oppose abortion than men so she's retarded.

Oh I was a pussy, brosephino. I was completely dependent on her, ended up a suicidal wreck after we broke up, for months and months.

Went full ass blasted beta mode, humiliated myself in front of everyone... yeah, was fucking ugly.

yeah bud, she is totally going to be the one miserable and alone. Not you.

I really hope ginsburg keels over. I hope the entier supreme court get stacked with republicunts.
I hope the gop wins in 2018.
I hope trump gets a second term.
I hope he can basically just pass and repeal any law he wants at will because he got the chaos emeralds and can turn into super trump now.
I hope the nukes go flying off.
I hope everyone dies

I hope everyone is in eternal misery forever.

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Of course I'm going to be miserable and alone, but I was before I met her anyway, that's just par for the course for me.

She is also... she just doesn't know it yet.

I like how woman's right to go back on her decision = woman's right to choose.

>tell everyone I'm pro something
>secretely vote against it

Mhmm because just like you think you get to chose what she does with her body you also think you can chose whether or not she is happy and fulfilled.

What a fucking psycho.

Filthy breeders, you scum are a cancer on the earth. If you are on this board chances are your progeny does not belong in the gene pool anyway.

Yes. I told her when we got together, there is no getting out of this.

I warned her so many fucking times, she obviously just thought I was being dramatic or whatever.

Except she is gone and maintains the right to abort if she chooses. Glad she was able to escape from the creepy and controlling relationship. Good on her.

Lol, I know where she is all the time. Know where she works, know where her family lives and works.

She hasn't escaped shit.

you kill h er or some shit bro?

No, no... She's still alive. I haven't harmed her in any way, other than emotionally/mentally.

You might be obsessed and revolving your life around her but she sure as fuck isnt reciprocating. Have fun being miserable and alone.

I'm not asking her to reciprocate. =]

I am personally pro-abortion (think of the amount of nig-spawn that would be born to black women if it was illegal) but can't men just lie, to say they are for, when they are against? Women are retarded.

Why the hell would you break up with someone over politics?

>won't date/sleep with anyone who doesn't support a woman's right to choose.

>unless it's chad.

>being in her body makes you part of her body
Well, currently I'm my house, but five minutes ago I was my car.

The kind of women who are pro-abortion are the ones I wouldn't want to sleep with anyway

That only means you support abortion for nigs, not every other race. It's like claiming to support all abortion because of rape.

Stop being disingenuous you fucking shill.

I support abortion because I hate kids. Adopt the 100,000 other kids stuck in the legal system before you start making more little cunts

Sure, never said this wasnt correct, but supporting abortion for nigs means abortion for everyone you retard. There is no politician who would sign abbortion only for blacks into Law.

Also, how the fuck is stating that you are pro-abortion, but People can simply lie shilling? Are you mentally challenged?

Lmao do you not see how pathetic you sound rn?

Because volceldom, nigger. Women of immoral values and beliefs actually repulse and disgust me. I come to view them as nothing other than physical objects, a glorified fleshlight.

And glorified fleshlights are not worth the money or time they require.

I don't care. =] I'll have the last laugh.

What's wrong with just leaving her alone? Are you really that hung up on getting dumped?

they won't have sex with me anyway, and I am already pro abortion lel

She wasted a year of my life lying to me and presenting herself as someone she was not. And when we broke up the true Tinder thot she always had been revealed itself in all its putrid glory.

I don't care about being dumped, I care about being betrayed. I warned her explicitly so many times, do not lie to me and betray me, don't give me false promises and hope, because I am not built to handle that. I said to her, just break up with me. Just end things and be truthful, don't lie and string me along.

That's ALL I asked of her in our entire year, and despite everything I gave and did for her, she could not even give me fucking that.

I warned her. This isn't on me.

This psycho has 2 threads going about how he wants to rape and murder his ex. God forbid a woman doesnt want to be with, no less reproduce with, an abuse psychopath. And somehow shes at fault for this. Okay.

Oh no. It's like I can't lie to them

fuck off whiteknighting some robot's LARP fake gf you fucking cunt

Of course it's on you, are you incapable of controlling yourself?
>Relationship only lasted a year
Oh I understand, you're in highschool lmao

Excuse me? Who said anything about planning/wanting to rape and murder her? You demented freak.

>are you incapable of controlling yourself?

Yes, absolutely I am. I have absolutely zero impulse control, and she was well aware of this when she got involved.

This isn't on me.

I can understand being anti-abortion, but why would you want anti-abortion laws to be in place though? They only hurt the poor people who cannot afford to bypass them.

>fuck the poor im so edgy

Maybe because innocent humans deserve to be protected by law at their most vulnerable stage of existence?

yeah, totally not you despite same writing style and same creepy obsession and same circumstances. Get over her you edgelord faggot. Get some help and leave her alone. Screenshot these threads of a reminder of what a fucking psycho you are and work towards not being one.

so if you suddenly become pro abortion, women will finally accept to have sex with your mentally ill ass? I doubt it.

Die mad about it incel
Yes it is lol

Umm, where in that thread did I say I planned to murder or rape her? I think you'll find I explicitly stated I would NEVER actually do that.

It would be a crime to suggest you would do such a thing, as well it should be!

But anti-abortion laws are ineffective in such cases, in the sense that they do not stop people from getting abortions at all, only in that particular country/state.

Hello to the FBI agent that is researching old posts of this guy who killed his GF.

As I said in the other thread, she's not worth the punishment doing so would incur. Satisfying as it would be to fucking obliterate that cheap, nasty ass bitch whore, I would spend my life in prison over it, I simply care about myself too much for that.

Everyone is whining about all this other stupid shit to support their stance but this is the real issue. People aren't gonna stop fucking, and despite all the contraceptives out there they don't use them. Even worse, the type of people that don't use contraceptives are exactly the ones we don't want breeding (poor, stupid, etc.). So short of Nazi-style forced sterilization, we simply need abortion from a purely socioeconomic point of view. Not to mention these kids will be unwanted and neglected if they're born, then grow up and do the same shit their parents did.

There are too many goddamn people in this world already. Let's stop more of them from becoming people when it makes sense.

Women will refuse to have sex with us under any and all circumstances anyway, normie scum

>desire to rape and murder my ex
>who said anything about wanting to?

You're not even going to try and deny that you've spent your day proudly displaying your ill-intent toward a girl who seemingly just didnt want to be with a psychopath. I hope you get put away.

Ah, fair enough, I felt the compulsion to, sure. But as I said explicitly in that post, I would NEVER actually do such a thing.

That would be illegal, and wrong. =]

same for murder laws

You've already put your intent out there. It's enough to get you locked up. I hope it does. I hope that poor girl can live her life without you stalking her and her family.

wow, if only the world works that way, that simple.
fuck babies

bussy can't get pregnant

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not him but lol fucking unironically kys normalfaggot whiteknight

could you please tell me where i could find these women? all the women i know are either pro abortion or indifferent

Lmao you're cringe as fuck my mans, good to see you've watched a few episodes of SVU!

Why wouldn't you become pro abortion? It kills annoying fucking babies. Honestly a fucking robot is closer to consciousness than a fetus. Why give a shit?

>Getting mad that someones telling a dude that wanting to rape and murder his ex gf for not wanting to be with him is pathetic behaviour

Why do you feel this way?

>You've already put your intent out there. It's enough to get you locked up.

I can see you're an ardent student of the law, hahahahahahahahaha!

What if we're not fucking faggots? Die, honestly.

The point everyone is missing is that we, robots are not having any sex so this measure doesn't effect us at all.

Straight people can't be robots

do you actually want a screaming rugrat to take care of? If I even knocked someone up I'd be the one who's more pro abortion

>robots still won't go for religious women
It's like you guys are asking to not make it.

lol you sound like a butthurt loser.
"wahh wahh i want to kill babies!"
we're taking it away from you and there's NOTHING you can do about it :) stay mad

I wouldnt fuck any woman if she didnt promise to abort when she got pregnant. I'm not paying women shit, they should be fucking paying me

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>defending someone who says he wants to rape and murder his ex
Keep up with that strong logic.

I'm 27, never been pregnant, never desired to have children and I will retain the right to never have them. You literally can not do a thing to stop me from doing with my body as I please.

>Have fun being miserable and alone

Tits or gtfo roastie cunt

I wasnt defending him, I was mocking you.
>I will retain the right to never have them
Not for long :)

He isn't doing it you retarded moralfag. What's the problem?

I should probably clarify.
obviously if you don't get pregnant you won't have kids if you don't want to.
but if you get pregnant, that's it. The era of abortion is ending.

gonna single handidly outlaw coat hangers, prescription medications, vitamin c, and biology too?

we'll just charge you with murder.
if you don't want babies just don't get pregnant. It's not hard, millions and millions of women do it every day.

That's quite the fantasy world you've imagined. How are you going to know someone is pregnant to charge them with murder? Are you going to arrest every woman who has a miscarriage and make her prove that she didn't do it with intent? Are you going to personally take care of abandoned infants whose mothers could not afford to feed them?

Not as hard as you think.
You could just not get pregnant, it's not hard. Why do women always make this into some weird thing? You're talking about killing babies, no matter how you try to dress it up (it's just a bunch of cells) or how you try to justify it (my body my choice) everyone sees that what this is actually about, is women being allowed to kill babies because the nature of your sex's role in reproduction naturally limits your autonomy.
But that doesn't matter.

>women are objects with no rights
>but the stupid clump of cells in their stomach is A HUMAN
>rightards are actually like this

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Oh. The only time I've ever been at risk for pregnancy was when some pathetic man couldnt control himself. Pretends he didnt cum in 20 seconds and let's himself get soft enough for the condom to fall off, can't control himself enough to not cum in my pretty, tight, pussy ect. Why is this on me?

I like how you won't provide any answers to those questions though because you know you're living in a fantasy world and "killing babies" is going to continue to be a thing that you and all these other religious zealot psychopaths have no control over.

The man shares responsibility.
I'm not religious, and it's going away, you have no control over it. No matter how many times you deny it or how many women you get on the street to march.

>make yourself look like a looney who is way too obsessed about politics.
Not the best way of making yourself good dating material. The last thing you want to talk about during first date is politics.

You silly nigger, you're too stupid to actually formulate an argument.
They're only a human UNTIL it's clear they aren't a woman.

Jeez, sounds like you are the miserable one. If this is what a comitted/loving boyfriend sounds like then she dodged a bullet!

You are fighting something you have 0 control over. You're never going to stop me from accessing vitamin c, a staircase, a renegade doctor, prescription medications that cause abortions. Never. No law will stop me, no man who will never experience pregnancy, nothing will stop me.

why are you so adamant about killing your babies? it's quite ironic and funny, you call other people psychos lmao

So? ur not even going to do anything about it except sit around with your tiny dick in ur hand. U sound like a faggot and unless u shape up u sure will not get any puss again

you're clearly not following your own formula here. how are you going to insult my intelligence and still act like a retard?

why do you care so much that you need to act like a little faggot white knight when it kinda obvious that it doesn't work in other words i could easily say you're the pathetic one haha

I've never been pregnant and don't ever intend to be, so I'm not adamant about anything. In fact I recently met 3 female OB/GYNs who said they will provide s tubal litigation despite the fact I'm under 30 and don't have children.

And yes, you lot are psychos without any sort of critical thinking skills. This dude is posting about raping and murdering his ex and hes not a psycho? Keep up with that tight logic man.

so I guess both of them are just objects then?


I'm not in any way related to that guy, I don't know why you're wrapping me in with him and then telling me that I somehow don't have logic (when I've said nothing illogical).
It doesn't really matter. If you don't want kids just don't get pregnant. Get your tubes tied if you want that's fine no one cares.
But if a woman gets pregnant she has a moral responsibility (and soon a legal one) to carry to term.

HAHAHAHA well of course shes going to lie and string u along if u say some gay stupid shit like that to her. Women work differently than guys dont take it personally just learn from ur mistakes and try not to be a huge bitch like that around a girl if she shows interest. Girls like guys that act like men, sounds like she did not know what she wanted when she was with you and then realized she didnt want you and slept around a lot.

The only thing on her is she did not realize what a giant faggot u are when she let u into her life. Be grateful u could be together and try to learn from it and move on. It may not seem like it but u will be alright and if u met a girl worth dating once it will happen again

No she doesn't and she won't. Your imaginary, uninforcible laws, don't exist and never will.