
Depression and Anxiety Edition

Welcome to /fraud/, the steroids and blogging general.

Before asking your stupid questions, read the Reddit wiki:


Also, include:
>pp size
>time spent lifting

Oral-only cycles will suppress your natural testosterone production and are far less beneficial than injectables, so don't do oral-only cycles. If you're scared of needles just admit it.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

No source talk. Figure it out yourself.


Attached: Yuno 13.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shes so cute rgggh

tfw no yandere rem qt maid gf

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>That;s like saying; what is the point of living if you die anyway.
I get that thought pretty frequently.

>I just want a little brother like you who can i can fuck up everyday for being a fucking pussy. Make him hard and strong.
You've got your hands full with your older brother.

> wtf you have so many girly traits but look good, did you look bad when fat or without a beard etc?
I looked horrible when i was a teeny, mostly because retarded haircut because my parents let it do by a good fren and fucked up style.
Still insecure because of that shit.

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oh damn, if you had a full head of hair what haircut would you get rn?

Same as now.
I think it looks good on me.

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That's a neatly trimmed beard.

thanks sorry for the questions but did you have your beard before aas?

Anyone in the UK got advice about getting bloods done, am on a 6 month cycle and want to extend but really wanna make sure I'm not destroying myself internally.

Would my GP laugh me out of the building if I asked them to do it?

No that's something different because he's older. Nobody can save him. Suicide is his only option now

6.5 could lean to a 7 if you have a good chin and jaw.

Balding is killing you. I hope you take measurements to prevent any further damage

If you sponsored me I'd love to come live with you and you can abuse me daily.

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Medichecks m9
Usually about £89 for sports hormone but they sometimes runs deals and offers

I am not even sponsoring my gf

Im still natty, so yes i did. :3
Too late, its genetic and if i hop on gear it just get worse.

Damn brehs I am becoming more of a sexual deviant by the day according to my dreams

Everything in my brain revolves around sex no matter the situation it is always 2 or 3 steps away.

I had to wake up in the middle of the night twice to jack off or I could not sleep, the second time I just pulled up porn because I was so tired and it would take forever



DUDE NOOOO, get on the hair supplements RIGHT NOW or regret it and become like JM forever finding meaning to life

HAIR is so fucking important. There a few people who can pull it off and look good, you're not one of them.

Too bad you can never put it to use

Based frogposter
What do u mean? Did u not notice your gf's butthole and pussy were extremely loose from my BBC ? Or is it always loose around your manlet cock

Am I your gf? No. I'm way better.

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Apparently this guy is nominated as the best looking guy from the Netherlands. The guys just looks like a normal dude lmao

How big is it?

Can you cook and clean?

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>that acne
>brown eyes
>major dyel
>shit skin
>shit tier tattoo
LMAO dude looks like the average 30 year old guy with 2 kids that works valet

Shit tattoos completely ruins his body

>pants in the water
Chicken legs detected

>abs only look symmetric when hes leaning badly


Post a back pic like this pussy

Attached: 107075DC-9BCB-4EBA-AAFE-560C92247107.jpg (3088x2320, 1.44M)

I know right, but i when i saw his competition i could understand.

>roiding for this

And those tattoo's WTF

could you cope any harder?


Coping with being more attractive than the most attractive Dutch man ?
Do u Kno what the word means or what

That hairdo

So? I was twice your size when as a natty. No excuses, you look dyel piece of shit. Cancer hippie

Also i would calm down a bit, you're talking against a high caliber god here. Your words doesn't match the way you look.

still need to lose 12lbs by the end of july, dont even care if i lose muscle cause my arms are already too shitty and cant fit turtlenecks or suits properly



I didn’t come here for fashion advice from you. I wanna see how your back compares to mine

You’d have to be taller than 5’5 to be twice my size champ

I want ETSP back

>Can you cook and clean?

Stick me in a maid outfit and I'm sure it becomes second nature.

Not everyone has shitty genetics like you. Don't have to be mad bro, you just don't have it

My little brother is currently on nothing and he btfo all of you in size while eating and training like shit


I am 6' and i have proven this many times. You're just too retarded to understand, that would also explain those retarded tattoo's, kek

Pics of this?

You think I have a maid outfit on hand?

Okay, what do i need? Minox, Fina and?

6' in lifts on a platform maybe

What does tinder mean when they tell me I have a new like but there’s no one in the new matches?

would doing eating challenges while blasting (test/tren only) kill you
asking for a friend

Reminder that mast has never posted a full body pic and always is hiding his feet because he’s standing on pic related to seem taller.

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This kills the mast

Don't you mom has one

Your case is pretty fucked. Fina + keto. I wouldn't fuck with minox.


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Why would my mum have a maid outfit? My mum is also like 5'2". Even if she did, it wouldn't fit.

It's just an autogenerated notification. When I had tinder I used to put it on so I wouldn't show up in the stacks but I still got notifications of likes days after.

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>hides foot behind bench

You can clearly see his feet dumbass




Roll play? Is your mother good looking? How old is she

Yeah maybe i photo shopped those feet on the ground LMAO

Attached: GOD.jpg (500x667, 41K)

Nice height hahaha

She looks good for her age. When she was younger people thought she was my older sister. She's 46 this year.

>small Pepsi bottle looks like a 2L next to him

Stand closer to the mirror. Also m, aren’t those incline benches like 2.5 feet tall at an angle?

xd dont leave us god

Do you look more like your mother or father?

I would look like a fucking titan next to you

The proof has been PROVIDED and yet your retarded brain is desperately looking to cope.

Fascinating how your dyel brains work.

Attached: 224.jpg (450x495, 33K)

>gets called a manlet
>goes into a shitposting rage

Attached: 8B0A7938-7952-41D3-9319-145F34FF85D4.jpg (220x220, 9K)

Weight in this pic?

Neither. I don't really resemble my parents. My brother looks a lot like my dad as he's gotten older and my sister is starting to resemble my Mum more.

I don't really look like anyone. Like I have green eyes. Mum has brown. Dad has blue. Both siblings got blue eyes. Mum has dark brown hair. Dad did have blonde hair. I got this sandy kind of brown. Siblings got blonde. My lips, nose, eye shape, eye brown, practically everything looks different other than my body type which I got from my Mum.


Mast gets triggered by me remarkably easily


Sounds like your mom was taking some BBC loads on the side
Tiny titan

Holy shit.
That 1.25L bottle is about 2m behind him, but is still as call as his core.
He must be 4'11"
No wonder he's so addicted to synthol

I was 110 kg before cutting. So i would guess 108-109 kg or something

I normally lose 3-4 KG during cuts, but them i am quiet shredded with veins on my abs etc

You can't trigger because I know yall look like pic related

fucking skinny tampon boys

Seems like you got the best genetics then.

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How did you get this pic of me on a bulk?

My sister has done bikini modelling. She by far got the best set of genetics.

pics faggot

Mind sharing pictures?

I probably couldn't even find them if I wanted to. She didn't do it for very long because she couldn't get much work out of it being as short as she is. She's just very slender.

Put on a wig and pretend to be your sister so I can fap

t. Copeus Maximus

Mate, if I could look as good as my sister just by putting on a wig. I sure as fuck wouldn't be doing steroids and thinking about suicide.

Lets see face atm, Havnt seen your beautiful mug in a while

Sometime i wonder if you are a sperg, roid burned your brain, or simply a strange troll

It's 11:20pm at night. I've worked three 12 hour days in a row and been averaging about 4 hours of broken sleep a night for the past week. I look like complete fucking garbage right now. I can barely keep my eyes open but my body won't fall asleep when I close them.

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crusader do you work full time with uni? how bad is it?



How much is too much?


Trying to fit in autistically

T.B.H i think he's pretty funny when he's triggering everyone and making nano go insane every time

Woman with muscles are more gay than a twink/tranny

I'm on uni holidays at the moment and work knows it, so they just shift tons of shit onto me because they know I won't ever say no.

I'm sick of working there. The girl bullshit is annoying, management is shit, the work is just more fucking office monkey bullshit combined with running back and forth through the building, and it takes me a minimum of an hours drive there and back WITHOUT traffic. I just want to work somewhere local like a normal uni student, like a retail store or something simple. Life needs to be simpler.

This gave me a giggle.

This would translate to "Now, sleep a crusader."

Attached: Rem 31.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

I tried (⌣_⌣”)



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How much plastic surgery do I need to not be a facelet ?

10 weeks out of 12 into 1g tren p/w.

This is getting hard.

Here's a question for you roiders out there: What do you guys eat and how much? Any foods to avoid? Any foods to prioritize over others? What's your opinion on milk?


Attached: 1524480516957.jpg (645x773, 120K)

>How much
3400 Maint
4000 Lean bulk
4000+ Bulk

The ones I dont like

Love it

How could we possibly know without seeing your face first.

Eye area is the most import factor. Everything else cab pretty much be fixed

Your physical genes don't matter because your entire family is fucked in the head as apparent from your posts. I feel sorry for you.

i'm cutting on 1600 calories while lifting 7 days/week on 300mg test at 180 pounds and 2 weeks in all I wa nt is to eat a nice icecream cake
what do

This is the dumbest post I’ve read all morning and masT has been posting a lot.

wow i'm trying to cut fast and i'm 5'7, im seeing more veins and bones everyday. who hurt you big guy why cant you just help someone in desperate need of assistance and guidance

>cutting on 1600 calories while lifting 7 days/week on 300mg test at 180

Attached: B12A3CF5-F03F-4803-9DA1-FFC5F3BC63AF.jpg (211x239, 20K)

Because some lazy fat fuck who cries about wanting cake like a fat roastie isn't going to get legitimate advice

are you trying to tell me I should eat more? I've read that I can cut faster on test and I get 180g of protein everyday in wow

Post body then I can judge

>Your physical genes don't matter because your entire family is fucked in the head as apparent from your posts
I am rather fucked in the head than fucked in the face and body like you are

1kg chicken, oats, veggies, 14 eggs, nuts a day, cottage cheese, 1 banana

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No you wouldn't. You'll never be content with yourself and your fucked up family until you die in 10 years and leave them behind.