Describe Yourself

>25, white male, blond/blue eyed
>5'10, skinny, caspier tier pale
>fucked one girl, Asian petite qt, was my gf for a year
>nofap crusader, currently on about 110 hours of straight nofap
>volcel, will not put up with roast tier women anymore, after my ex, was the only time I ever put my beliefs aside because I fell for the love meme
>hate degeneracy (pedos, adulterers, homosexuals should all be hanged/gassed/burned)

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You're a fuckin Normie gtfo faggot

Sure thing kiddo

>counting in hours his shitty lack of masturbation
>boasting about who knows what ulgy skank he had for a gf

kill yourself, my man.

Despite being short I actually get a lot of interest and attention from girls. With my ex, for example, she:

>approached me (left her counter, walked up two flights of stairs and approached me on the balcony, we worked nowhere near each other and I hadn't so much as spoke to her before)
>flirted with me
>gave mer her number even though she wasn't sure if I was flirting back
>made the first move
>fucked me bareback on the third date and swallowed my cum
>left her boyfriend for me despite me having literally nothing and him having a car, good job, a house, rich parents etc.

>Believe they are genetically inferior

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Just bee urself, bro! xD It's all about confidence and assertiveness!

Half-Viet, Half White, all incel. This bad boy is a 5-foot-seven 215 lb walking meme, with all that entails. An aspiring filmmaker with a small collection of 2 minute films starring himself since he has no clue how to crew, he pretends that his collection of dark thin shirts and cargo shorts looks absolutely fine on him even though he hates wearing shorts. He says he wants to get in shape to meet girls, but really he just wants his mother to quit bitching about essential oils and juicing and The Secret and just let him live his life.

Yes sir, this autistic fuck has had the gateway out of virginhood opened to him THREE TIMES and he has no idea how to make a move and seal the deal! At this point, hes afraid to have sex because he thinks hes past the age when it should have happened! Speaking of sex, this kind-eyed college dropout doesnt even know how to ask a girl for casual sex, and would be completely unprepared if it happened!

All he has in his life are films! Two days ago he bought the noir classic Kiss Me Deadly and the subversive punk nightmare Repo Man just because of the annual criterion sale at Barnes and Noble!

>>fucked me bareback
excuse me but what?

>>hate degeneracy (pedos, adulterers, homosexuals should all be hanged/gassed/burned)
>>left her boyfriend for me despite me having literally nothing and him having a car, good job, a house, rich parents etc.

Yeah, she let me fuck her bareback 3rd date and cum inside her, also blew me and swallowed as well. When I was about to fuck her she literally just asked "Do you have any STDs", told me if I gave her anything she would tell people I raped her.

Should have been a major red flag, and it always was to be honest.

Well here's the thing, I'm aware of the hypocrisy, but she approached me and told me she had broken up with him when she was over fucking me.

I think that was a lie though, because months later when I convinced her to be with me after we had been messing around for a bit, she funnily enough asked me to lie to her mom and her ex and tell them we hadn't had sex in the entire time we had talked and known each other.

So I think for sure she was with that guy the full time.

But hey, I paid for it, dude. My paranoia over her broke our relationship, my paranoia sprang from the fact that she (almost certainly) cheated on her ex with me.

Now she needs to pay.

Cringe lol, why would you base your personality off of the fact you can't pull a root more than once?

Eh, if I was a girl and some dude gave me an STD while insisting that he was clean I'd tell people I was raped as well. it's almost on the same level if the disease is serious enough

>has sex

I mean more the fact that she was happy to fuck me bareback while simply asking if I had an STD, THAT should have been the red flag.

Apparently she had only had sexual contact with two people before me though, both of them 2 year relationships.

>18, light brown hair with blue eyes
>thin, vascular manlet
>pale with fine hair, which I hate
>hate degenerates of all types
>spend my time trading bitcoins and running around at night

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>long brown hair
>blue/green eyes
>dyel tier body. clearly defined (albeit small) muscles. getting Jow Forumster day by the day.
>pretty good body genetics, not so much when it comes to my face
>currently planning on making a business (coffee shop)
>don't give a fuck about sex/relationships at the moment, so virgin (incel is a r*ddit term)

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>28, hispanic male, short black hair, dark brown eyes master race
>5'6" skinny 119lbs light tan skin
>saving myself for marriage or when I fall in love
>only interested in Asian or white female, don't want no thots, no money grabbers
>I exercise all day and I expect her to do the same, but I don't mind her being thick
>I'm pretty innocent in most things, but I'm not thirsty for tight twat
>Don't play video games, you'd have to force me
>thinking about going back to school because I can't find work where I live

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>long brown thick hair
>thin af, almost feminine
>feminine lips and long eyelashes(told by some girls so it must be true)
>greenish grey eyes
>no interest from girls ever

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>26 white male, long blond/brownish hair
>babyfaced and skinny, 5'7 135lbs
>kissless virgin
>likes to stay inside

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Couldn't you make it more interesting, like I dunno
>describe yourself in a cryptic way and other anons try to guess X about you
that's would be more entertaining. Instead we get another data mining/khvs whining thread. wow.

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you should have grown out of the edgy fagscist phase in your early 20s