Why do I consider pic related charming and beautiful, when I'd definitely find a real person with the same aesthetics ugly, fat and generally disgusting?
Why do I consider pic related charming and beautiful...
Uncanny valley effect
>i find real women disgusting because _______ , but find 2d women the best thing ever because ______
congrats user, ur 99% of the people on Jow Forums proud of you
this one has perfect tfacial symmetry and flawless skin
plus, real moana wouldn't have a waist like that. she'd be tubbier.
again, this one is very cute in this drawing. I'd definitely kiss her.
But in reality? No chin, weirdass eyebrows, fat legs, giant ugly nose... bleah
it's because you're imagining the "real life" version of her to be better than she actually would be
I don't like the girl in the top picture. face too wide, chubby arms, hair are not just... right, weird brows.
I don't like the girl in the bottom pic either tho: looks like Wreck-It Ralph
>Chubby arms
Those are what normal arms look like user. You can't get much thinner than that unless they have no muscle.
>pit skin vagina
those are chubby arms
Yes the waist means a lot and there are a lot of other things, ratios of the body parts and the volume of hair (seriously people always underestimate this) for example. The creators deliberately manufacture these characters to make them as attractive as possible. Just look at cosplayers, very few people have the body to nail a character and it is usually with a lot of smoke and mirrors.
>I'd definitely find a real person with the same aesthetics ugly, fat and generally disgusting?
If you'd direct that bile toward anyone just because of their appearance, you should take a hard look at what kind of impact you want to leave on the world before you die.
>you should take a hard look at what kind of impact you want to leave on the world before you die
I did, years ago, and I'm living accordingly since then.
I want to be forgotten one second after I die.
Now lets see this from another angle... waist is impossible of course, hair is photoshoped etc. It is really good but it is obvious step down from the original.
That's the skin around the chest being pushed up by the fabric of her clothing which causes that. Not the arms.
Here is a really good Merida but the clothing help a lot and the hair is obviously fake.
Then stop causing others to suffer with your words, user. Hurting other people causes suffering and does nothing to make your situation improve. It takes no work to not be nasty, why not stop?
>Then stop causing others to suffer with your words, user.
If someone suffers because of WORDS, they fucking deserve to suffer.
Nobody deserves to suffer, user.
You must think all incels and robots deserve to suffer then, because being verbally bullied is what got them here in the first place.
if you're WEAK to the point that a some WORDS will make you suffer, you do.
If you're intelligent enough, this suffering will help you becoming a stronger person.
If not, just throw yourself down a peak. Over 7 billions people on this planet, almost 8. No need for yet ANOTHER needy crybaby who will never do any good in their life - nor for themselves, nor for others - and only will burn resources that could be useful to other, more worthy, people.
>You must think all incels and robots deserve to suffer then
absolutely correct
>tfw no maori gf
kill me now anons
This is one of those situations where saying these words makes you feel powerful and in control, user, but you don't really understand what you're suggesting. You're saying that if someone is vulnerable, it's okay to make them suffer. All that does is create a situation where people make each other suffer, so the ones made to suffer grind just barely hard enough to gain a little bit of power so that they can make other people suffer in return. When people are supportive of each other and press each other to success, it makes everyone succeed. This is what happens.
Conversely, if you make others suffer, not only are you encouraging a system where it's accepted and encouraged to make other people suffer, you are building suffering into the system. Then when you are suffering, you blame other people for making you suffer, like blacks, immigrants, fags, anybody but the people with more power than you, because accepting suffering in your life has made you weak, feeble, and powerless against them. They have more power than you, OF COURSE they're making you suffer, that's the way the system is designed.
So you aren't keeping others down as much as you're keeping yourself down. Not sure why you want to do that.
Extremely soft skin and big eyes.