27+ Thread - It's not old, it's just not young

27+ Thread

What's on your mind old and broken anons?

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Thanks for asking. I've been getting into games and the new kids coming up are really great. I'm glad the gaming community left all that gamergate / red pill shit behind.


It's the same shit over and over again. I'm tired of videogames.

I thought I was too. Then I got an Oculus Rift.

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A steep investment for a NEET. The jobcentre doesn't pay that much.

I was thinking of getting one, but I can't justified the cost.

Valid point. Keep your eyes on some of the WMR headsets coming out between now and the end of the year. There was a mixed reality headset earlier this year with better optics than a Vive Pro, add steam knuckles controllers and you've got a sick VR system for maybe $250 instead of $600-$800 for a four sensor room scale Rift setup with overhead cable management and eneloop batteries and shit.

>Wow, stopping coffee made my mind so clear!
>Woa, going nofap makes my mind so clear!
>Stopping alcohol really clears your mind!
>Working out really makes your mind so clear!
Well, working on those four in variating degree of success, all I've seen so far is how empty my mind is. Sure I may have managed to walk to the store and buy some stuff and done some things I procrastinated - involving a purchase all done while I had an appointment. But here at home, all I do is sit down and stare at this tupid screen. I can't focus on a book, I can't read an article without having the words just be there, it's like I'm dozing off whenever I need to focus.
That focus for me is just stare out in the nether and shrug, I can do that with a book infront of me, of a screen. I can't switch a book constantly though

t. broken 29

Today should be good I'm getting a bunch of xanax later I gotta drive my friend to the doc. I get to leave work early too so that's a bonus, I need to get the fuck out of there it will be 4 years in september and I still have like no money and live with the folks.

I still drink coffee. I quit everything but coffee and weed, including all prescription painkillers and muscle relaxers for my back. I have home gym equipment that I use now, but I used a gym membership when I was starting out. It was like going to a job. You go there, put on YouTube or whatever, and just zone out for an hour. Used to go for a swim after. Now I watch twitch/YouTube and work out at home. But you have to treat it like a job.

I've fallen into a very comfy rut. I used to long for more, but at 32 I'm happy enough with my simple wagie life.

It's hard to cope with the idea that I'm wasting my potential and slowly killing myself by indulging in escapism.

Social anxiety and sloth have ruined me.

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I feel like my parents failed me. They thought independence would suddenly grow on me but it never did.

>tfw 29 year old bouncing baby boy

who here sippin' and playin' vidya today

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>part time minimum wage job that I hate
>eternally single
>cant drive
>live in shitty rented accommodation
>people think im like 20, yes I look young but they think that because im not as a 27 year old should be, basically have the personality and life stage of a teenager

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Lined up for a promotion at work and seeing a girl i really like. I still feel awful and dont know why.

Finished with the task given by my sister.
I hope she gets a good grade now, has 1 week left, but is a bit sick atm.

>people think im like 20, yes I look young but they think that because im not as a 27 year old should be, basically have the personality and life stage of a teenager
That's exactly it, I don't look young but I think I give off the vibe of someone inexperienced in life.

How to find a job quickly and easily? Parents will kick me out in a month if I don't find one by then.

What's the difference between VR and MR? Is it kinda like AR?

Same user, exactly that. It dosent help that I have anxiety and confidence issues, I got my first job at 26 too and its only part time, im at the stage someone might be 10 years younger than me. Its getting embarresing, each year that goes by people are more and more shocked when I tell them my age and its just going to get more weird as I get older because I am too retarded to have an actual career.

>briefly met a psychotherapist 1 mo ago
>said she was surprised to see a man my age with literally nothing going for me
>always assumed there's more neets like me i tell her
>says no im an rare exception

Sometimes i forget the company i have on this site and things i read doesnt reflect reality.

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>going to psychotherapist
>expecting they will tell you something other than normie blabbering bullshit

Have fun, you will eventually realize after dozens of sessions that it was all useless.

>What's on your mind old and broken anons?
I thought that said "What's on your mind old and broken anus?"
I thought there's a trick

You think getting one job is hard? Try getting two. While you have no drivers license, and no college degree. Pretty sure I only got the first one because the person interviewing me didn't even bother looking at my application. And rent is expensive enough in my area where I need to get a second minimum wage job, I can't afford to move out on one.

Has anyone had to watch their own parents slowly LDAR?
My mom has just given up on life it seems. All she does is sit in her chair watching TV. She doesn't even talk or do anything. She doesn't even eat, the only thing she eats are potato chips and cans of cake icing with a spoon. It's fucking disgusting. I just took one out of the fridge and read the ingredients, the first ingredient is "Partially Hydrogenated Basedbean Oil."
I'm trying to understand what she is thinking when she does this. I remember how she was when I was like 6, she would have never done something so degrading. She just doesn't care. I don't know how to help her though. Sometimes I think I don't care either and then I feel even worse. Maybe I'm the one who did this to her.

what qualifies as having something "going for you"?

>Sometimes i forget the company i have on this site and things i read doesnt reflect reality.

Always have one foot in reality when reading this site.

How about no. How about it's actually pretty nice, and how about the world stops being so shitty first.

WMR is just Windows marketing, those are virtual reality headsets.

Were we early/core Millennial robots ahead of our time? It seems like everyone forgot about us.

Yes, we are the forgotten generation

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Still should be 30+

Is the reason were such outcasts because we were like Generation Z?

>that 27 year old boomer who thinks he's a victim of...something.

I want a qt virgin asian gf so we can be alone together.

>that feel when 1/5 of the userbase here is underage, and another 1/3 is between 18 to 20 years old

Over 55% of the userbase here is below 20 years old...oh dear

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>ahead of our time
Possibly. I mean, no one wanted to hear about Hidden Palace in Sonic 2 in the early 00s when I was at school and now we have million-viewed videos on youtube talking about the construction of the sonic 3d fmv sequence on megadrive.

We kinda got fucked.

We paved the way for them

nice numbers pulled right out your ass

>life experience in general

>psychologist actually giving her own opinion
I wish. All I had when I tried that was one way questions to force me into some kind of introspection. Bitch, I have no non-work related social contact at 30+, anything I come up with on my own obviously doesn't fucking work. "Oh, but why do you think like that, user?" Hurray for running in circles.

This. 30 is a cut-off, if you're still here, you're a major fuck up. 25 or even 27 year olds may be still finishing their higher education and will get a decent job within next year. 30+? No way.

Your therapist doesn't know shit. Here's a secret: they have no idea what they're doing most of the time, I bet draw doodles in those notepads most of the time, it's a complete scam, and I do mean the whole field

I tried psychotherapy as a very pathetic attempt at having a substitute of a friend, someone I could talk with, who would listen and maybe give some advice without getting all disgusted and angry at me. You know, like in the movies. Nope, can't have it. Maybe it's an American-only thing, I don't know. I think psychotherapy is for self-centred females, some kind of a journey to discover yourself when you don't have money or "balls" to go on an actual journey.

I applied to Starbucks today because I can't afford healthcare on the temp jobs I've been doing this year. Fucking kill me. I feel like this is a new low. I wish I could start over. Go to college for a degree that isn't a meme. Shouldn't have listened to boomers that said it didn't matter your major. "Just get any degree. They wont care what the degree is." Fuck all of you. Therapy is too expensive, meds are too expensive, can't power through the depression without them. I'm ready to die. Obviously I'm not meant for how the world works now.

>tfw going back into wageslavery

I guess it had to happen eventually, being NEET was getting boring though.
I'll be getting kicked out in a few months regardless so I kinda have to.
Fuck me I'm gonna end up in a shitty studio apartment or some shit. Can't wait :^)

he's probably right though. I, for one see the deliverance in this - soon I'll feel alienated and ashamed enough to stop browsing this site and make better use of my time (possibly finally killing myself).

I love living in tiny places as long as the area around me is cool. Not like I'm entertaining guests anyway. Just need a bed and a kitchen. Spend more time outside walking or at cafes than inside if you start to become a monster.

True, I guess a studio apartment wouldn't be so bad if it's just me.
I potentially have a roommate though, so depending on that I'll have to go bigger.

there's nothing wrong with owning a little space for living. Not like you're going to have people sleeping over

There was this survey, it's opened on my phone still. Gonna post the link to it.

>Not like you're going to have people sleeping over
Your words upset me but I know they ring true


But n is only 112...dunno

I wish I lived alone sometimes. On one hand I miss it, on the other hand, having someone around makes me feel judged just enough to keep my life in order just a bit more. Like, I dont spend days unshowered in my underwear because I'm embarrassed what they'll think which helps mental health stuff a little bit. But living alone was so comfy. Just never having to worry about noise, appearance, staying up all night doing nothing, drinking out of the bottle in bed at 10 am...

I'm sorry user, I was talking to myself, didn't mean to be mean.

Man, if I hit 27 in 9 years and I'm still going to Jow Forums I will take it as a sign that I have failed at life and kill myself, making a note to myself right now to remember this.

>posting in the "25+" thread
You're already a fuck up in life user

I just assume no one here is actually 25+, old people don't come to Jow Forums lol, it would be like my dad watching anime and posting it on snapchat levels of weird

user, you're vastly underestimating how bad things can get. Fuck off to faceberg or whatever equivalent normie website is popular with your age group. There's nothing for you here except autism. Run along now.

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Honestly I think I need somebody around to keep me in check or I'd just let myself go to absolute hell.
Living alone was nice, but I have a habit of letting things go for far too long until they get REALLY bad.
I basically have no standards for myself so I need somebody else's standards to live up to.

At the weekend my 24 year old little sister is going to have her wedding. While I never had a relationship in my life. It is so fucking depressing.

Nice baiting....in 2 months I am gonna be 32 yo.

yeah but she's a woman and women can get a relationship whenever they want, no matter how ugly or autistic.

>I just assume no one here is actually 25+, old people don't come to Jow Forums lol,
Oh user, you're so naive.
Depending on the board, some have an average user age of over 30.

I'm dating a 23 year old autist girl and its great. Try OKC guys, maybe you'll meet an autist from online dating too.

1. This site was probably around before you were born
2. Probably 90% of this website was 25+ for years
3. Why should we ever leave?

Here's a meme from the 90s, Donald Trump Ate My Balls

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It still fucking hurts and I am depressed because she deserves a better brother than me.
I should be happy for her but I am not. I told her I didnt even really want to go and she started crying, begging to change my mind.

Thats a throw back.
The "Mr. T ate my balls" thing was never really funny in 2001

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pretty meh. I'm 31 and living with mom and we are in financial stress right now. However I'm investing in a great business cos I saved every penny and in a few years i'm gonna get loaded. Plus I'm very healthy and fit cos I workout since i was a teenager so I look young and thots always compliment me. I am going to make it and so are you. We are men.

I'm not sure how much of the internet was supposed to make you guffaw. Mainly it was just weird people being weird on purpose.

why do people stop watching cartoons when they get older? Why do most people do this little thing called growing up and stop doing childish things? Maybe because they are adults and things like Jow Forums are for a younger crowd, go mow the lawn or fish or something grandpa.

Imma get loaded here in a bit.

Yeah keep in mind the people who grew up with Jow Forums and was posting trollface memes when they were 17 are now 25 or some shit :^)

Still got a lot of laughs from SomethingAwful in the early 2000s before all the writers became lame or went to prison for rape (seriously happened to more then one mod/writer).

I was already 20 when Jow Forums started...

Yeah they said the same thing to old people 100 years ago when they said radio and sliced bread was for kids, go push a hoop with a stick and play with squirrels grandpa

I have 1 year until becoming a wizard. Today I almost made an appointment with a whore. I called her she picked it up we started to talk about when should I visit her. It started to turn real I panicked and I hang up.

I am a so fucking big disgrace that I cant even visit a prostitute.

Cartoons are mostly aimed at people. Of a certain age range, and there's one massive difference between them and me - they go to school. Even if you're an outcast, being at school exposes you to a whole bunch of people your age, and being 39 I don't socialize with a lot of kids. Older people don't watch cartoons for the same reason you don't watch cartoons from Brazil or Uzbekistan. They're so culturally divorced from what you see every day, they don't make sense. Older people do childish things all the time, it's just when you're older you can go to jail. Being able to appreciate consequences is one of the worse side effects of growing up. There's no need for your bitterness though.

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At least I went through with it when I did, if it makes you feel better I couldn't even get it up. There's like no hope for us in that department, but hey there's an upside, we can devote are lives to the finer things in life, like coming up with schemes for world domination and collecting figurines

Haha I've spent time in Jail cells, it's like time out for adults, you get to kick and scream all you want, no tp though

>I couldn't even get it up

I didn't even think about this fuck. I wanted to call an another whore tomorrow but I think I wont do it now. How did she react?

If that was your experience, you were in lockup, senpai. They put you in the tank. If you actually went into a jail cell and started acting the fool they'd just isolate you so the other inmates don't see.

She handled it professionally, could've been worse. I did get to touch her naked body and shit, feel her warm embrace, that alone was worth it, but very awkward, just do scratch things off your bucket list

Yeyeah that's what I meant

By 30 you should have started on some meaningful path to living some kind of fulfilling life.

Pick up the pace anons.

30 and a fucking NEET who has no clue what to do with his life and still lives at home because rent/house prices are sky high. my area is completely fucked in terms of jobs. nothing but minimum wage retail, warehouse, and truck driver shit.

What have you been doing for the past decade, out of curiosity?

Have you had any thoughts about what would make happy in life? Ultimately that's all that matters, your own happiness.

look at this guy, too proud to drive a truck, or back boxes. fucking bum

What's so bad about truck driving? You can try that.

Did college, then NEET, then retail job for 5 years until it closed down, now NEET again.

Only thing that brings me any real happiness is watching movies. Never knew what I wanted to do in life.

I can't handle large vehicles. It's the reason why I bought a small car. Putting me behind the wheel of even a regular truck is asking for trouble.

I agree with the other anons that you might think certain career options are too menial for you. Maybe try lowering your standards, there's nothing wrong with being an electrician or a plumber or even garbageman. Society needs everyone but just find a hobby or relationship then to satisfy your meaning for life like most people.

Never once did I say that a job is too menial. I worked fucking retail for 5 years which is one step above fast food. Hard to get worse than that. Garbage man is a job owned by one company in all surrounding cities. Nobody quits the job so they never hire. It's pretty universable around my area except for retail and minimum wage warehouse work.

The forums are still around but it's like everyone is passively watching the internet/world burn.

nump bympp

Not that user, but if only society paid properly for these menial jobs, I'd be more willing to do them. If I go to retail-level job, with how much it pays I'd need to work 75 hours a week to sustain living alone. So I don't.


The depression meme posts are not even funny anymore. I legit want my life to end, my life is seriously a horror show and I'm only going to get older, uglier and more bitter. My "youth" fucking sucked, I had zero fun, now I'm old and working my dick off just to get by.

>the gaming community left all that red pill shit behind
were it so easy.

t. extra alienated 30+ aspie

>now I'm old and working my dick off just to get by
That's how it's supposed to go, I guess. You don't eat if you don't work and so on. At least we have a choice, unlike our grandgrandsomethings who, once committed to a trade/workplace, never left it for another until retirement or death. If you have a good job, the difference is that you still have to work a lot, but you get money to spend on things you don't have time to use/do. Most people just make children to have a reason to live and continue working, I think. They'll not tell you that if you ask them, but from what I've seen it's exactly how it works.