Keto diet general

Keto diet general.

>Been on keto for 22 days now. last 20 pounds.
>Still getting gains in the gym. both muscle and cardio wise. >
Looking to speed up weight lost even more so I can lean out and start getting kinda buff.
>I've started at 280 and now I'm 260. 5'9
>inbound manlet
>any advice on how to cut more faster? i work out about 8-10 hours a week
>mfw all started because All Might inspired me.

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just add some tren e

what is Tren e?

Ive also set a new best mile on the treadmill. 11 mins and about 15 seconds

Attached: tenor (3).gif (268x200, 831K)

trenbolone enanthate my man - and that was a joke, dont do tren

My kid does 6 minute miles

>trenbolone enanthate my man - and that was a joke, dont do tren
Its okay but I've never heard of it. Since it sounds like it may be dangerous I'll stay away

>My kid does 6 minute miles
Want a cookie?


Ketogains is dope.

If you just stick to keto you're gonna make it

Attached: Keto-Breakfast-Burger-with-Avocado-Buns.jpg (744x578, 49K)

imagine trying to eat this. avocado is slippy as fuck

I prefer owning a home one day, thank you

Based facebook mom poster

so you do 12min miles? cool story fag.
good for you OP im 315 and just did a 9:50 mile. you can do it. just make sure you keep pushing yourself.

You're losing weight because you're eating a caloric defecit, not because of your meme diet. Read the fucking sticky.

Well duh, but it's well known keto helps with that.

>start getting kinda buff.
>260. 5'9
You aren't going to be buff for a long time, you fatass.

Keto makes it easier to stay in a caloric deficit if you have food control problems you complete & absolute fucking retard

>if you have food control problems
You have to solve those problems instead of finding ways to work around them or you will literally never make it.

Is keto really good for cut? I need to go down to 10~13% bf. I'm with 18~20%.