I'm a virgin female. And in this world of sex I have "friends" urging me to lose it or use dildo constantly as I age...

I'm a virgin female. And in this world of sex I have "friends" urging me to lose it or use dildo constantly as I age. I'm only 19. The first time someone tried to convince me to have sex was when I was 14. Why is it such a big deal? Why is virginity held into high regards.
Can we have a discussion about this?
I know people will post >ree get out.
And so on but I just want to talk about virginity and sex. How does this affect you.

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hey, robot here. virgin by choice because i never
felt comfortable around any of my exes. i plan on dying alone. the only people that care about sex
are low iq retards known as normies. if youre
worrying about sex too much youre probably a

ree x 3 get out!!!!!!!!!!

18, male, virgin
doesnt affect me as im a unsocial outcast by choice

Tits or gtfo, as is the eternal rule.
Anyone answering your request without it must kill himself.

>Why is it such a big deal?
i wonder (((who))) is encouraging people to care so much about sex and to be promiscuous and have as many partners as possible?

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Its like a common social thing, like a rite of passage for dudes. Idk how it is for girls, but theres this misguided notion about purity that keeps being bandied about.

I used to think it was always a thing that just happened one day. Didn't realize that it could just not and that some people go their entire lives without having sex. Just like I thought everyone who got married was happy. Guess life ain't like that.

It's a central subject around interactions between the sexes and a lot of people are driven by their impulses. It feels good so people pursue it. Personally, yeah it feels good, but it's overhyped.

People will try and bully you and it'll feel terrible, like you have a terrible burden, but do it when you're ready or find the right person OP. We're all lost and trying to find answers in a life that has none. You may get peer pressured into it, but at the end of the day when you are all alone you have to confront the fact you made a decision not your own by yourself and those voices that seemed drowning one moment will in the next, seem thousands of miles away.

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They're practically animals. Orient your actions towards higher goods or don't act at all. Sex isn't inherently valuable as an end goal. Think higher.

Remember the more sex a female has less men will want to stay in a serious relationship with her. Don't trust other women on this matter, they're usually Stacy trying to turn you into a worthless woman like her.

Don't succumb into peer pressure.

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Are you virgin because you are ugly? Fat?

whether you have a bembis or a gonga you should wait until the right person comes along. there is nothing wrong with waiting

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PLEASE PLEASE be my girlfriend
>Why is virginity held into high regards
Normies don't really give a damn about virginity (only if you're female), you were probably brought up into a super conservative medium and that's why you think so.
>How does it affect you?
Well, I'm not a female

I guess I could be one. I mean I haven't put much effort into losing mine.

Jews are always the answer.
It's the same in a way. Its also something girls gossip about primarily. I'm just the weird virgin girl who make jokes in my group of ex friends.
Thank you very much user. I enjoyed reading your kind words. I def see where you are coming from and agree with you.
It does seem like that because even when I inform said girls I dont like a guy they want me to have sex with the pressure becomes stronger.
I'll keep that in mind.
I'm weak. But in succeeding.
I'm a bit chub but I've had men throw themselves on me any way. Its not the appearance. Its the fact that I don't easy become comfortable with people. And males just want sex with me from the get go and I don't roll with that.
Thank you birb user.

I actually was born into a super foreign Christian conservative family.

Idk, virgin too(male obv.), but I don't really care for virginity that much. I just don't want a disgusting whore. A few bfs are ok, but some sleeoing around whore would just disgust me.

male (obv) virgin here, abstinent (choice) but being incel makes that choice a lot easier. personally, it's the one religious rule that i've kept and always hung onto, so in a way i guess im just holding onto the last shred of "purity"/"holiness" i feel i have left? i've had a few "opportunities" for sex i suppose, and i often think about hiring a hooker, but i never ever go through with it because of waiting for marriage.

idk how you do it, i want someone like me (virgin before marriage) but i dunno why, i guess if they slept around with other people i just wouldnt feel special? idk guess im just jealous

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you know why

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Would you be my chubby sperg friend

If you haven't noticed our society, and a lot of others, especially the japs, revolve around sex, or sexual themes, be it oversexualization, or the opposite, like muslim cultures.

If you don't wanna tho that's cool, but a lot of other people do, and do.

In no good at talking online. So I I'm not sure if I would be ideal.
I can relate to the religious standpoint.
So sex in a relationship is good but not a gurl whose clubbing and whoring.

Well you can be my unideal friend

Sure. I'm at work so next break ill add you. Drop your info.

[email protected] for info

Assuming you are a real female and really still are a virgin that didn't just jump onto chad's dick when he looked at you - good on you. From your perspective, do you think it's almost the norm that girls are huge sluts when they have the chance, because that's what it seems like as a "social outsider" looking in. All those crushes I ever had turned out to be huge, shameless whores. I want to be proven wrong but at this point I'm just turning into a women hating hermit that will die alone.

curious, but which religion? i'm roman catholic, but a really bad/slack one, so i feel by holding onto this one thing im still at least making an effort, like a "get out of jail free" card sort of deal

Yall here talking about purity and whores are fucked in the head. Virginity/purity is a dated and fucked up concept meant to shame and punish people, like the whole going to hell for masturbation thing. I don't fucking care what consenting adults do in private and neither should anyone else, or whether people lose their virginity or not. Keep in mind though that sexual relationships are healthy and can play an important role in a young adult's development.

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Continuing on about the peer pressure bit, teenagers in general want to feel validated by their peers and the whole pressuring you into having sex thing was likely a way for them to feel validated and reinforce their decisions about their own sexual activity, which is a fucked up thing in general and people should not be pressured into having sex at all.

Consider killiny yourself and any members on your family that are able to reproduce.

Sounds like I hit a nerve. Care going into more detail?

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And sharing needles with your hiv+ fagbros is a good way to save $0.004301/high when doing heroin. What other cool lifehax you got man? Maybe kill a policeman to show your willingness to follow the law? Rape your own mother in the ass to demonstrate healthy love? Yeah yeah! I'm really thinking now!

>Purity is an unrealistic standard
Yes. It's a nice thought but at a certain age it's not realistic.
>Whore shaming is bad
Just as much as they can do whatever they want I can hold an opinion on their behavior.

Yeah, you should kill yourself and any members of your family that are able to reproduce, i don't like retards.

I believe that it is a norm. I've experience heat in the moment where my brain and body are pretty much like " HAVE SEX" Some girls just handle their shit and some give in and continuously have sex. I guess. That's what it seems like. Also girls in groups will pressure others and girls are easy to cave to peer pressure.
Baptist Christan
I can see where you are coming from. When I first masturbated. I cried and prayed daily for the lord to forgive me. You give a good point to the table.
It truly is f ed

Right here kids is an example of verbal diarrhea. Absolutely nothing in your post had any logical connection to what I previously said, or in fact any relationship at all. You should direct this shit to your therapist instead of me, they might actually be able to help you.

I don't think purity should be considered a standard, I just think it's irrelevant. I'm not advocating that people have massive orgies 24/7, just that consenting adults should be allowed to do what they want in private. Just like how you have the right to hold your opinion (as you said), even if I think it's baseless and unfounded.

Please see

just read how these robots feel after losing their virginity to the wrong person, they feel like shit

every girl I know who was a hoe back in hs are only being chased by druggy losers now but the girls who werent hoes ended up marrying dudes who got their life together and are making some good money

you make the choice my child

and the only reason they are pressuring you to do it is so they can feel better about themselves because they know they will never get to experience that again and likely did it with the wrong person lol

but honestly

Sex in a relationship is disgusting unless she is married to him and he is the only sexual partner she has ever had or will have. It's very simple. You want validation and someone telling you it's OK, go be like all the other trash. Surely you will turn out differently because you only fucked a lot of doodz instead of a super whole lot of doodz. The choice is yours and yours alone. My advice? If you're horny then get married or take a cold shower. You aren't getting any younger and your eggs are already starting to go bad. Time on earth is short. How will you feel looking back from eternity?

You can't call Goldstein a real jew. He had an absolute disdain for jewish traditions or religion of any kind."It doesn't mean shit. It means that I'm called a kike." Fuck that guy. He's an embarassment.

There is nothing wrong with shaming or punishing people to promote behavior you prefer. The idea of concerning yourself entirely with your own behavior is an aberration because human beings are naturally social creatures with serious investment in the way groups operate, and calling something dated doesnt really mean anything. The first hominids 2 million years ago also inhaled oxygen, and created tools, but that doesnt imply that we should stop doing either of those things.

>had gfs
Pick one.

Please read my post here and reply with what you think. I'm interested to hear your opinion, based mentally ill user

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Literal no true Scotsman. Being a Jew is about ancestry, not theological beliefs. Even Hasidic Jews consider atheist Hebrews Jewish.

I don't post alot at all anymore since this fucking site is nothing but bait and normal cattle circus on weekdays until the weekend when then this site gets a little better because the robots get to have a say. But I will give you this one just for the hell of it.

I'm 27 khhv. I don't suffer and I never will. And I'm wanting to actually get to close to 35 khhv at this point. It will not be hard since all of have to do is be yourself to get there. Assuming being yourself is what me and others are actually doing to be khhv at this age. Games, fiction and other hobbies + time consumers or maybe work.

I think virginity is supposed to be held high in regards if we want to be living in a healthy society moving forward in fields like spacetravel, free energy and loving each other better.
Virginity should be a normal way to live life until a certain point and in today's society which I view as a limbo stage between the old and the new world I fully understand myself and others not actively seeking partners and sex. We wait because this is how our lives led us here to see and understand the world.
In the future it will sill be normal to be a virgin longer than the old world but we will not see the 35+ virgins anymore.

Most people are good people in their soul but never get to and want to express it. They and to some extent even I don't want to know and feel other people, not really, in today's world. They act like apes , and I wait. There are different ways to approach this. I have high self reflection others burst with emotions that lead them forward on their journey.
But I belive there is an optimal and right way to do things in life. So many people around me just look stupid to me.
So on the topic on virginity I can say that the people that really want to fuck as many as possible and belive in nothing but feel alot of things, those are the absolute worst of apes.
Yada yada. Have more to write to get thoughts together here but fuck it.

Honestly this is why I don't think I'll ever be able to trust a girl enough to be in a relationship with one. Her being a virgin would show that she's somewhat in control of herself

your friends sound retarded
you're judged by the company you keep, retard

>women can have a high market value by doing nothing
>but if I do nothing I'm worth exactly that
Pretty much not fair

> There is nothing wrong with shaming or punishing people to promote behavior you prefer.
This is a lot to unpack user. Should the church be punishing gay people for loving who they love? Should Islam be imprisoning people who 'disgrace' Muhammad in private sms conversations? I think imposing cultural norms on people is pretty fucked up in general, but I also think that pure moral relativism can also be a bit of a slippery slope as well. I like to think that my moral principles are based on axiomatic logic and are as true to reality as possible, but this in itself leads into a philosophy debate about the relationship between culture and morality itself. Anyway I guess I would say the foundations of my morals are:
1. Pain is bad
2. Happy is good
3. People should be allowed to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people

These are by no means completely logically sound as they are stated out, but I am willing to debate the finer points if anyone wants to. Anyway, punishing people for doing what they want to do which doesn't harm others in itself violates rule 3, which is why I think you're wrong.

The rest of your paragraph seems to be saying that 'purity' shouldn't be thrown out simply because it is old, my point is that a) culture and morality does change across generations and tends towards progressionism and you can't stop that, and that b) the whole concept of purity and shaming people for having sex goes against rule 3, which is really why I think it's wrong.

Don't waste yourself, please listen to me, dildo won't stop any urges it will only make them stronger, and women who lose their virginity outside of marriage are already 50% less likely to have a successful marriage. Your friends sound like jealous bitches and you need new friends, virginity is a virtue in a woman. And this is coming from a man. I'm the same age as you and I know how you feel but trust me it's much better to wait so that you have something to offer to your future husband. The people telling you to do these things are bad people.

All those girls who do one night stands think they're going to get called the next morning, they're not. The instant you lose your virginity to a man you become emotionally attached to him, and to numb that emotional attachment women start having sex with as many men as they see fit, all the while they think that one of them will stick around. If a man can't be patient enough to wait for marriage then he's only using you.
Treat yourself with respect you sound like a good person, and those are hard to come by these days.

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>Should the church be punishing gay people for loving who they love?
>Should Islam be imprisoning people who 'disgrace' Muhammad in private sms conversations?


I dont care what you think is wrong, nor will I debate the finer points of such a completely childish viewpoint. Go back to Jow Forumsberniebros with this fantasy shit.

>How does this affect you.
24 year old virgin male and I want to die every day.
Knowing that everyone around me at my age has done this, that I'm way behind the rest of my peers, that people who are uglier or less intelligent or crueler people have done it, and I'm just here unable to get a single person to show interest in me. I crave the touch of another human being to the point where it's driving me insane.

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None of those statements are axioms lol.

I'm almost a 30 year old virgin. I want to have sex, I want to love, but most importantly, I want to be loved. I went through the pit already, but I always had this idea in my mind that I'd lose it eventually.

This seems increasingly unlikely, but I can't stop myself from being optimistic. If I stop, I'll get sucked back into this place. I have to keep moving forward, however slowly. Too optimistic for my own good. One day a girl will notice that I'm worth more than a wet fart and maybe things will go from there.

Remember Jow Forums is filled with fucked up christfags these days.

Honestly yes, great to lose your virginity to someone you love (but first time sex is always generally shit-tier) but honestly, I would swap losing my virginity at 25 for losing it at 16 or whatever like everyone else. I lost many years of good sex because I was too autist to speak to girls.

Also sex is a skill, you need to bang quite a bit to actually become good at it. I actually found for the first few months, sex to be extremely overrated until I found out how to actually enjoy it properly and with someone else who was good at it.

90% of people actually fucking suck shit at sex.

I think it's wrong, like objectively speaking. We come from two different camps and I doubt either of us are likely to defect. Sexual relationships outside of marriage are never healthy. You want to know more about what I read check out the Bible. The why is a little more tricky but there are some great writers on the subject. Virginity/purity is timeless and universally valued. It takes immense levels of self-deception to even consider the subject in any other way.

Get the fuck off this board stupid normalfaggot

I want sex and love too but I realize it's gonna take a ridicilous amount of effort especially at my age (25) and it's only gonna get harder with time. I don't even know where to start, I have no motivation to do anything just spend the days F5 Jow Forums and play some vidya but it's all pointless.

Why do people pretend to be proud of having sexual relationships in the past with people they will probably never see again, rather than save themselves so they can have a stable marriage and have a family?
It's almost as if someone were trying to make our society perverted so we could never have families?!

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Shitty bait right here. Admittedly, I expected some opposition of the first one but you have to admit that theocracies like the ones in the Middle East are fucked up. Point is, being gay doesn't hurt other people besides inciting bigotry and 'disgracing' muhammad privately is not 'harmful' enough to warrant being imprisoned at all. Of course this all lends debate about is it hurtful to the religious people if those religious ideas are founded upon hurting others and yada yada but I don't want to go into that right now.

> nor will I debate the finer points of such a completely childish viewpoint.
This is a great line if you want to insult the other side without providing any substance to what you're saying. I want to know why you think my viewpoint is childish.

Axiom - a statement or proposition which is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.
I think what I wrote down is self evidently true. There is, of course, a deeper layer talking about whether there's a bad or good at all and we're all just molecules but something tells me nobody here cares about that.

I don't think my ideas are based in self-deception, I've laid them all out in this thread. I could link studies and shit to combat you on the healthiness point but I can't be arsed honestly, so I'm not gonna talk about that. I could talk about my religious ideas and the foundation of them but the tl;dr is that there's millions of things you can believe in that could all be possibly true but since you can't really tell imo it's simpler to assume that reality only consists of things that can be empirically observed. It's for this reason that I don't give the Bible any more merit than the Quran, the Torah, or any other religious text in terms of determining my morality. Anyway I've already written out my stance on why 'purity' is irrelevant and somewhat harmful so yeah I don't really have anything more to say.

On second thought I really do want to talk about religion. Can you please tell me *why* you believe in your faith? I'm asking this because honestly I can never imagine believing in something that can't be empirically proven true. I'm not looking to convert anyone or bring out any pitchforks but I'm genuinely interested in your worldview and I never get the opportunity to talk about this stuff IRL.

Why anyone would have sex with someone they aren't ready to have a family with is beyond me

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I just want to create something that people will enjoy. If I do that, then a girl will eventually like me.

This is my thought process in a nutshell. It does get harder though. I'll tell you this, you got two choices, you can either F5 this shithole all day long and stay miserable, or you can try something. Anything, the smallest thing.

Either you be miserable and dull, or you try. I don't wanna be miserable and dull anymore.

Are these women are men telling you to have the secks?

Thinking that the only way to determine truth is through empiricism isnt something that cannot be empirically determined.

Okay now fuck off stupid normalfaggot. Go 2deep4u on leddit

sex feels good probably
i jerk off a lot and it feels nice on my pee pee probably would feel nice to put my pee pee in a vagina

Are you on break yet?

That's kind of a meaningless statement. My point isn't that empiricism is the absolute only way to determine if something is true or not. Some things are outside the scope of empiricism, like the idea that we're all living in an undetectable simulation like the matrix or that the universe was in fact created last tuesday and everyone was created with false memories. Point is that these *could* all be true, but there's no way to tell, and since there's no way to tell, it's simpler to not believe in them. The idea of empirically proving that empiricism is the *only* way to prove something is irrelevant.

Haha ok, but no. I'm having far too much fun here.


Youre an insufferable faggot. Fucks sake I legitimately hope you die a painful death

Sorry, but what? That's a private sub.

Don't let them pressure you into anything, you'll regret it. I waited until I was 20 and 100% sure I was with the right guy and I loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him (and him, me). It was definitely worth waiting for it. I got a decent amount of shit for it too, but at the end of the day it's important and you should wait until you're comfortable. You're only 19, there's no pressure. It's not a race


You know, I can see where you're coming from. I never act like this IRL but we are on an anonymous image board, so if there's anywhere to act like an insufferable faggot then this is it. If you're gonna rage over it then close the fucking tab.

Ha, funny meme. I'm Australian.

Jewt was right about ausfags. The only good one I met told me about beating up fags when he was a teen. Hope that lad is alright

We don't say lad here you fucking drongo. Anyway it's 1:37am here and although I would love to keep going, I don't think anyone here has anything valuable left to say.

Glad you realized that you had nothing of value to say.

Ye, I want a change to. I'm just so used to the NEET ways the idea of doing something else is frightening.

18, m
Virgin not really by choice, more because I have never been in a single relationship in my life. I do not think I would rush to hard into sex but it feels weird hearing all my friends going out and having sex. People I have known since I was a child now having sex while I cannot even manage to get a relationship because I will not open up to anyone. And the problem with me opening up is I am afraid of being rejected for how I feel, for my emotions. And it did come from my own stupid childhood mistakes and I know I should get past it but I still feel like if I say how I feel right now someone will call me a fag or something. I know that when I was little I was wierd and I said and did things that wierded people out. That is why I built a wall. To show the strength I do not really have. Internally, I am more emotional but it is hidden under a casual expression. But at some point I want to be cared about by someone, to be remembered as a loving person, maybe even a father, not just some science nerd. But the issue rises again, will I be able to express myself? Or will I be too shy?

I have also dealt with being lonely since I was about six along with a masturbation habit due to it. It all began with a want for love though. something in me just wanted ever since I could remember. And then it spiraled downwards with my first rejection. And you could say that having a relationship at 5 means nothing but it would have meant something to me. Acceptance. Someone who cares for me in return in spite of all the wierd things I did.

I took my gfs when she was 18, 19 aint a bad age u could wait longer desu, its not weird n most girls deep down know that they regret hoeing

can you please give me a tight hug, virgin femanon?

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Please accept my virtual hug. *hug*
I don't regret not hoeing. The hoe lide is very stressful looking to me.
I sometimes battle with that issue. Forced into social situations and short relationships that I don't care about I've told lies and shoved people out constantly. Its hard to open up. I find myself much more confident when I lie and that leads me away from what my goal is.
Its not a race but the people make it seem like I'm the rotten egg.
No. But there are a couple dudes in that group telling me the same thing.
But why do you see it like that. I mean, reading from people in the thread it seems like its more of an internal issue when in society its not too big of a deal.
Thank you for that. I fail to do that sometimes. I am still waiting. I think I'm good that way.
Some girls who regret I hear just stray away afterwards and build that control. So its not one way street user.
I agree with some of your points and thanks for even typing all that to begin with user. It is good in a health society I believe.