Is general MMA training good for cardio and being Jow Forums?

Is general MMA training good for cardio and being Jow Forums?
I don’t plan on fighting just want to be fit and learn some self defence.
Currently lift but I’m stuck in skinnyfat mode w/gyno

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Throwing punches gets ur heart rate up so yes

To think that Connor is 175cm tall giveth me hope. The king of manlets. Optimal for progress ang gain results, taller than most girls but not back-breaking taller.

I’m 185cm
Does that mean it’s not good for me?

Boxing training is better for fitness.
Source: McGregor vs Mayweather

Source: Old man beats up drunk retard*


>The boxer won a boxing match
Really makes you think

I box and tried MMA training years back. I would say both are tough and great for fitness.

I would say that MMA training is the best way to develop cardio and power, but to a point.

If you're training with too much intensity, you're likely to get hurt. Your joints will get worn out badly before you're 30. Most guys who train passionately have fucked up knees backs and necks very early.

CTE (brain damage) is also a big factor. Even if you don't fight competitively, you're still risking developing brain damage after training several years.

So the trick for the average person is finding how much to train without seriously hurting themselves.

Lol they fought a different style Mayweather played smart and safe and conserved energy because he knew Conor was gonna blow his load early

And yes mma is good for cardio
Any exercise you do that maintains a high heart rate for a period of time is good cardio

You can be carefull and avoid most injurys. Honeslty it is the name of the game, training around injurys. You can train all your life if your careful. I have torn my acl, mcl. Jujitsu you can train forever, thaiboxing somewhat.

Most good gyms reduce CTE or brain damage. Unless your fighting and sparring hard. Still less risk compared to boxing, if your doing thai boxing.

I would say don't neglect your strenght training. It reduces injurys, it bulids up your joints and tendons.

Thai boxing, jujitsu/judo, kali are all awesome martial arts.

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Thai boxing is GOAT level cardio.
Classes, sparring, heavybag, jump rope, running.

Or any "boxing". Watch out for some ghetto boxing gyms. You can get punch drunk or CTE easy if your not careful.

Find a good gym. Sparr light, not hard.

I only have experience in boxing really, but I would say in any combat sport you should be careful who you train with. I have encountered a few individuals who did not understand the concept of sparring and went full power, trying to hurt people every time.
An MMA gym near me which is now closed was run by a former pro and he was notorious for throwing new guys in with his pro fighters and getting them to hurt them badly, pretty disgusting desu..

For sure that is number one.
Only vetted people should be allowed to sparr, who know what they are doing.

Its notorious in jujitsu. Sparring with spazzy white belts.

We just had a MMA guy come through are gym. He pretty much has been kicked out of every MMA in 50miles. He goes hard as fuck the first week he showed up.

sparring hard is way more fun, and with proper protective gear and training, brain damage isn't an issue unless you're planning on competing at a champion level.

>Is general MMA training good for cardio and being Jow Forums?

Are you retarded? Of course it's good.

Nevermind. Of course you're retarded.

He sounds like an idiot. I hope someone taught him a lesson. It's unfortunate that these sports sometimes attract guys like that.

Here's a little story for you. So I'm at the gym the other night flickin' my jab away at the heavy bag (pop, pop, pop). Lightning fast... pop, pop, POP! I'm getting into a groove so I start doin my Ali shuffle as I'm dusting the heavy bag with this jab. I get alittle freaked out that the S-hook this bag is dangling from is going to snap.

As you can imagine all of these grapplers in the gym are getting pissed and intimidated... I'm talking wrestlers, bjjers, and an assortment of others (sambo?? probably).

One guy (probably a wrestler) says "go easy on that bag".
I look at him and just say "Why don't you make me... all of you".
As you can imagine they all are dumbfounded and a bit terrified.

So I'm all spent with handing out these "hi ya's" and "how ya doin's". I point to where the grappling mats and boxing rings are and say "let's just settle this like men"...
as I'm walking to a grappling mat one of the bjjers says "but the boxing ring is over there" (pointing to a boxing ring) and I just say, "I know. We're settling this in your world".

You could have heard a pin drop. It's like that scene from A Bronx Tale where the italian locks the door of the bar trapping the bikers inside with all of the mafia guys.
I'm standing in the center of the mat and start lacing up my 24oz gloves. One of these grapplers says "but with gloves on how are you going to get back up? you won't be able to grab??"....
I don't even look up, still focusing on my gloves.... I just say,
"You just worry about getting me down."

a general unease spreads among the grapplers. That and complete terror.
I have a bjjer, freestyle wrestler, and some judo clown slowly advancing towards me (and I mean sllloowwwllllyyy, the kind of slow advancing you'd do on a gorilla that's more than likely going to rip you apart)....the sambo guy must have had a moment of clarity. Last I saw he was hightailing it towards the door yelling something inaudible. I think it was something about how he was experiencing great terror and dread.

I start bouncing around, real light on my feet. Switching south paw/orthodox.... back and forth.... paw'ing at the air with my jab.

Wrestler is the first guy to taste his.... I start laying on really thick with the pepper. I'm just peppering this guy with the jab. pop, pop, pop. He just can't get his bearings about him. Any time he tries to shoot... pop pop pop....
he gives up and mutters some defeated comment like, "I never had to deal with a jab before in wrestling." I sagely respond, "I knew that all along". Peppered to death, as I say.

Bjj guy is a bit more hesitant.... but it plays out all the same.
After a very quick dusting with the jab he just drops to his back.
Remember when Royler fought Sakuraba. Royler drops to his back and the camera just shows this look of terror and dread and confusion on his face? And complete bewilderment and shock and terror? Exactly like that.... but like 10 times more terror and dread and confusion. And complete bewilderment and shock and terror.
I turn around to face the judo guy but he's nowhere to be seen.
The only sign that he was there is this empty judo gi laying lifeless on the floor.
I'm telling you, right out of the movie "Night of the Comet" where all of those people were just vaporized and only their clothes were left behind.
For a moment I was real confused.... With all of the jabs I was dustin these guys with might I have gone overboard on the judo guy and completely vaporized him???

Then I was brought back to my senses when a custodian yells out, "He just sprinted for the door yelling something about being done with judo and how he was flooded with complete terror and dread"....

I look down at my fist nestled nicely in the 24oz Everlast and said, "oh look... you did it again."

now tell me again about your blowjobjob class or how great mmgay is. speak softly though as my jabbing hand might hear you.
no you bitch it's the average day in the life of a boxer that lives in this new "huggin and rollin on the ground is REAL fightin" world. back in the old days people feared and respected boxers, as they should.

I was told headgear increases brain damage. Makes a leveler point, false sense of confidence.

only thing it helps with is cuts and marks on your face.

then a kickboxer enters, jump spinning back kicks you in the solar plexus and laughs as the bjj guy comes back and crawls all over you and makes you his bitch.

>Then I was brought back to my senses when a custodian yells out, "He just sprinted for the door yelling something about being done with judo and how he was flooded with complete terror and dread"....
>I look down at my fist nestled nicely in the 24oz Everlast and said, "oh look... you did it again."
>now tell me again about your blowjobjob class or how great mmgay is. speak softly though as my jabbing hand might hear you.
>no you bitch it's the average day in the life of a boxer that lives in this new "huggin and rollin on the ground is REAL fightin" world. back in the old days people feared and respected boxers, as they should.

That was the gayest fantasy fiction I've read in a long time. Wish I hadn't.

I used to train boxing until I suffered a concussion during sparring

One time I crossed paths with one of you limp wristed kickboxers. I was tossing styrofoam packages of meat in my cart at the store, because it was on sale and I'm all about frugality. All of a sudden I heard a fuckin whimpering homo say say "Beef" next to me. He said it with a ? and I turned around and fixed him with a cold dead stare. "What did you say?" I asked him. "That w-was my b-beef?"

My ears got closer to my head and I knew go time was fuckin barrelin down on me. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself down. John Denver was coming over the loud speaker and for a minute I thought I could dodge go time. It was Rocky Mountain High and it was helping my mood but it's not like it was Country roads. Country Roads calms the beast, I'll tell you that much.

The homo says, "There's plenty of meat for both of us." then he kind of winked at me, and I could tell he was gay. I called him a faggot, and he said, "HAVE YOU HEARD OF ME I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I'M A MUAY THAI CHAMPION FROM THAILAND" in a really high pitched voice (indicated by my caps). He had long ladyboy eyelashes, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes in disgust. Standing there with JOHN FUCKIN DENVER doing his best to put an angel in my heart and holding to fuckin fistfuls of pure packaged almost expired cheap fuckin protein, shit got real. I flat out asked him, "Have you ever heard of boxing?" I asked him and I could sense his fuckin balls finally drop from his stomach and then pull back up. I didn't even look at him and I didn't even know who the fuck he was when I asked, but I can tell you this much I put that boy into and out of puberty with six fuckin words.

Maybe he answered or didn't but I fuckin closed in on him. He tried to throw a kick, and I dodged it with an ali shuffle. I laughed, not even facing him. I knew it was gonna be a short day. Then i jabbed his stomach so fuckin hard his kids are gonna be born with the wind knocked out of em. He tried to clinch and started doin aerobics shit on me, and I couldn't help but smirk. one touch with the jab, one overhand right, and next thing I know i'm walkin out of the store, whistlin to john denver.

This. I also spar MT with 4oz gloves, because I rather get cut, swell up, or get KO'd rather than get repetitive trauma to the head.

BJJ is great for cardio, and you don't get punched in the face.

>If you're training with too much intensity, you're likely to get hurt. Your joints will get worn out badly before you're 30. Most guys who train passionately have fucked up knees backs and necks very early.
Oh just what do you think it's going to happen with all the heavy weight lifting that you do uh?
You think all that heavy lifting is just going to be all positive into your old age?
Someone link that instagram post of that powerlifting faggot with the bad spine that can barely lift a dumbell now at the ripe age of 30.

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Yeah. My MMA place was scummy but at least it made me sweat a fuckload.