Spend a week inside, browsing Jow Forums

>Spend a week inside, browsing Jow Forums
>Continuously get exposed to 10/10 chads and mogging threads
>Continuously get mogged on:
>get depressed
>finally go outside, everyone is a fat manlet and/or basedboy, only spotted one Chad-lite all day
>only spotted few qt's but felt the mires
>feel extremely good

This place is not that good for mental health, is it?

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Spending a week inside isn’t good for mental health

What about spending a year inside?

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You're already dead

Attached: 1528897726713.jpg (526x588, 89K)

Cabin fever is one hell of a trip

I disagree, sometimes spending the week inside is all I need.


Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

What am I even supposed to do outside. People always seem to walk around knowing where they're going, but I only walk outside when I have to, and have a place where to go. I've went to walk just to calm my thoughts, but it seems so pointless, since I'm not going to met anyone.

How can I even met people when going outside?

You get used to it

I only went shopping cause I was out of food, and had to pay some bills