>>that feel when you remember that you will never have sex

>>>that feel when you remember that you will never have sex

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Why do you value sex so much? You're done with it and then you can say you lost your virginity for what? Social status? Sex isn't the best thing there is in the world. Have never had sex myself but I don't give a shit about it. Don't say "think about the love" most times sex isn't even about love it's just cause ye are horny or something

just gives you another sex of problems to worry about senpai

>why do you value sex so much
because until a person finds someone they want to be married to and have a family with, they considered sex to be the peak of their life

Plenty of surveys and research show that regular sex is correlated with better happiness, health, income. Having sex is a sign of making it.

>>>that feel when you had a girlfriend in highschool you had sex with but years later you're an insecure boyfriendless gay virgin.

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obviously the point goes over your head.
Sex is a level of the ultimate intimacy one can share with another and in a time and era where sex is everywhere it's even more important then before, Achieving it is the standard for normality and functionality failing to achieve it is a mark of shame visible to others you become a vilified monster because the ultimate level of intimacy wasn't achieved. This of course only applies to male virgins women cannot and will not ever be in a position where they fear for their lives simply because they are virgins.

Nah you might buddy. Tell me about yourself. How old are you? Job?

Bellow average looks, skinny fat manlet, work in IT, complete and utter cowards. Never even attempted romance, can't make myself attempt it. Wizard soon.

It's the fact that everyone should be able to have sex because it's a natural, good feeling. Masturbation you may have more control with but it's not your dick cumming inside a pussy.

everyone on here will tell me I'm wrong but there's hope for you yet. you have a job, sounds like you're an anxious guy, maybe see someone about that? i'm sure you have traits to feel confident about. the real question is, would you settle for a woman in your league if she was a good person and you gelled with her or do you want 10/10 or nothing?

>tfw you remember no one wants anything to do with you and you're starting to get gray hair while still being a virgin
Fucking hate this. I try to socialize, and get the cold shoulder or worse treated like shit. I don't fucking socialize, and normies are >HURR WHY U NO TALK WITH US.

>tfw normies will never reach enlightenment and will likely go to hell

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I am too insecure to be with a bellow average woman. I'd feel horrible and constantly judged, even if I superficially know that people are going to be more or less genuinely happy about me. The seed is there, and I can't uproot it.

>tfw you remember that you still have porn, videogames, sci-fi books, cheap food, nightwalks, and Jow Forums bros while roasties only have clubbing and Chad

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you could land a 7 on charisma alon, 7/10 ok?

no one will ever find me attractive

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your mom thinks your are cute

relatable feel
Honestly trying to figure out how to eliminate all sexual desire without cutting off my balls. Still havent found an answer.

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better than nothing i

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Hah I don't know that feel.
It has been so long, I forget if I actually have had sex or not. Probably not. I wonder what it feels like?

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What works for me is doing dissociatives, you so high and numb you won't even think anywhere near it, and even if you did you can't cum anyway because you lost all sensation of touch to most of your body, feel like you're melting into your couch, one with the couch and one with the universe and ghosts, pirate ghosts

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