Can we have a good old /Hmmmmm/ thread?
Can we have a good old /Hmmmmm/ thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
hmmmmmmmm indeed my friend
I know you have it faggots
bring it on
i love things that can't be explained
did pewdiepie merely adapt the hmmmm from another redditor?
contributing to the cause
I love posts that make you question whether they're bait or not
transparent pipe along the water flow, nibbe
They should let you post pictures without text on this board imo.
is that papa franku!?!??!
Get out you fucking retarded newfaggots.
frank isn't a poo
>donkey kong in real life
>Calls a 2006 user a newfag.
Oh yeah making a /b/ style thread in r9k is fitting. Get the fuck out of here with your nonsense. Also this style is very Plebbit, it even has an entire god damn subreddit. So, YOU can get the fuck out.
another hmmm of the top of my head
>06 user that hates hmmm threads
Why didn't you leave back then then moron?
I think all the dorms at Howard have the feature. Not very confusing, lad
theres a subreddit for everything user... even Jow Forums...
Because hmm threads didn't FUCKING EXIST IN 2006 YOU GOD DAMN CHILD. Get the fuck out of here holy shit I'm so tired of you newfaggots calling everyone newfaggots when you've probably been here for less than two years. Seriously lurkmoar and stop calling out others when you're new yourself, you piece of shit.
>reddit has an infinity chan sub
>lolol hotwheels is reddit XD
>implying reddit invented hmmm threads
>implying reddit did anything original ever
Kill yourself fucking go back.
Huh? It has Jow Forumshmmm you mouth breather.
Didn't say anything about who invented them. They've become mainstream and thus cancerous. Jesus you are braindead, aren't you bud?
This I was hmmm posting (real hmmm posting not the cancerous faggot shit in this thread) years ago. Reddit stole it, and that's where Pewdiepie got it from. But at least he knows how to correctly use the meme.
Is this hmmmmm or a cursed image? Can something be both?
-t newfag
Hmmmm I wonder if she agreed
So has pepe, yet you decided to bitch about something fun on here because you've evolved/devolved into a shitposter that only (((likes))) bait on here.
No shit reddit didn't invent it. The guy is being a faggot.
And what's really fucked up is you have to watch pewdiepie to know this shit, I don't, you normalfaggots actually do, and had to be on reddit to even know they stole it.
>serial killer gets turned down at prom
>jocks call him a sissy and lightweight
>makes visual pun out of his art
Inspiring work. I love a serial killer with a sense of humour.
If I became one, seriously, I'd do shit like this. The shaking of police heads and sighs would be hilarious.
Is there even anything to see here?
Why are you including me with them? I was around when it was first starting to get used. In fact, I was one of the few people that first started doing it, because it's a really nice way of mocking idiots for saying stupid shit without telling them why.
not sure if qualifies but is interesting nonetheless
Yes that's exactly my point, Pepe is cancer.
Come on, at least try to bait properly.
I did research on it. It has been a community for 8 years, yet, it was dormant mostly until last year.
Some faggot that copies everything that Jow Forums invents, or a place original like Jow Forums, must have made that sub a long time ago, and nobody used it until very recently. It's hard to find archives that archived old /b/ shit or I'd prove /b/ had a hmmm thread longer than eight years ago, and even if it didn't and they tie, that still doesn't mean anything due to the sub being dead until recently. This is the image board, not reddit.
And yet just because someone normal takes something an abnormalfaggot likes doesn't mean that abnormalfaggot is autistic like you and stops liking it, now does it?
If something is intetionally wacky like this:
it's not hmmmm
There is no mystery. It's just people taking a goofy picture. hmmm is when you wonder what the heck is going on.
I concur, but the thread was already contaminated by autistic shrieking.
Actual reddit is worse though. Here is an example of their shit, at their current page one with many upboats: