so, how many of you have actually gotten laid thanks to the gym?
hard mode: no gay sex
So, how many of you have actually gotten laid thanks to the gym?
>Home Gym masterrace
>all the time.
I went from 135 lbs to 190 lbs at 6'1"
Stepping into the gym ended my sexual career haven't felt a titty in 2 yrs
Yeah, but only when I was deep into a calorie deficit and lost significant bodyfat after a failed bulk, and had abs, and I also was on no-fap. The combination of being on no-fap + having low inhibition from being in a calorie deficit for so long triggered me to just flat out stop giving a fuck about all consequences and finally just chatted up a woman and was upfront and honest about my intentions and she basically agreed and we rooted
I guess it may have just been all the stars aligning. Right now I've gone back to my typical avoidance high inhibition behavior. I think I need to get back on a calorie deficit again and no-fap again
is the joke that you touch you peepee because looking at your pump makes it big?
Once. Girl at work propositioned me as she said she couldn't stop staring at my ass and wanted to sink her teeth into it. Sex was kinky as fuck.
Thanks rippletits for making me squat
How do they look so feminine without makeup? Do we need the FBI here?
0 times due to the gym/gains; countless times just from not being acoustically creepy. Have only gotten attention due to gains from gay dudes and other gymbros. But I also don't talk to girls I don't know when going out so who knows what I'm capable of. Never been into one-night stands, really.
are those boys or girls?
I've finally been able to just go to a bar and bring a girl home. I used to think guys who did that were above me but it turns out it's pretty easy if you're in good shape.
I got laid more when I didn't go to the gym and was a scrawny fucboi. I'm in a better spot physically and mentally since then, but I've left whammin behind for a life of stress free lifting and financial gainz. Mires and opportunity have increases since my journey though for sure. You just have to be willing to take those opportunities.
I'm the user that doesn't do one-night stands. What's the process like of approaching a girl at bar? I've never really had to as I either just hookup with a girl I'm already friends with when I get back or it just kind of happens with a random from the bar. But with the latter, I always end up "blues-balling" the girl when we get back to my place. Drunken sex or anything with a random a girl doesn't seem appealing to me.
I'm autistic with no personality, and it actually has got me laid twice.
First time some slut at university who fucked my roommate saw me shirtless when she came over and flat out asked me to fuck when she was drunk so we did.
Second girl was some black girl who was my gay roommates friend and also saw me shirtless so she played with my dick under the table in our kitchen then we fucked
Nope not yet. But I just have been training 4 years. Got to keep your optimism right?
T-those girls have wieners?
I think boys
Got my last gf from the gym. Lots of sexy times. Dumped her for reasons.
Go up to her with the goal of making her smile. Chat with her for a minute and once she's laughing at your stupid jokes engage her by going to the dance floor at a club or getting her to play pool/darts with you at the bar. Just don't be shy or insecure and be fun the whole time and before you know it she'll be back at your place riding your little pecker.
god I wish that was me
Mostly the one on the right
>got laid before the gym
>haven't fucked since
definitely not because of the gym though, I just rarely see people
Looks like warmfreshpaint to me
stop turning me gay
>cutting out all the gay porn tabs
It certainly hasn't hurt, but I was still getting laid before I got Jow Forums.
This is an underrated post. 1 night stands aren’t that fun and the only real attention you get on your physique will be from other dudes, gay and dyel admirers. Same with dudes with exotic cars and it goes on. Most shit men do primarily only interests other men.
I’m a decent size and the only compliments i get from women are my ass and arms. Mostly ass. The ass is hands down the main body part women care about.
>fat my whole life, one day just snapped
>hit the gym hard for 1 year, bench 2plate, squat 3plate pull 4plate
>cook my own food, mostly chicken breast, broccoli and oats
>after 2 years dropped 15kg bodyweight, still fat
>one day after class, female friend says her friend wants to borrow bike
>uhh ok whatever
>cute korean girl walks over
>I don't spaghetti because I'm thinking there is no chance in hell so why spaghetti at all
>chat a bit give her my keys
>forget about it go to gym
>later that evening get a phone call
>korean girl is downstairs from dorm
>she hands me the keys and I see she's starting to spaghetti
>what the fuck is going on
>she lives close to campus
>offer to walk her home
>start talking about random stuff, hit it off
>get to her building
>think to myself oh shit is this really where I need to step the fuck up
>hey how about you invite me for a cup of coffee
>fuck that sounded so fake
>sure come on
>holy shit holy shit holy shit
>we sit at her dinner table, talking more shit, getting deeper and more personal
>I say I used to be a fatass and hated it that's why I workout a lot now
>she says yeah I like buff guys thats why I wanted your bike
>holy fuck
>she says she was also fat and got bullied to hell in Korea, was bulimic for a while
>we started talking about our fat days and about bad relapses
>getting late, she doesn't kick me out
>jokingly ask her if I can stay the night
>ok but only on the sofa
>my alpha charade has gone too far can't pussy out now
>sleep together in bed or I leave
>fine but no sex
>get into bed, awkward at first
>hey do you like cuddling?
>sure but like I said, no sex
>ok no problem
>we start cuddling, I get a boner immediately, grind my cock into her ass
>we fuck
After that it got much easier to talk to and fuck more girls. Getting fit was the best decision of my life.
Im proud of you user. Some feminists would aay thats rape, but women just want to put up barriers for you to get over.
Its their way of probing your personality.
We're all gonna make it
not necesarily because of gym, but since i have a shirtless pick (even tho im dyel) on tinder matches be flying in and i have been on 2 "succesful" dates
>the good old 'stab her in the back with the pork sword' technique
My nigga
1 of my 4 serious relationships started with the gym. Most recent one actually. Little 5'3" cutie who i had been seeing for a few months. I decided to go for it after the two of us kept making eye contact. Was a fun relationship, went to the gym together every day, she loved watching me lift and was most into my shoulders.
Ended just short of 1 year though, she was young (22. I'm 28) fresh out of college and turned out to be very irresponsible with money and very immature. She spent about 3 months interviewing non stop to get a job, and then quit 2 weeks into it because she was triggered by the gossip among female co-workers. Literally walked out after yelling at her boss. Then suddenly went back home to her parents across state lines and a week later i got a break up text saying she 'never thought it was a serious relationship' A complete light switch move after the vibe i had been getting from her over the year.
Didn't take long at all to get over her because of all that. You don't lead a guy on for a year and expect him to miss you. I miss the sex, but sure as hell don't miss her.
Jow Forums likes to meme that only other men care about your gains, and that’s true in a narrow sense. what comes with that is how women react to seeing how those other men act around you.
>moved across country
>quit all social media
>lose contact with almost all old friends
>basically impossible to make new ones beyond acquaintances
>spend almost all free time posting on Jow Forums
>fuck up dopamine receptors
>quit all hobbies so now spend ALL free time on Jow Forums
>quit lifting
Have not had sex in nearly 3 years now
>started at 117lbs, 6'3
>now 170
>had a gf at 117
>one hookup every 6 months in the 2 years in between
>got a gf now that doesn't want me to get bigger
>Some feminists would [s]ay that's rape
It is. By both legal and feminist standards, basic sex with women is now rape.
>"... Both parties must positively and emphatically consent at the beginning of and throughout any sexual act. This consent must be clear and in the positive affirmative. This may be done verbally, textually, and with obvious body language... Permission must be asked before any act, if permission is not asked, it is rape; if affirmative consent is not given, it is rape; if no obvious response of any sort (verbal, physical, etc.) it is rape; if one party says no, even in jest or in a 'fantasy' way (i.e. 'forced' to have sex, 'rape' fantasies, etc.) it is rape; and if under the effect of any chemically alternating substance, it is rape..."
Literally the guidelines we were emailed, pamphlet handed out on orientation, and had to do an online course (no extra credits, still compulsory) at our University. Funny thing? Only male students or those who identified as male happened to get this.
Only person that has ever hit on me at the gym was a manlet with a mohawk who was blasting linkin park through his earwax saturated earphones.
Yeah user just be funny, charismatic and always know what to say. Also just be confident. What a fucking worthless piece of advice.
Only one of them does
Bro you were not 117lbs at 6'3. No fuckin way. I was 165lbs at the same height and I was super skelly mode.
How are you even alive?
>I'll take Basic Human Behavior for 500, Alex
Dude, stop treating women like they're some untouchable thing. I talked to bitches like they were dudes and it worked just fine. You're sperging the fuck out because you still care what anyone thinks about you, stop. Train yourself to just say and do what you want in order to get what you want, there is no universal advice for this, other than to stop being so self-centered and loathing.
its a larp
Just because you go to the gym doesn't mean you're gonna get laid. You don't go for X amount of time, then suddenly get you complimentary pussy in the mail. Going to the gym only means you'll get mired from time to time, it is still up to you to do something about it. So if you're a social autist you'll just wind up a Jow Forums social autist.
I was fueled by cocaine and whiskey m8, working 14 hour shifts 5 days a week. We were fucking with eachother's heads so much that I didn't eat for about 2 weeks, and had to go to the hospital for a mental break.
>usual bullshitting with the doc
>step on the scale
>doc goes quiet for a minute
>"6'3....53kg...any drug use, eating disorders, etc.?"
Mind was so foggy from stress/malnourishment that it didn't click til he told me in pounds. They almost hooked me up to fluids but my bloodwork came back fine so they just wrote in a note that I was allowed to order extra food. 2 years later, all lean mass, never want to get back down there again.
Proud to share a forum w/ this user.
I don’t think I got puss just because of my lifting but it definitely doesn’t hurt
>be 16, year 2009, 6’0” 140lbs
>couldn’t into GOMAD but could into grill hamburgers every day
>wasn’t part of football program in school, but friends with several of the football players and wrestling coach
>they let me use their gym equipment
>wrestling coach has fallout with football coach, I ask WC one day if it’s cool that I head down to do legs
>he says wrestling team isn’t allowed to use their equipment anymore
>wrestling team falls apart, gets defunded
>fuck, can’t workout
>slowly build homegym with leftovers from mechanic’s assistant job while also saving for college
>cute girl that works at sporting goods store always there when I come in to buy another piece of equipment
>through small talk I find out we go to same school
>become friends
>before I leave for college I’m 185lbs look 10x better
>bang qt on couch in my parents basement
>power rack smiling at me in the corner
>wrestling coach looking down on me, smiling from heaven
We’re all gonna make it
Fuck you man, shit sucked. I'll never forget my mum crying and telling my dad how thin I was. Could see my ribs through my chest.
I am glad you are able to laugh at my bad life decisions
Lol maybe like once or twice. In my man whore phase I was honestly borderline skinny fat (probably not that bad but still). I just was confident and could keep a fun conversation going no matter what.
Second this
Luckily i was born with the perfect right little ass. Its better than most girls i know and i never even knew i had such a perfect asset for years until some older girl point out how perfect it was.
Had a long term gf before I started lifting and continued while I left skelly mode. She adored my change in physique and enjoyed just watching me workout.
Since we broke up, I've slammed two others. First one was when I was at my leanest and though she'd since me shirtless before we got intimate, she was DTF before then. Second was a former work colleague who was infatuated with my ass but never made a move on me, told a mutual friend who then told me.
Also had another lass heavily lusting after my ass who took me back to her parents' place after a night out but I didn't tap due to the fact that she had a boyfriend and couldn't hold her alcohol. Mainly because she couldn't hold her alcohol.
So strictly "thanks to the gym", once or twice if I hadn't pussied out. Yes, it helps. Guys who don't hit the gym often get laid due to their personality, good face or monstrous cock.
Both of them do. They jerk eachother off. It's pretty fucking gay.
That's crazy. I'm 5'5" and was 25lb heavier than you even when I was skinny before I started lifting
Why doesn't gay sex count? I'm not into women
The state of Jow Forums
You seem to know alot about them.
anyone can have gay sex, women are actually hard to fuck
>women are actually hard to fuck
Wish I still had pictures of back then, it's spooky to think.
gym equipment mires are top tier
fuck off faggot
Nah mate, they are both girls. Only 1 has a cock.
Why comment on shit you don't know
WOW jesus christ i aint gay and i aint jerking off to this
You are gay and you will jerk off to this.
I am glad I can laugh at you too. You autistic faggot
Please tell me how to fix this
well, they have feminine penises
Kys. It's the only way.
Lifting was a huge part of my life for 10-12 years so I have a lot to say about it, but here are some random thoughts I'll just blurt out:
> I thought drinking was insanely unhealthy and would absolutely ruin me, so I never drank
> As such, I had zero social life through university
> Avoid all social events in order to eat properly
> Panic about food contents, can't eat casually with people, need to bring my own
> Had to rush home to eat a measured amount of white rice after sports training while the lads went out slaying
> OLC filters for the most obsessed aspie lifters in the world, so forums just feedback on these ideas and encourage each other (sound familiar?)
> constant exposure to people online with elite genetics and/or roiding their brains out, totally false expectations of gains
> ruin body with chronic overtraining trying to achieve impossible results
> srsly v serious overtraining
> didn't get morning wood for about ten years, thought it was normal
> making your whole body sore as fuck multiple times per week for years on end = incredible amount of chronic stress
> low energy, low mood, makes you withdrawn as fuck
> joint damage and permanent injuries
> physique looks retarded anyway
> borderline eating disorder, still haven't recovered, can never see food in normal way again
> develop the idea that making things hard (therefore achieving less per effort) is honourable and correct. Very hard to shake it, comes to affect rest of life)
> develop the idea that you're never "ready", need to get bigger, leaner and/or stronger and THEN can go to that party you were invited to eight years ago and people will like you.
When I finally "stopped" lifting a couple of years ago I fucked 20 girls in about 8 months. I'm on 22 for this year so far. I started getting morning wood again and chit was so different.
fuck knows - I took it to a severe extreme that I can't really express here, it was my whole life. More devoted than most pro athletes (they take it pretty easy, which is the key) and all of every day revolved around lifting and related activities. You only have so much energy to use and spending it all on recreational lifting of weights is utterly retarded, you'll just slump in your room the rest of your time with no balls.
I could talk about it for hours but basically if someone really wants to get into lifting then I would tell them:
> If you do it properly, you'll get all your gains within a couple of years at most. After that, back off massively. Gains aren't easily lost (if at all).
> Being "big" makes you look like shit in most clothes, you shouldn't hope for it.
> Avoid thinking/reading/talking about lifting except when you're actually doing it.
> Don't change your diet unless you currently eat really badly. Normie diets are GOAT for slaying, just let your appetite naturally increase if it wants to.
> Pride is temporary, pain is forever - injuries are never worth it at this level. Lifting "heavy" (for your ability level) is tempting but foolish.
> Lifting will probably make you worse at IRL sports, especially if you're not naturally suited to it.
People can "lift" and still have normal social lives, loads of uni lads pop to the gym before a night out or something. No problem. But you can not *LIFT* and still be OK. If you go on a forum about something, immediately you've lost and you need help.
>didn't get morning wood for about ten years, thought it was normal
but it is?
I genuinely thought they were girls until I saw her cock
it made it ten times hotter and I'm not even gay wtf
In all honesty gym wont help you get laid unless youre fat as fuck. Girls just want a guy who hasnt completely given up on himself. What the gym will do for you though is that it will give you confidence in yourself so that you think girls want you now.
I haven't yet, but I also haven't quite made it yet.
However, interest by the opposite sex increased in direct relation to my physical fitness, obviously.
If you get more physically attractive that will of course make it easier for women to want to sleep with you.
>just be confident
idgaf how old you are if you dont get morning wood your testosterone is way too low
and can you give some tips on the social gains?
How to hook up, and how to talk with girls?
Also one of my biggest problem is to show interest/make it clear that I don't want to be "just friends"...
Its a slow crawl user, try, fail, meditate on your failure, and repeat.
t. Loser who just had his first second date ever after months of concentrated effort and 6 different girls
I'm not really a pickup artist or anything like that so I'm not to try to tell you some specific techniques that will get you laid. Basically the way I've hooked up with girls has pretty much been by expanding my friend group, meeting someone new that I find attractive, and then seeing if they like me. For instance, if I go out with a group of friends, meet up with some girls I haven't met before, and one of them is pretty hot, I usually gravitate towards her over the course of the night. I ask her more questions over anyone else. When I talk to her, I think I may end up maintaining eye contact and that "look of interest" more than I do with other girls. I basically make it clear that I'm interested in her more than anyone else. Then if she likes me, she'll go along with it and we'll end up talking by ourselves at some point. From there, it's pretty easy to kiss her and yadda yadda. Once again, I've never really tried to clinically approach this shit but that's how I've always gotten laid. I don't use tinder or go to bars to try to pick up girls. I just try to do it as naturally as possible.
Oops. Meant for you below.
its ok, I got it. well so expand social circle is what you did? hmm I dont have much friends, but I think I should learn how to approach girls on the street. I really dont go out that often with friends.
FUCK this exact shit has happened to me every time. I've gradually realized that when a woman wants sex, her first instinct is to "NO tee hee". Logically it's ALWAYS rape, especially when it isn't. And I've even tried just saying "look, all this no stuff is cute, but at some point I'm going to need a yes." Of course I got another NO tee hee and we fucked anyway but god damn if I didn't try my best.
Expanding your social circle is the best way to go. It will lead to you being invited to more things like parties or other events and even more people. If you keep meeting new people, one of them is going to be someone you'll find attractive that will also find you attractive. It can be hard to do at first. I left the U.S. for about two years and when I came back, I pretty much led a solitary lifestyle working and pursuing hobbies for six months. It took me a long time to go from knowing a couple acquaintances to creating a social circle. Now when it's a Friday afternoon, I can text a bunch of people and find a party or some event to go to where I can hopefully meet a hot girl. Approaching girls on the street is pretty hard desu unless you're ridiculously attractive. I've done it a couple times on my college campus with a friend just as a dare but it's not really something I rely on to get a girl's number.
become chad
ok how can I expand my social circle?
How old are you
same here, i think i'm gonna try sucking a cock
no homo tho
Haircut, clean IRONED clothes, proper shoes, cologne, shave, trimmed nails. These things will make your first impression. Stand TALL, gentle scapula retraction with gentle belly suction. Walk easily, dictate your clothes, do not let your clothes dictate your movement.
When you make eye contact, HOLD IT, smile, then look away. If you break eye contact, she's dead to you now. If you look down, she's dead now.
Walk up to her and introduce yourself with something NORMAL. Hi, I saw you and wanted to come over and say hi, my name is *user*. Wait for her to speak. LISTEN to what she is saying and play off that. Notice her body language. Does she look at you, does she mimic your posture, is she crossing her arms, where are her toes pointing. If it's not going well then drop it. "Ok was nice meeting you I gotta go" and MOVE ON.
Things to talk about
>What does she do for work/free time
>How long has she been in *YOUR CITY*
>Does she like *YOUR CITY*
>Where is she from?
Hopefully you can hold a conversation and insert jokes and make her laugh.
Ok now she is laughing and punching your arm and getting close. Initiate touching like "HEY did you see the game last night!" and touch her upper arm gently on the "HEY". Or "let's go to the bar and grab a drink" and get close to her and gently guide her through the crowd with your hand on the small of her back. Etc etc.
When your conversation gets to the point where there is a small pause or you FEEL it is right, go in for the kiss. If she jumps back, just go "HAHA gotcha" or "You didn't think I was gay did you?" or some bullshit it doesn't matter.
If it's gone this far, it's time to say some shit like hey let's get out of here... take her to a hotel or her place or your place and bang. If not then whatever.
DON'T expect to bang on your first night out. Don't expect to bang at all. Have fun and let it happen naturally. Desperation is NOT SEXY.
Anyway hope this helps. Expecting a lot of backlash.
How is anyone supposed to make gains with a normie diet, eating a burger and chips every day with a can of coke.. What is this advice? Also, did you ever start drinking?
Yes this is my preferred method too, but all too often, my friends are passive sacks of shit that never do anything new, so I always have to take matters into my own hands.
I really need to expand my social circles some.
aye me too. My friends are not into party and stuff, so I never went to parties :/
Daily reminder that liking traps isn't gay
It's gynandromorphophilia, basically attraction to people with females features aside from a
Tl;DR the study found that guys into traps and shemales are straight
What are you interested in? Try going to meetups for your hobbies. Hell, I met one FWB through an Arabic class I took nights after work. Also, who do your friends hangout with besides you? Try tagging along with them if they're going to hangout with people you don't know. It might feel awkward and weird at first, but you might end up enjoying your new acquaintances.