Why don't men want good women?
Why don't men want good women?
Why don't good women want me?
Am I a bad person for relating to this? Am I no better than a niceguy?
Good women manage to be just as rare as good men so men don't bother trying to find them.
you are not one of the few good people
Why are there no good woman?
I do though . And i think i found one . I will never leave or cheat on her but at nights i wont lie and say i dont stay awake and wonder is she would do the same for me
Now add a wojak on the back of evey panel, that's us.
Men love being treated like garbage. There are millions of porn videos of men being beaten up by women and called names.
>implying such a thing exists
>Why don't men want good women?
Why do 90% of people rate themselves as above-average drivers?
Because it's easy to believe you'd be a "good" boyfriend when it's midnight and you're lying alone in bed staring at the little blue phone screen, but it's hard when you're 8 months into a relationship, your girlfriend keeps sending you bitchy text messages about laundry detergent then tagging you in "11 Terrible Things That Prove All Men Are Rapists - 1. Forgot To Get Laundry Detergent" on Normiebook.
And the same is obviously true for her, which is why she's not actually a good woman.
This comic would be perfect if the first panel came after she was walking away from an ugly guy who did the same thing to her
Fembots don't exist. Don't reply to fembot threads. Original
very cute, pls give
You've got the wrong pic, my friend.
There are no "good" women they are all Chad chasing whores
they do but those good women are all pining after the same blue chad so they don't notice
That's nice, here's what actually happens. . .
They want the thrill of the bad pussy and secretly want the pain that will undoubtedly come with it.
They are stupid monkeys who only want stacies.
>my peepee hard hurr
>me want fuck stacy hurr hurr
Stupid apes.
>"good" girls
Will be prudish and controlling. Try to alienate you from your friends and mold you into their perfect beta slave. Will still cheat on you and do kinky things with Chad, but never do kinky things with you.
>"bad" girls
Will have fun kinky sex with you, will cheat on you, but you already had your fun. Will let you be yourself and won't try to change you
Think it's clear why men choose one over the other.
Might as well ask why men don't date unicorns
Plenty of men have 2D waifus though
this comic is 100% true if you were to draw in another sad boy who gets ignored by both of the girls while the sad girl takes care of chad whenever he gets dumped.
I think this is much more accurate
eh, i was hoping for it to be more clear but this is basically what i meant. the two girls are just doing this over chad, the nice girl or the mean girl doesn't give a shit about us here.
>every girl will cheat on me and leave me for chad!
Sounds like you're just an insecure beta bitch, don't blame women for that
Why the fuck would you forget laundry detergent? You're not a functional human being if you can't check items off a shopping list at a grocery store, especially for something as essential as detergent.
>everything in the world is men's fault! Women are pure saints who do nothing wrong!!
Dude I am going to be straight with you, if you can not remember the things you need to buy when you go shopping then maybe you are not ready for a serious relationship
>don't blame women for their selfish cheating nature
I think you are the beta friend
>she is not perfectly loyal to me
>obviously the problem is with her
Listen bucko, if she cheats, then you are having trouble satisfying something on her end
>men cheat
Rightfully considered scumbags, emotionally abused his poor spouse.
>woman cheats
Oh it's the mans fault he couldn't satisfy her. Poor woman.
Keep worshipping women and blaming men for everything in the world. Women are just so perfect and good, aren't they?
Holy shit you just be the biggest cuck I've seen in a while.
Throw in a panel of everyone asking the shattered pile of man why he's so miserable and negative and why he doesn't just bee himself before ultimately leaving him because he's "toxic" and you have the authentic non-chad male experience.
>good women
this is what incels actually believe lmao