I became crippled, she left me

I have a tibia plateau fracture and gonna be unable to walk until about oct - dec and my fucking roastie GF left me.

I'm at rock fucking bottom right now and seriously wanna kms.

These women don't give a fuck about you, protect yourself king.

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Friendly reminder only white chicks do this.

Can I just talk to someone :(

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Nah, my Asian gf did pretty much the same, except I wasn't even crippled, I just got a little bit depressed and paranoid.


You can talk to us, user. Get it off your chest if you need to.

Find a disabled qt user, she wont leave you.

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My friends were pretty blown away because they all thought we were perfect together, same with her "girlfriends"

It was just out of fucking nowhere, 3 years down the drain. All I can really do is sit on the couch, cope and wait for my leg to get better and just sit on my computer all day and try and grow a beard

Women only like men when they see them as a utility.

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Sorry man, but that's some funny shit.
>oh I don't love you anymore
El classico.

Man this is fucking sad, idk what to tell you except to find a loyal girl next time. They are definitely out there despite what has just happened
>Women only like men when they see them as a utility.
That's true of anybody in general desu, whether they are conscious of that or not.

>normalfag finds out the truth about roasties
Based, you may have had to learn it the hard way but it's true, women don't care about anyone but themselves and are incapable of love.

If anything, this is a blessing and a good thing OP. she's showing you her true colors. Not in 10 years when you have a mortgage together and kids. Not in 5 years as you are planning the wedding. She outed herself now, sparing you further pain and suffering.

All life's lessons are good. The best ones are the most painful. I would give Marcus Aurelius for a good dose of Stoicism.

You'll be fine once you heal. Get into meditating, positive thinking and the leg will heal faster than you think. Lots of youtubes for that.

Best of luck op, I don't think you are a fag.

I was really emotional and fucked up by texting her a wall.


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few more parts, her response felt cold


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fuck me fuck me fucking hell

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You fucked up, OP. Block her in shame

It pleases me greatly that this will be archived.

I did after this

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I would have insulted and then murdered her, maybe kill her family or pets too.

Yeah, I'm glad you can move on now. She DID like you, but like with every woman, she doesn't feel the same attachment a man would. She lost interest in you and it flipped off like a switch. Now you know, OP. I hope you can bounce back and get someone who will remain interested in you.

why do you guys type out these desperate ass long replies. SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE DID you do not need to remind her. She will now keep this on her phone and read this whenever she is feeling like she is not a boss ass bitch. Shes poison and you dodged a major bullet you should be thankful


That's their entire goal, hook you and then crush you, leave you a broken fucking mess that hopefully offs himself.

You know what my ex told me on the phone when she was convinced I was suicidal over her and planning suicide?

She said, and I quote: "If you were really going to do it, you would just do it, you wouldn't tell me about it" as well as "I know you think by killing yourself you're going to get me to remember you forever, but I'm not like that".

They want this, you poor fool.

Right. Women just don't feel what you feel.
Think of them like reptiles, less like men.


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>find a loyal girl next time
You may as well tell him to pick the correct lottery numbers.

>gonna be unable to walk until about oct - dec and my fucking roastie GF left me.
>expecting anything else from her
Would have been surprised if she stayed with you, honestly.

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you found her on tinder chief. what did you expect

one female chicks do that

unironically try finding them at the church

There there, user. You'll bounce back. Soon enough, you'll have another woman attracted to you, clinging to you and cooing in your ear as her hormones drive her to.
You'll climb back up, as you have before. You're a man, OP.

Nobody there but old bitches and kids forced to go.

depends on the church m8

many females there and with some decent morals too. not exactly a religious guy myself but thats actually a decent idea

There are also qt christian girls
also this

haha do you think maybe she dumped you because you're pathetic dude? you wrote a long pussy ass text that hardly even called her out on abandoning you in your time of need. it was easy for her to respond to without even reading anything but the last line lmao. she must be feeling so good right now, like everything wrapped up so neatly, might not even believe it herself in her roasty mind that she's the bad one anymore because of this cucked display right here.

You're not wrong, but let's be reasonable. From the sounds of things, OP got too comfy and she lost interest. While OP was paying the bills, she was looking to trade-up.

I'm a Catholic and I'm telling you both that there are no approachable women at church.

Quads confirms there's no point in putting your faith in God on this one.

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>can't walk for a few months, can just play video games guilt free
>no roasty cunt bothering you
You've got it made lad.

agreed, i hate bitches as much as the next guy but it definitely seems like more is at play here.

>I'm a Catholic and I'm telling you both that there are no approachable women at church.
saving this before it gets deleted
Yes they are not approachable, the pattern is you become their friend and then gradually get closer

>no point in putting your faith in God on this one.
I don't know why you would in general, God made robots solely for suffering.

Fuck me...

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Soulless creatures

>abuses woman by claiming to be suicidal when she wants to be free of him
>plays victim despite being an abuser

that shit was hard to read

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A nigga's been going through a lot rn

>finding a gf on tinder

honestly, tinder needs to be banned, along with other free app-based online dating apps. men and women have not changed, but these impersonal bullshit apps are making people discontent with their relationships as soon as anything goes sour. And even when you aren't on it, normalfags and femoids who've seen it know how easy it is to find some situationship using it, so there's no stakes in leaving your crippled boyfriend for greener pastures.

Basically, fuck her, but especially fuck tinder.

>Basically, fuck her, but especially fuck tinder.
Women should not have any power, their subjugation would improve quality of life for both genders.

>abuses woman by claiming to be suicidal when she wants to be free of him
Not him but you're a literal cunt. It's not uncommon to BECOME SUICIDAL after a breakup but you fucking idiots get so entangled in your socially manipulative hullaballoos you start to suspect each other for having ulterior motives
>woe he was abusing me by TELLING ME THE TRUTH!!11
even if it was false this is FAR, FAAAR from actual abuse and you know it

>Willingly getting into some 3/10 (because otherwise she wouldn't be wasting her youth in the fucking church meetings) religious roastie, only to maybe find a celibate whore to marry.

What a fucking cuck

I unironically agree with this sentiment. It's abhorrent that anyone would give women power.

I wouldn't, but as the old saying goes, do as I say not as I do.

You say that as if chicks aren't exclusively female.

Dude. Look at this. THIS is why women don't like you. They already have a pussy. They don't want a fucking novel from one.

You also made it creepy when you said shit about "less in return".

I don't just say it from unguided misogyny, studies show that women were happier in general when they had less rights. You even see it in their nature how the vast majority are submissive and want to be dominated by an alpha male. Former monogamous societal structures made a good effort at maintaining a balance by making it real hard on a woman if she wanted to follow her primitive instincts in finding another man. Therefore they were satisfied with what they had through necessity. Obviously this system was not without fault but it was better than today.

Men move on. The "attachment" you mean is desperation.

Wow, saying the obvious isn't gonna do anything, though. OP was just relieving himself of the pain of being left subtly over time in a lifeless relationship. You assume OP is sending shit like this prior to his GF dumping him? You're a brainlet

This is a MALE ONLY board!

Oh God you did that beta thing where you said you'd kill yourself without her? She called you on your mentally abusive bullshit. You're a piece of shit.

We can't all be alpha nigger gangsters like you.

No, I'm a victim and an abuser, just as she was.

But there was one fucking line, and she crossed that. One line we both agreed never to cross. We SWORE that.

No such thing as a clean war.

Yeah he just suddenly became a beta after being dumped.

Sorry. I'm a guy. Just not desperate.

No, I was literally suicidal and I reached out to her for two reasons, I was at this point merely a couple of days away from doing the deed:

1) To see if there was anything she wanted to say or do before I left, out of politeness and respect to her, I'd never have forgiven her if she killed herself without telling me first

2) I actually can't remember the second reason, I had it a moment ago...

Oh geez you sound like a fucking chick.

It's not war.

>my GF


Doubtful you're a guy. Either way, your input is pointless, since you do not share the human experience in a rational capacity. You're mentally deficient.

>Oh geez you sound like a fucking chick.

Different people, bubba.

Also >checked

Oh yeah, the other reason was to try and spend one last day with her, you know. Just see her and talk to her before I left, then I could leave happy, with her in my mind and shit.

You're not suicidal if you're telling everyone. That's being a teenage girl.

This. No one leaves suicide notes.

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People move on all the time. Being a clingy desperate weirdo is not the human experience.

You're missing a piece of humanity and arguing won't fix you.

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Suicide notes aren't texts to ex girlfriends days before. That's being an abusive, selfish attention whore.

>It's not war.
It is when their actions declare it.

You're a brainlet. Suicidal people tend to reach out before they do the deed. Look into it AT ALL before you bother talking about it, little guy

No I'm just not desperate. You're missing social skills.

>things that humans experience are not the human experience

robot among robots here lads. its okay you can go larp about having knowledge in another thread since its all anonymous :)

Eh... I told you the reasons I told her. SHE went on to tell everyone, which actually made me more determined to actually do it.

I didn't in the end, because we ended up talking again and I somehow deluded myself into thinking that I could win her back...

She blocked me later on.

No. People who claim to be suicidal do. If you wanted to kill yourself, you would.

You lack empathy, at the very least. You're not really wowing me, either. I highly doubt you have social skills worth anything. You're just a shell. A lobotomized animal going about his day in what he thinks is the correct way, so as to avoid being wrong.

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>You're missing social skills.
Lacking humanity is not a social skill, no matter how you phrase it.

See? It was just to get with her. How pathetic.

Empathy is for chicks, dude.

Being desperate is not humanity.

That's not what that term means.

It's a key aspect, without it we would have gone extinct.

There there, user. You may not feel you're fucked in the head, but it's obvious why you're here, now.

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Well, yeah, basically... I'm suicidal because I don't have her anymore. I never once told her "get back together with me", I could never force her into a relationship, fuck I felt guilty enough that she felt the need to talk to me for the month or whatever before I scared her away again, this time for good.

That's not why I told her though, I really was going to do it at that point, but she somehow talked me down.

Not going to give her the chance next time, she's had her chance already.

You're talking to a troll, user. He's riling you up on purpose. Stop feeding it. It should be obvious you were upset and she was the one being unreasonable.

Like I said: they're soulless creatures.

Sure, buddy :D
Fuckin post your Kik. I know this isn't soc but if you have the Watchman in your reaction folder then we can absolutely get along

Why does your Patrick look like an acid trip, user?

Friendly reminder that only three dimensional women do this. Don't date 3D humans.

Quads confirm this is true.
Even though 2D NTR hentai exists

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Just make your own waifu. What can go wrong?

>that hard cope still trying to appear as if his life is in order

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She isn't wrong, you sound like a needy faggot who has to threaten suicide to keep relationships instead of doing something that addresses what went wrong.
>I know you think by killing yourself you're going to get me to remember you forever, but I'm not like that
If you got your head out of your ass for once, you'd see that she was trying to discourage you from doing it but instead, you use it as proof of how cold women are because she wasn't staying with some borderline cunt just so he wouldn't kill himself. That makes things worse and she was telling you if you were going to do it, she'll have no reason to think fondly of you and why should she if you were going to sour good memories over a broken relationship where most mentally stable people would move on? If a roastie acted this way, which they do and I've seen it before, Jow Forums would be against her, don't expect that we'll tolerate emo fags like you because you're a robot.

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Everything said is right, if you threaten people with suicide or mention it to get sympathy you are trash.

While I do agree he went overboard in declaring he was suicidal, please understand that he probably has nothing else to live for, so in a way, he is already dead.

Yeah, she would say all the same shit, accuse me of being emo all the time.

I am a needy faggot, I told her as much all throughout, she was needy as well. She liked that, even encouraged it in me.

Believe me, while I may be responsible for a lot of this shit, she absolutely is for magnifying things, making them 1000x worse.

She knew what I was like from Day 1, and got off on that, and embellished it.

It wasn't a threat, and I agree. I explained why I told her, it was never a threat. When I was with her, if I didn't say things like that to her, she would think I didn't love her enough.

She once asked me if I would kill anyone she asked me to, I said no and she spent half the night crying in my bed, before trying to break up with me.

Believe me, she knew what she was doing, and this shit is as much on her as it is on me.

>, I said no and she spent half the night crying in my bed,
And she was the one to start the break up? God you're pathetic.