Heyyyy fellas it's PAY DAY! Post those balances ITT right now and discuss your finances!

Heyyyy fellas it's PAY DAY! Post those balances ITT right now and discuss your finances!

Went up a tiny bit despite the bills and everything. A friend left the country and I had to show her a good time before that too. But post yours!

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20 year old poorfag reporting in

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not sure if I need proof of this or not but I have
>3,100 in one bank
>1,100 in a paypal account
>150 in another bank

bbbbumaapsssdsa ad sa

I have about 5 euro in my wallet and my bank account is literally at 0

Attached: hay.png (113x113, 23K)

>payday is next week
About $60k CAD all told
I haven't been saving anything the last few months though

im so broke, i have $10 in my bank account :/ if anyone wants to donate money to a sad poor 20 y/o college student, please reply

I replaying, hope my replay will give you instant money!

Beware of my fortune , 19 yo living the life . Had to borrow money for cigarettes .

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>8k bank
>5k crypto

venmo me verycoolbeanz

If your bank balance doesn't begin with a minus you literally cannot be a robot

Cant be bothered to screenshot but ive got almost $7000 in my main account and $500 in emergency savings.

This plus $10k in the bank. Been grinding since 15 and it's paying off. I graduate uni next semester with plenty of money in my pocket

Attached: indexfund.png (879x131, 10K)

pretty good, kid

>vtsax minimum initial of $10,000
jfc, investing is hard.

I'm too scared to look at my online banking.

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>5k crypto

lmao @ your memecurrency

700GBP in gambling losses in the past 2 weeks. No money coming in. Genuinly unsure of what I am going to do.

Attached: hahe.jpg (1439x868, 104K)

>tfw no NEETbux
>tfw the money I've scraped up last month had to go to a family membet
>tfw family member couldn't even pay me back enough to stay out of the red

Simply waiting for death to take me

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Got any crypto tips

Then again at least I have my emergency paypal funds


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I work two days a week and live at home, not too bad

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if anyone wants to help me eat this week...

sorry for being garbage

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are you a brown skin? bb

No, pretty damn white since I avoid going outside as much as possible

Today isnt my payday, but this is still pretty embarrassing regardless

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Just started a 401k at work, gonna put $100 every pay period.

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>soundcloud rapper
No thanks pal

If only it paid

You made 44k in one paycheck?

What the heck

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It can be under it's just an etf though

1.5k checking
5k saving
2k btc

OP ill love you forever if you send me $20

Attached: rocket power.jpg (540x699, 75K)

I made $289 over two weeks. I hate my job, I'll never make enough money to change anything and i have no marketable skills to get a better job. I also live in the city so there's a ton of people more eligible for positions than me so I'm stuck. I want to die.

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>unironically piling up money in a savings account