When will you become a man?

When will you become a man?

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Enjoy getting cucked. I'd rather die alone than get fucked about by another woman.

When they accept my Man application

I like the baby. He's cute. Is it possible to adopt one as a jobless NEET?

As long as she earns enough to support us and the kids, I'm down.

>betabux cuck parroting shit he heard from his out-of-touch boomer dad

Choose one

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Here here, death before cucked!

When a woman shows up who wants to marry me and have kids. It's not my fault 99% of women these days would rather have hookups than long term relationships.

All you have to do is be enough of a man for her not to want anyone else.

I just want to adopt the baby desu. He could be my friend.

>All you have to do is be enough of a man for her not to want anyone else.
Impossible, there is always a better dude around the corner. If more men dropped their ego and realized this then there would be far less cuckings and more lonely, old used-up hags.

He really IS a man, at least in my book. He doesn't just talk the talk, but he actually goes through with everything he believes in and finds a beautiful woman for himself and has kids which he clearly cares for a lot. Makes me wish I was like him.

>All you have to do is be enough of a man for her not to want anyone else.
>implying women are actually satiable
They tend to look for better, even while in a relationship, constantly.

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Have either of you personally been cheated on?

I was taught being a man means standing up for what you believe in and not caving to retardo outside pressure. That's what real integrity and character is. It's not bowing to your retardo demands so you can feel better about your life choices, Dale.

Hypergamy is a bitch.You do not need be personally cheated on to understand it.Look around you and pay attention.
Also,you sound like a bluepilled cuck who recently discovered this place.Leave.

l don't want to be a man.

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The third paragraph is most interesting.
Society requires men in every way: police, tradesmen, fathers, tax payers, etc. He's totally correct in laying out what it is that society needs but seems to be completely ignorant of what society needs to give back in order to cultivate that kind of behaviour.
As far as I'm concerned; let masculinity die, kill it if you have to.

Worse, I've had my trust betrayed multiple times by so called friends. Also you can't trust women in a hypergamous society. She's always going for the alpha. 80/20 is and always will be, a solid guideline.

>l don't want to be a man.
Tough shit, but you don't need to be a cuck.

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>why are men
For every man staying at home there is a woman sucking random dicks at the club. Men didn't start it.
>world is already overpopulated
>waaah you need to make babies
Explain this please

Why exactly is he a cuck? Because he doesn't have children?

Leave, you shill

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Lol, oooookay, bucko. I've seen women cheat on/leave guys who were at least 2 or 3 points above what her bit on the side was.

Women get bored, and they get bored reaaaaaally easily. And a relationship is just a constant battle to try and keep her interested.

They say that, but they all are hoping you'll call them Beck the next morning.

This is Jow Forums, poltard. He belongs here more than you do

I'm already a man, the only thing that makes you a man is being an adult male.
Don't believe me?
Go commit a crime, they're not going to try you as a minor.

>but they all are hoping you'll call them Beck the next morning
but they're all hoping Chad will call them back the next morning*

>He's totally correct in laying out what it is that society needs but seems to be completely ignorant of what society needs to give back in order to cultivate that kind of behaviour.

People have forgotten that men don't sacrifice themselves for nothing unless they are naive. Only the fool laments over >tfw no gf, which is actually tfw peace, quiet, and less a stressful life.

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Because he's raising another mans children and providing for the woman. The ultimate act of submission.

You won't have to worry about her finding a better man if you're the best. Just be as good a man as you can possibly be, and if she leaves, the guilt will be on her.
Being betrayed by friends is not quite the same thing as being cheated on, unless they left you for a better friend or something. In which case it's probably your fault for being a shitty friend. Even still, you can't blame yourself completely if a woman leaves you for a better man. Just think about how you could be a better man and find someone else. In the same way a woman can always find someone better, man can always find someone better too.

>if you're the best
Impossible. There will always be guys with better genetics, which is what really matters

>You won't have to worry about her finding a better man if you're the best.
That's the thing, there's always better, and they're always looking for it.
>Just be as good a man as you can possibly be, and if she leaves, the guilt will be on her.
That wouldn't change the part where she leaves you and you feel horrible because of it.

>He's raising another man's child
I hate when you people say this because you have no proof that they're not his. Even if you were unsure, you can still DNA test them. And if the results are that they're not yours, then you leave her for good.

As the other guy said I can't beat genetics. I'm just a 6'1 guy, around the corner there is some mega, 6'3 Chad with testosterone levels above 1,000 ng/dl. Women will always battle for the top 20%.

I became a man when my daughter was born. I was 18 years old.

>the next morning
yeah but women don't give me the first night to begin with

what's the women's side of this equation tho?

he's a good goy
an originally good one

This guy was already dating his future wife at 19

Fuck that. If being a "man" means giving up my happiness in a society that gives me back nothing, I'll happily be a "boy" until I die.

Man up and realize your only destiny is to do what your parents did, user.

I wonder whose fault that is...

Not for any of us to decide.

pick one or fuck off, fatman

God since he apparently have females the ability to smell my autism
Even the women in my family don't care about me

You're not even gonna give yourself at least partial responsibility??

>Hoverhanding your wife in the picture you choose you portray your happiness
I strongly dislike this whole assumption that its mens fault. That somehow men collectively chose to supposedly not grow up. That the whole thing holding "the future" and happiness, borderless societies, welfare for everyone, money for everyone, environmental something (whatever that means), job for all, wealthy living blabla is that men don't man up, show up and know up (as he calls it).

Nobody says what growing up entails. Nobody is allowed to question someone elses parenting. Getting a kid and not beating it is like a get out of jail free card, where you by default do the right things because "it feels good".
Pizza for breakfast? Look at the smile on the kid
Giving them the iPad/iPhone? Look at the smile on the kid
etc etc

>your only destiny is to do what your parents did, user.

This is why I like being a robot, no chance of being a married cuck

It's partially my fault of course but it's takes two to tango and not one is willing to be my partner even in social interactions

>being bitch whipped is a virtue

Some of us just aren't attractive to women, nothing we can do.

I have a job, keep myself in shape, manage my finances and help my parents out when needed.
I'm also an ugly 26 year old kissless virgin.
What am I meant to do when no woman would be willing to lower herself to my level?

hire escorts semi-regularly
maybe buy a dog

Which I am perfectly happy with, but no I'm not man enough for people because I don't live the same way they do.

>hire escorts semi-regularly
Oh fuck off

Touchy subject, bro?

>Y-you are not a r-real man until you make a family!
These shills nowadays...

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>When will you become a man?
never because im taking tranny pills

I don't owe anything to women or society. Besides, marriage is a poor investment, with less than 50% chance of success. I'd rather live my life the way i want to than to take a chance with those odds.
>b-but muh companionship!!!
get a dog faggot
>b-but muh children
annoying and messy and expensive and loud, no clue why anyone would want one of those little shits

The fucking nerve of these guys. People are just mad we'e not raising whores to be fucked or robots to be cucked and wage slaving his life away. That's why you have the herbivore men in Japan, they saw that life is hard enough without a family to support, so they embrace the madness of lifelong virginity.

You literally CANNOT blame men for this. This is entirely on women and society as a whole.
Civilization cannot function without men contributing their time and labor. But there needs to be a mechanism that incentivizes men to give those things up. That mechanism is the possibility of stable, monogamous marriages and the chance to birth offspring. Without that, men have no incentive to contribute and are better off using their productive capacity on themselves. If you have a society in which monogamy has been crushed and only the top 20% of men have a reasonable shot at a desirable mate, you are going to have a big problem. Men dont give away their freedom for nothing.
Just look at the behavior of beta and omega males in animal groupings as a perfect example of this. These animals are often asocial, moody, and hostile to the group as a whole because they get picked on and have no shot at reproduction. Most animals will never form complex social structures because most dont have monogamy as a mechanism to incentivize the cooperation of a majority of males. Species that do have monogamy, such as penguins, are highly organized and can survive even in extremely hostile conditions.
We are going the way of the polygamous animal herd, in which the only real social structure is Chad and his harem and a bunch of isolated, frustrated men. Dont blame the betas and omegas for not contributing. Blame biology.

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Men are just looking at the deal and seeing that it's a shitty deal, and choosing something else on their own. What's so bad about it? Sounds pretty similar to those who endlessly judge women for doing whatever they want.

I wonder what kind of person you'd have to be to seriously have that viewpoint. He's upset that other men his age are doing what they want, and not getting tied down by having a family. Maybe he wants more people to have families so that he can feel better about his life choices. It must suck, going on facebook and seeing your childless friends having plenty of money, and having fun; while he has to stay at home with his kids and (probably bitchy) wife, with no way out without having to pay child support, and being seen as a piece of shit who left his family.

Good on you bro, strive for your own happiness and fuck what others tell you.
I'm dating a 16 year old and the rage of my friends' fat wives sustains me as much as the teen puss.

Society is NEVER wrong, bucko! You take that fucking back, you queer!

I know youre being facetious but that really seems to be the attitude when it comes to men
>Men cant possibly have any legitimate grievances with the way things are so we can dismisd any male critics of the social order as sexists and manbabies heh
This kind of thinking will drive society to ruin and I frankly look forward to it

>spend 100000% of your time on me, you aren't allowed to live your own life unless im involved

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When I figure out what my ideal man is. For now, I do not know what it looks like. I know I am not him, but hopefully some day I will become him. So, I do not know when.

When I acquire enough wealth to concieve a child in a test tube with a blonde, 5'9"+, high-iq egg donor, bribe the PGD lab to only accept male embryos, and then enter into a surrogacy/wet nursing contract with my long-term sugar baby in which I control all aspects of her behavior and nutrition for three months pre-implamtation and two years post-implantation.

>mfw people are basically turning back to animalistic behaviour as soon as women are given absolute freedom of choice

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History repeats itself unless we learn from it :^)
Except that part, because FREEEDOM or something

I've tried hundred of times and it always ended in failure and me getting depressive.
Now things were starting to head in the right direction with a girl who I've known for years and were messaging through Instagram everyday, but I started to notice that she's ghosting me despite me leading all the time and trying to invite her to go out but she keeps ignoring it no matter how much i try, yet she's always liking my pictures, sending me messages and stuff. She's a single mother btw, but she always seemed really nice, down to earth and with her heart in the right place.

At 31, being a wizard I should have given up already, but sometimes I just have hopes. I only want a partner in life and that's it.
I'm going insane. I've failed in so many relationships I'm starting to think I'm not made for this stuff.

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He can't control how others react or respond.

This. Feminism has caused us to go back to caveman times. We're naturally a tournament species but restricting women and enforcing monogamy culturally dialed back the inequality. We need to go back to that before it's too late.

>put women everywhere in education
>make women being bored an acceptable reason for a divorce
>make women win divorces almost all the times
>put chems in food
>do the job as parents so bad that videogamea and other forms of escapism are more interesting than spending time with the parents
>wonder why boys don't grow up
we live in a society

This is good. Imma screencap it now.

Babies are cute and they make good friends. You can take him to the movies or the zoo and talk to him.

Educated women with completed bachelor's degreess or higher are less likely to divorce than women without educations. They're also less likely to have children out of wedlock.

>white knuckles on one hand
>hoverhanding with the other
>Possibly half black bastard daughter

Speak for yourself. I want to adopt a baby to be friends with him and have company.

>women turn into animals when given freedom
>men are supposed to be beta bux still

>every post a lesson
>daley wisdom
>please share, it's my birthday, PLEASE
>i'm a man
On top of being a cuck, he lacks basic self awareness to the point of stupidity. Born and bred cuck to be taken advantage of by roasties

that's the worst part, user.
they get access to chads because they turn into free animals, while men are still supposed to be betabux slaves.
now this is dystopia.

only the black ones and asian ones

This was not written by a man.

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>hoverhanding your wife


Looks like he's about to pinch her

>be 20 yr old stacy
>fuck tyrone and chad all through your 20s
>get to 30s
>all men are redpilled enough to know that you're only looking for a beta provider at that point
>aged chad is off fucking younger, better stacy
>tyrone left you after impregnating you
>"where have all the good men gone?"
all the eligible bachelors are dating younger or foreign women, you roastie whore

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>not marrying women and giving them kids is selfish
fuck women i'll live how i want

Never, I'm okay with being a manchild forever.

>"I told you, you had your 5 minutes of intimacy today, keep your hands off!"
What is fascinating about this is that he knows something is off about what he says. He's posting it online for validation points, so when 100 or whatever say "yea, you go man! the true man! best man! Woop woop, man man man masculine so manly man man" he can go to sleep thinking that since so many says he does right, it must be right.
I recognize the way of thinking. the need for external validation. It's ruining your self-esteem, and he has somehow hankered in a wife, which is deciding everyday for both of them.
He's a hollow husk of a man at this point, and what the future brings is unknown.

Give us something worth growing up for. The future used to be flying cars, good jobs, cheap space travel and beautiful women who love you for being you. Now the future is pic related. Do they honestly believe us to put any effort in instead of just playing video games and jerking off, waiting for the end? Fucking retards.

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