Extremest Blackpill in years

>Extremest Blackpill in years
Women are no longer being punished for small crimes in the UK- no jail time. Men, however, are. So white trash roasties are getting off scot free while men suffer. Jesus Christ.

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At this point UK is a bigger meme than Sweden

What does this even mean? I don't fully understand.

It is the current year after all. Applying the law equally is fascist, probably nationalsocialist, and definitely sexist, bigotted, mysoginist and racist

It is pretty fucking bad here. I don't really know what it's like in Sweden though since I don't live there but I imagine anyone from the UK who genuinely tries to defend this country only does it because they get butthurt at the shitposting against us and just want to 'redeem their honour'.

I want to move to another country but I'm a typical robot with no qualifications.

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UK is islamist feminist shitehole lad m8 absloute state of


here's my license officer thank you for lettin me post aye

Come to Germany, just throw away your passport and say you're from Syria - you'll instantly be "very qualified" and can pretty much do whatever you want.

This classic caused a nice stir here when it happened

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I doubt I'll be able to bullshit them with my pale skin and accent. I just want to live a quiet life somewhere and get on with it instead of being subject to retarded laws, restrictions and a government that just feels like it's out to fuck you in any way they can.

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So, the law currently states that one can be jailed for non-violent crimes, e.g. consensual rape of a child, shoplifting multiple times. This law proposes that the law for men should be harsher than the one for women- women will never be jailed unless they commit violence, men will. This is obviously sexist towards men. As per usual, women will be getting a free pass because they are weaker when it suits them, but empowered when it doesn't.

No that doesn't make sense, I don't believe that this is a real thing. This has to be exaggerated or something.

Do you 'ave your postin loicence loicense m8, uvverwise im gon 'ave to take you down to the stashun bruv

You can't be sexist against men.

Oh yes I forgot (please don't report me I swear I'll give Ahmed a penance blowjob when I get home)

This doesn't make sense as women only make up 5% of the prison population.

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But if sexism is prejudice + power and this is an example of power (law) and prejudice, then it IS sexism against men.

But a man created this law, this is sexism against women

>islamist feminist
How the fuck did the bongers even manage this? How do you warp reality this hard?

That makes no sense. A man can create a law that's sexist against men. How is this law sexist against women? Are you being genuine right now?
If you say anything like "this law is about how women are immature/stupid and can't be held responsible because they're seen as childlike" or something, just know you are legitimately fucking stupid or evil.

My country may be a meme right now but it's coming home lads

I'm shitposting. My only way to deal with this insane bullshit.

Oh my bad. yea I don't understand what's happening at all anymore.

wow. just look into those eyes. look at what we are creating.

Not your bad, there are people who legitimately believe what I was saying. No way to know what's a joke or not now. It's crazy and you'll be hit with the sexist label if you speak out against this stuff irl.

This is fine, women typically don't become repeat offenders. Jail is expensive and it's a huge waste to punish someone who has already learned a lesson.

It's real. Telegraph has sources but pic related is the original brochure that discusses it, it's just only recently that they went from brainstorming about giving women lesser sentences for the same crime to actually putting it into effect.
>"Solutions: Fewer women in custody (especially on short-term sentences) and a greater proportion of women managed in the community successfully."

Also men get longer sentences for the same crime in the US as well according to a study, but there's nothing in the law that mandates that, in the UK there now is. Oh, and the reasoning? "Women have higher reported mental health problems in custody than men." What an absolute joke.

Shut up you dumb vegan it's unfair


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yeah, it's really unfair that men simply cannot function in a normal society without repeatedly committing crimes. it's such an unnecessarily burden on the rest of us, could you please stop?

Are you seriously defending this? please stop i dont understand why women are doing this stuff. please just stop you know it's not fair yet you continue. Why?

And what are you gonna do about it, you fucking sissy boy faggot? It's what you deserve for being an useless sack of shit.
>islamist feminist

pick one or the other, you literally mentally ill incel

people like you are so fucking sad. You aren't nearly as tough, or cool, or smart as you think you are. You're literally coming on to Jow Forums to mock anonymous people LMAO

That's literally what the UK is now.

>Women are precious but Muslim grooming gangs should be protected

so you would prefer wasting money and needlessly breaking up a family and taking someone out of the workforce and all the other downside of imprisoning someone who is HARMLESS and at such a low risk of committing further crimes?

Yes, I do not believe the law is relative and I do not believe that sexism is ever just and I do not believe in letting criminals go just because they're women. You're being purposefully sexist for no reason.

>Needlessly breaking up a family
>Imprisoning men isn't doing exactly that
Obvious bait though, nice try

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t. summerfag
Can't wait till this is over.

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do you agree that men are more likely to be repeat criminals?

it's not needless if you need to punish men more harshly to try to deter them from committing more crimes.

After not going to jail for fucking stabbing her boyfriend, this whore ditched that loser and is now dating Chad


>The Oxford medical student who was 'too bright' to be jailed after stabbing her Tinder date has found love again with the son a Russian billionaire.

>Lavinia Woodward, 24, is now in a relationship with 21-year-old businessman Philip Kagalovsky,

21yo "businessman" lmao

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enough running. You can't keep running away forever.

How the fuck do you even stab someone with a bread knife?
I guess she really is talented

>do you agree that men are more likely to be repeat criminals?
It doesn't matter, because the law is not about prevention it's about punishment.
Punish repeat criminals equally and WHEN THEY ACTUAL REPEAT THEIR CRIMES. Punish all 1 time criminals equally when they commit a crime.

It's because operating women's prisons when they make up about 3% of the prison population costs too much money. What they want to do is shut down smaller regional prisons, make one big one, and stuff all the worst bitches in there and just call it a day. They also get to look progressive to retards and for a government mired in racism and other scandals that's a bonus.

I'd say to wall off the UK, but they're already an island. So I guess we just watch it burn from the shoreline?

blah blah, you didn't answer the question because you KNOW the answer is yes.

the law has always been subjective, you and i could commit the same crime and I might get community service and you get jail time simply because my judge thought I was being respectful and sincere in my remorse and yours thought you were a little prick.

also it doesn't say that the women go unpunished but that they won't jailed.

It's like Jeremy Meeks all over again

>blah blah, you didn't answer the question because you KNOW the answer is yes.
I did answer the question, yes men are more likely to be repeat offenders, and that literally doesn't matter at all.
The rest of your post is just some bullshit trying to justify bullshit about how you think women deserve to be given more leeway just because they're women. I'm not going to agree, men don't deserve less just because we're male.

I will likely never commit a crime of any degree yet I still think this new law is utter bullshit.

I wonder what attracted her to him? He doesn't look very chaddish, looks pretty beta imo. Oh, it must be the money.

I guess I'm coming at it from a risk management standpoint.

Men are more likely first offenders, more likely repeat offenders, more likely serious offenders and less responsive to other forms of punishment.

It just seems natural to imprison them for longer because that seems to be the only thing that they understand.

Women aren't like that, for most women simply being caught once is enough to forever end their illegal activities so why take up the space and money?

The fact that it's men vs women isn't really an issue for me. I would be happy to apply this to other demographics if it worked out so nice and neatly like it does here but that doesn't seem to be the case.

yes I understood from the beginning, you're arguing from the point of "law is about prevention" not "law is about punishment".
Giving your opinion, why not just put cameras everywhere, and design AI systems to watch everyone and flag 'bad' behavior to stop people from doing things bad before they happen? Why not establish wrongthink? You already admit that you would apply things differently, you already admit you disagree with all philosophy of law (that the law supposed to be blind) and that you don't care about being consistent or anything.

Also, if it's about women being caught, then what about women who repeatedly commit crime but just don't get caught?

Ouch! He got you good, basedboy!

He's not a 10, but he's definitely not ugly. I'd say he's quite a bit above average. It's not like women only date Chad. They date normans, too. Besides, he has money, and is probably charismatic or something.

>refuse to jail women
>only men are in jail
>thus only men are criminal

Britbong logic

You could say the exact same thing about black people, but there's no way that law would ever even get suggested.

Jesus fucking Christ it just never ends with the (((Anglo))) does it.

as a black guy lol you can't say stuff like this and then turn around say that you can't judge black people by their prison numbers.

You keep assuming that these women aren't being punished when it only states they aren't going to jail.

Do you not think that two different kinds of punishment can work? Could it simply be a case that a) punishment seems more effective for men while b) seems more effective for women?

I would prefer cameras everywhere with AIs designed to flag bad behavior as a system of ensuring people who did wrong things are caught.
I would apply things that are proven to be effective to the people who it proves to be effective for. I don't really care if it's punishment or not as long as it works and stops further crime why would anyone want anything else?

Catch them and then we can talk about it I suppose.

It wouldn't bother me if they did.

So? It's not like they care. The media really only uses logic when it fits their agenda.

You could actually make the exact argument from all of your data.

Since men repeat offend more, prison is obviously not the best way to make sure that they stop committing crimes. Conversely, since women seem to repeat offend less, prison is obviously working to rehabilitate them, so we need to keep imprisoning them because it works so well.

exact opposite* argument

I love my country but for fuck sake we're the laughing stock of the world at the moment.

Did you not notice america is open borders now. Just fly to cancun and walk or boat over.

Ah the beauty of feminist """""equality""""" in action. Pure cancer.

Wrong, we know not jailing men isn't effective and that jail time is MORE effective than not. If you have any suggestions for something that would decrease the likelihood that they re offend I would love to hear it. Also women don't repeat offend regardless if they spent jail time or not, they commit crime overall less.

I wouldn't say he's ugly exactly, but there are lots of guys that look like that (who are not rich) who are basically invisible in the eyes of females. You know charisma had nothing to do with it, if anything it'd be something she'd notice after the dollar signs faded from her eyes a little.

I think Sweden at least tries to be equal, unlike the UK and the US where women are put before and above men.

You didnt counter it at all, you just said "wrong."

I think that jailing men is obviously not effective, because even when they're sent to jail for longer periods of time, they still re offend. In fact, the longer they go to prison, the more likely they are to reoffend.

I dont care anymore. Let women have their way. All i know is that im out of the game and refuse to have anything to do with them. Men and women are unable to communicate with each other in effective ways, so why bother

just imagine living in the uk
i cannot even feel bad at this point, uk is such a meme

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Oy vey, the statistics are so fucking clear, spend 15 minutes on Google and you'd understand that.

Jailing men isn't that effective I agree but it's more effective than not jailing them. Come up with a better solution instead of trying to insist that women spend time in jail when it's not necessary.

I've got to take a nap, have fun in prison!

UK is a shithole.
My sister thought of going there for vacation but I strongly advised her against it.
She listened and learnt that it is indeed a shithole not worth visiting.

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Will transwomen get off scot free as well?

>implying this doesn't warrant an investigation of other countries which also have the same rates of male to female incarceration (like the US, and everywhere basically)

why don't criminals get their wives to shoplift for them

Your a faggot with no qualifications and I'm guessing no job so you probably go to the local job centre so you can keep on recieving your benefits, you may as well be a fucking chav please shit the fuck up you arrogant free loading bastard

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You do that with black people you fatshits

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>A higher homicide rate
>Shitty healthcare
>Racial disparities and issues
And we're a shithole you say

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The UK is not what it was and has overall become a pretty shit and cucked country. Good luck finding somewhere in the modern world that is not in a similar situation though, for example while its pretty shit here its still better than most eu places.

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>grooming gangs and moped gangs

the uk is dead to me.

I like how you pretend you care about making a logical argument for like ten posts, but then shit all over it by showing you really just enjoy fucking others over with a last sentence.

>homicide rate
Is mostly contributed to by only three cities, all three of which restrict firearms ownership to zero. Cut those three out and the homicide rate plummets below even a few European nations (iirc, it would be below Belgium's homicide rate).
Further, it's a much larger nation. Of course things will be highly inflated compared to much smaller countries.
>shitty healthcare
Because our military has to compensate for most of Europe. Germany just has 4 Eurofighters out of 128 that are actually combat ready, and their supply chain during Afghanistan was comical, having to practically disarm most of their domestic military bases to equip their men overseas. That's part of why much of Europe enjoys your great healthcare, we've been picking up the check for practically your entire continent's defense budget, in both equipment and manpower.
>racial disparities and issues
Please, you act as if Europeans have never ever harmed or enslaved a negro in the past. And are you really going to complain about racism on a site full of racists, fascists, and all kinds of people who either don't give a shit or heavily condone it?

I swear the U.K., Germany and Sweden are going to team up and cause WW3 in the name of Islamic feminism.

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I've seen this happen in the US, attractive woman do not get in trouble for anything short of murder unless the cop could get in trouble for not turning her in.

>implying white people are legally allowed to commit small crimes

>Blacks and whites use Marijuana at the same rate
>Blacks are convicted and sentenced more
Yeah yeah buddy believe what you want

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I've got to give it to you user you really are retarded I mean you spend more on healthcare then us it's not that you lack money it's because your system is shitty and that's just one thing so stop making up excuses lad

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>what is repeated offensives
>different states have different sentencing
>did they have a criminal history beforehand

It's more complicated then you think.

Black people have a lot more marijuana on them when they get arrested on average.

Oi m8, you got a license to post that bait, chap?


>A 2015 report conducted by theDepartment of Justicefound that blacks in Ferguson, Missouri were over twice as likely to be searched during vehicle stops, despite being found in possession of contraband 26% less often than white drivers.[23]

A 2016 report conducted by theSan Francisco District Attorney's Officeconcluded that racial disparities exist regarding stops, searches, and arrests by the San Francisco Police Department, and that these disparities were especially salient for the black population. Blacks made up almost 42% of all non-consensual searches after a stop, though they accounted for less than 15 percent of all stops in 2015. Blacks held the lowest search "hit rate", meaning that contraband was least likely to be found during a search.[24]

A 2016Chicago Police Accountability Task Forcereport found that black and Hispanic drivers were searched by the Chicago Police more than four times more frequently than white drivers, despite white drivers being found with contraband twice as often as black and Hispanic drivers.[25]

A 2010 study found little difference across races with regards to the rates of adolescent drug dealing.[28]A 2012 study found that African American youth were less likely than white youth to use or sell drugs, but more likely to be arrested for doing so.[29]

A 2013 study by theAmerican Civil Liberties Uniondetermined that a black person in the United States was 3.73 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than a white person, even though both races have similar rates of marijuana use.[30]Iowa had the highest racial disparity of the fifty states.[31]Black people in Iowa were arrested for marijuana possession at a rate 8.4 times higher than white

> Feminism is wrong. Women are inferior and men are obligated to protect them
> Feminism is right. Women are just as capable as men and deserve equal treatment

Pick one

Just say that you're transgender, problem solved, commit all the robberies you want

>cherry picking statistics to fit a narrative

I can do both, don't try to suggest a little shit posting invalidates my argument.