I don't hate niggers I don't hate Jews I don't hate Mexicans or pikeys

I don't hate niggers I don't hate Jews I don't hate Mexicans or pikeys

I hate the fucking French

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>sure do hate those baguette-toting cheese eaters, am I right fellow white supremacers? Haha!

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What happened to you, OP? All the French people I've met were pretty cool.

I will shove my baguette up your froggy ass with the force of a thousand redditions you twat

Yeah! Let's bomb Europe!

t. Swiss Jew

Why the hatred? we are nice I swear

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Trips confirm anal rape of Jewish OP by crusty, hard baguette

Always toxic or team kill In vidya
No honour
Stink like cheese

why do you hate the french? just lived there for a month, didnt HATE it exactly


Fuck off, kike. You belong in an oven

All french must burn. ESPECIALLY those """french""" canadians in quebec. Sort of glad they're being converted into a caliphate.

You belong in wheelchair

pourquoi? omelette du frommage

>tfw Cajun

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Okay these cunts are not french by any means

>doesn't deny his clear Jewish heritage
Luckily for you we burn cripples on thursdays

How can you hate the french more than pikeys? At least the french are humans.

How about sand niggers? Dont you hate those?

im not ever a "jewish" person tho

pourquoi la haine?

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you french people smell like poo

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Das ist nicht so gut!

Ah toi t'es pas francais, t'es grille direct

>they're half atheist
>country of white people
Oy fucking vey OP.

That's not true you big meanie

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I hate the French because they are arrogant about their bland-as-shit food and their boring as shit lives.
I also hate Pikeys though. Possibly even more than the French.

The only French I hate are Parisians and Canadians.

Regular French people are pretty chill.

How am I a Jew you curly haired faggot

Parisians are the fucking worst and Canadians aren't even french

I just used pikeys as an example of people I don't have any grudges against but I certainly do not like pikeys

Ironically, French Canadians are neither.

Wimpy gauls helped Caesar gain power.

Lol thats because you're an idiot.

I have only met nice French as well.

The only good things about France is their breakfast and scenery