Exotic Food?

Been in China recently tried dog for the first time great meal, is this the real red pill.
This is the picture of my meal

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You’re a fucking monster and should be gunned down in the street like the degenerate you are.

This tbqhf

Why? It's meat from an animal, what makes a dog different from a horse or cow?
How is that morally any different?
I'd try dog given the chance, I just fear that it would not taste very good.
Otherwise, idgaf, and you are a massive hypocrite if you eat other animals meat and then say retarded shit like this.

looks a little undercooked m8...

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>what makes a dog different from a horse or cow?
they're capable of forming deep emotional bonds with humans and have been domesticated for uses other than food for thousands of years.

I would eat that shit on a daily desu. Was the dog pregnant because if so that's the true red pill

List of animals I ate:
>various fish and seafood
I think that's it.

Chinks should hunt pitbulls and eat them desu.

This is such a brainlet argument lmao

This is bait

as opposed to your argument?
oh wait, you didn't post any

My favorite thing to eat...

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So have been cows.

Are you retarded or something?

What are cows good for aside from food?

People complaining are fucking retarded . Pigs are smarter than dogs, and you eat it without thinking twice. Its just that your culture has taught you that eating dog is bad. Dont feel bad about all this double moral fags OP, you didnt do nothing wrong

Fuck you

And how does that make them not okay to eat?
Cows have been shown to form bonds with humans, just like pigs, which also have been used for other uses than food (truffle pigs, assistance for blind etc.)
It's okay to eat intelligent animals like pigs, but you should get shot for eating a retarded little rat dog.
You are a hypocrite and a simpleton.
In the end they are all dumb animals, and ones life is not worth more than the others. I'll eat cats and dogs if I please.


>I find this animal cute so it's not okay to eat it
>Oh but it's totally fine to slaughter these other animals by the millions, because I personally don't care
Hypocrite and brainlet

Because you're so fucking retarded I'm just gonna keep laughing at you


You dont eat a truffling pig because he is valuable to you, he is a tool, similarly you don't eat a dog because his companionship is valuable to you. A cow and chicken is worthless to me alive.

Its just bad the way their treated. At least cows and pigs are killed instantly. In China they skin dogs alive. China can barely take care of their own people, I doubt they treat the food any better.

reported for cannibalism

>I went to China
>the picture is of a live dog on a plate in Japan

the gooks are monsters

if you have a problem with eating dogs, but you still eat pigs/cows you're a hypocrite. Go vegan or shut up.

I'm not the guy who said someone should be shot for eating dog.
Just offered an answer as to what the difference between dogs and cows is. Unless you're a pajeet, I doubt you have a cow cuddling up on your feet at night.

Besides, objectively, it makes much more sense to eat cows and pigs rather than dogs because they have a lot more meat and are a lot less useful for other things. They also require less maintenance.

I would never have a pig or cow as a companion desu.

You just stole this from the googles

sad low energy betacuck basedboy

Now you're talking about Koreans?



There is tons of dog breeds specifically bred for their meat.
It's therefore okay to eat those, thanks for clarifying.

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Ok, thats fine then.

>various fish and seafood
>camel (including milk)

>niggas whomst havent had alligator

Fuck, forgot gator. I had that for the first time in awhile a few weeks ago

Its delicious desu

>You dont eat a truffling pig because he is valuable to you, he is a tool, similarly you don't eat a dog because his companionship is valuable to you. A cow and chicken is worthless to me alive.

Well thats historically untrue , a chicken lays eggs and a cow give you milk , at the same time you don't need to many of them so some cows and chicken(As well as older ones) are being eaten. Today we have better technology so we are capable of having a lot more milk \ eggs per animal as well as a lot more animals(Since they aren't fed with their traditional food). As a result of that we can eat chicken \ cow meat every day , unlike our ancestors.

Although I agree about not eating dogs , they can bond with humans in ways other animals can't(Since they understand our psychology and behavior neutrally).

Almost everything dogs are good for, but they're better dairy providers.

Don't worry laddie though, there's no shortage of dogs, even if they have other uses, this use is just as valid.

Now try your hand at another argument.

I had it blackened, but I grew up eating it fried. Used to freak my sisters out

uhh you forgot insects sweatie

if you ate peanut butter or chocolate, you had insects

Goddamn I did. My memory is fucked up today

fuck off vegan pieces of shit.
dogs should not be eaten because culturally we have formed a bond with them, we constantly have them as pets, and they have helped us through millenia to hunt and do other shit.
Cows don't help with anything, they just eat and stay there till someone kills them, you don't have the majority of the population having them as pets and part of their family, so stop with your retarded brainlet posting.

no I mean non bitchboy insects, like ants and grasshoppers

>hunting cows

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Why? and how was it?

hot dogs


I really wanna try it, but there is no gators in central europe

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I'm not vegan. Most dogs annoy the fuck out of me. I'm not going to go out of my way to eat it over beef but if other people want to that's cool. You're using an appeal to emotion, it's as fucking stupid as all the fat women complaining about the illegal immigrant kids right now.

>Almost everything dogs are good for

Hold on, my guard cow just alerted me to the presence of an intruder. Thankfully, the sheepcows chased him away.
I'm so happy my boss lets me bring my pet cow to work. It's been shown that cows in the workplace lead to a better work environment and increase productivity!
My pet cow also helps me stay in shape. She's so cute when we do agility and she runs over the ramp. I also met my gf on the cow beach. We got to talking after her cow took a dump and she asked me to borrow one of those plastic bags..

Just like those plastic bags, you're full of shit.

Are you really autistic or are you just pretending?

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Dogs are pack animals that naturally integrate into any human hierarchy. Show me a piggy or cow that does this. That's why we're against eating dogs.

I feel bad for eating pigs and cows anyway. Pork I barely touch, it's nasty to eat IMO, and I like pigs. Same with cows, but beef is excellent nutrition.

Some people breed certain types of pigeon, including those intended for food. These were not the street pigeons you see in cities and shit. But really it was mostly like chicken since these birds were bred to have big tiddies like some chickens

All I hear is emotionally motivated drivel.
Animals can be food for humans. If I want to eat a dog, I will do so.
As previously stated, there are many dog breeds in the world that have the explicit purpose of being consumed.
If you still have hang ups over this, you ARE a hypocrite and an irrational one at that.

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I've had gator tail. It just tasted like really chewie chicken nuggies. Of course people say froglegs taste like chicken, but the ones I had tasted like catfish.

those dogs belong in food. disgusting rats

Rosswurst (horse-sausage) is a semi-popular type of sausage in Germany.
Probably because of war times and shit.
We have also been known to eat dog in times of crisis (of which there were plenty).
Can't be picky in hard times.

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Shut the fuck up and eat your dog bowl you first world pussy.

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>If I want to eat a dog, I will do so.

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Lampshades? You monster.

would eat.

Cow's are faggots and dogs are bros

Wearing shit like this cant possibly be comfortable.. why do roasties do this

Yes nigger that's literally how life works faggot

Is sopa de macaco good for bulking? Anyone willing to post a quick rundown on its macros?

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i've had kangaroo
weird shit in china i dont even know what it was
chicken brain
but nothing too exotic

Not counting all sorts of fish and seafood:
>Bat (fruit bat)
>Greater cane rat
>Guinea pig
>Monkey (macaque)
>Snake (not sure of the kind)
>Water Buffalo
>Wasp (larvae)
>Wild boar

Might have forgotten a few but that's roughly it.

Why would you eat a car?

Speed gains


That goes for a number of different animals.

I've always assumed her posts were coded escort ads, they always seem so odd to me.

go back to plebbit u fag

Send it back, it's not done.

> search google for image
Why you lying OP?

Lol that dog is alive and fine

Im korean and I eat boshintang regularly. You guys have no idea I fucking delicious dog meat is.

Never had whale?
Good,don't get it. It's inferior fatty beef.
Wasted almost a hundred dollars eating a full 5 course meal in Japan.

It's illegal in most countries! It must be delicious!
Got quickly disillusioned.

This is a Christian board. Begone with you

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Nope, never had whale.

My grandfather was a merchant marine captain and told me that he once ate dolphin and it apparently was the most delicious meat he ever ate.

Why not eat human meat?

Because that's cannibalism and humans are sentient beings and not dumb animals, retard.

Something called prions

I'm white living in Asia and I've actually had both Dog and Cat before
cat is poor people food and generally tastes lousy, too many small bones and not much meat
Dog on the other hand is considered a "festival" meat for special occasions, its a very fragrant rich tasting meat, a little like mutton or a good cut of beef in a way, extremely tasty

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