These threads are going well. I like to see what you lads are making. Post your creative projects, complete or incomplete ITT. Go on user--
Don't be shy
These threads are going well. I like to see what you lads are making. Post your creative projects, complete or incomplete ITT. Go on user--
Don't be shy
Other urls found in this thread:
The last time I attempted a "creative project" I almost got false flagged.
would a poem count as a creative project?
poems count, frien
Not sure if my friends would call me a fucking loser if I asked them to be voice actors for animations. I can't do a wide variety of voices for both genders.
I made a new song, maybe it's done? I don't know if you guys think it needs something else I'm all ears
Here's my soundcloud for a handful of other tracks
could get a casio cdp 100 for like 80 dollars. is it worth it? have no music experience
I had a big electric piano like that and my mom sold it :^( yeah user, they're loads of fun. Doesn't matter if you don't have experience--grab that baby and get experience
oh shit here he comes
how much can you fuck around on em? can you get synth sounds? i am complete pleb
im a neet stuck in a social/psychological/emotional dead-end.
i have a youtube channel so fuck it here's my one and only video
doing photography mostly and it's gping pretty well. I get many compliments from cuties on instagram, but too shy to answer any of them
Some comfy pics which i already posted a couple of times
and some different stuff
I just used it for the piano, but I think they will have different modes. The real deal is figuring out which cord you need to plug it into your DAW so you can just use it as a MIDI controller. So--short answer is mostly yes
and more but the sky seems a bit too saturated in my opinion
I have some shorts. Not all good, but I want to start making them on a more regular basis and really get my chops up to snuff. I also have a short script I want to shoot later on.
Heres one of my recent shorts:
And heres a script, which I think is a LOT better:
I saved this! Really pretty pic.
user have you ever considered acting? I know you're being serious I'm that video but the best actors are never not serious in that way. Moving monologue, honestly. Would have been really easy for it to be cringe but it wasn't at all. Maybe spend some of your free time working on a melancholic vlog series or something.
Real advice--get some sort of skill. So long as you're a neet you may as well spend time on CodeAcademy or something learning a marketable skill. It's all free, no excuses friend. Hang in there.
You know what this reminds me of? The whole tone of the movie Nebraska, directed by Alexander Payne.
Work in progress of my latest art. Shading then background is up next
I'm always jealous of how fast people can learn when it comes to drawing, I feel like I have been stagnating for years. Still love drawing as a hobby tho, but still
Nice work /vp/bro
Thats pretty cute desu
Is it from anything? Looked like a dreaded Homestuck character in the thumbnail
It's a newer gym leader from Pokemon, gen 4 or 5--I get them mixed up after the first three
Thanks fren, I'm happy with it so far
She is Roxie, a Pokemon Gym Leader
how do i learn how to draw lads, i alreadh read the sticky on /ic/
thanks, i would be typecast as the creepy loner but that would still be infinitely better than my current situation
cool im gonna watch that
Speed paintings taught me a lot. Start with landscapes. Make a folder full of landscape shots that you like. Set a timer on your phone, 30min. Open photoshop, and try to copy the photograph. The 30min timer is really short you'll find, and forces you to make very broad decisions to communicate detail.
This is an INVALUABLE skill as an artist--to be able to generalize detail in the compositional stage. You can spend hundreds of hours detailing work later when you master the basics, but speed painting will make you understand light/dark and mass/space/form. Work in layers.
When you're done dump your painting in a folder with the photos. Do one a day. After a month, you'll be surprised how atmospheric your shit looks--and how recognizable they are as landscapes also.
Plus what were you gonna do with that thirty minutes a day anyway?
Tell us about the man, user
Hey these are really nice user, do you have a place where we can see more?
>post serial 52648626
I want to make a boomer meme for Sam Hyde
I just make YouTube vids there not good though
I listened to the first link you posted. Stop making shit 'lofi hiphop' trash and get a full time job or work on a skill that makes money
Lofi hiphop is good you filthy boomer
Dude im no oldie and i like the shit but theres about 10 people who are any good and the other 1000000+ people making it all sound the same and are wasting time
That sounds like every genre ever
Pylons are the most satisfying aesthetic for me since I was a child, their is a weird unexplored phenomenon that some people are pleased by them
>get a real job
I'm the youngest professor in my department at university you dumb faggot. What are your skills? Shitposting on /mu/?
My man
Lol okay big shot. Keep getting defensive whenever anyone calls your 'art' shit, its a sample and a drum loop get over yourself
I wish to not lose motivation to continue practicing drawing whenever I get busy work work or studies.
I wanna improve before next year in school starts.
>I almost got false flagged
what did user mean by this post
>some people are pleased by them
Autistic people mostly, I'd imagine
Are you under the age of 17?
If so, first off underageb&
And if not, you're a fucking manchild.
people can like a thing and have a hobby of it without needing to make money off it too ya know
>I get many compliments from cuties on instagram
Those are bots, sorry
I never said it was brilliant, my man. Why are you so desperate to be mean? I'm not trying to sell albums and be a genius artist, I'm trying to have fun and be comfy. You can meme about me having no skills and needing to get a job, but how wide you shot of the mark in characterizing me makes you seem like you hate yourself more than my beats
that user is a bitter american obsessed with money and feeling superior.
do what you enjoy user.
Checked, thanks friendo. Do you have any work to share?
i have stuff but not to share here, sorry.
Right on, good luck with it man.
Not trying to harsh your mellow bro just my opinion that its unoriginal, if you dont want opinions dont post it
>your projecting
Sometimes a cigar is a cigar my dude
Stop posting user. I'm not trying to pioneer new musical genres with every track. Lo-Fi is comfy for me and I enjoy making music sampling sounds that I grew up with. If you have constructives post them. If all you have are holier-than-thou bullshit to slather in "its just like, my opinion man" maybe don't.
>I dont like it
>Its unoriginal
>It's just what it is lol
>It's not good
>Get a job
>It's shit
>It's trash
>Go make some money
enough with you.
sorry i forgot about the thread, but i have a normie instagram called "siicknature"
actually i'm talking to a really really cute 16y old girl for 13 days now, who thanked me for following her on instagram. We sended more than 7600 Messages in these 13 days
I hope she doesn't break your heart, user
I have a small youtube channel where I talk about Japanese stuff and show of video games I make.
Here are a few vids that I'm more comfortable showing to Jow Forums
Japanese games english speakers can play
Making friends with the internet (chatroulette 2018)
Teaching Japanese
My video game portfolio
If you watch any of them and don't like them can you tell me what I can change to make them better? Or if you like them can you tell me what you like so I can keep doing it?
I'm making some sort of musique concrete, with a Varg sample in the background, since I thought it fitted with how I'm feeling.
Can someone read this short script and tell me what you think of it? Its not finished yet but I kinda like it.
we will see i guess, but i'm already more than happy to have someone to talk to
watching the portfolio; its cool dude. The "black" in Black Blonde is almost always over a dark background bottom right corner so it just looks like it says Blonde. Super minor aesthetic gripe. Some of the early clips were a little light on action--maybe you could add transitions between clips when you switch between games? Could be cool to see the game title and some artwork for it or something simple like that maybe? Its cool man keep at it
Thanks man, I'm changing the name of the channel all together when I think of something better.
Also I just got GameMaker Studio 2 not too long ago so I'm working on something new.
Really nice, user I like it
you have your shitty youtube clickbait thumbnail act together
There was another user in a thread two days ago or so who said he always wanted to make video game music and his shit was really good--I think I followed him on soundcloud lemmie check. Maybe you two could help each other out
I'm trying man. It is directly from the video though so is that so wrong? I wanted to use the kid who pulled out the gun and was talking about the jews but Youtube frowns upon that kind of stuff.
Here's the guy
If I remember correctly he said the vocals weren't him and were a collab, he did all the instrumentals
Thanks user, I'll look into it when I've got something a little more feasible.
>is that so wrong
following a trend that has been proven to generate views isn't inherently wrong i guess, if your intention is follow that trend and generate views.
it's just a shitty trend.
I have a podcast with a friend of mine called Badvice. We dig up old and new advice columns and read the questions, give our advice, and then read the columnist's reply and critique it. I dig this structure cause it's a way of having material to talk about without having to A: Ask listeners to write in (who the fuck wants to hear about my friend's problem's every week) B: Bring in specific topics that one person knows way more about than the other, leading to boring conversations.
I'm also a sound recordist, so my first priority was just to have this sound good, cause who the fuck wants to listen to 5 people talking around one Blue Yeti.
I don't really know how to describe the feel of the show without actually hearing it, so I'll just list some podcasts I listen to regularly I guess. Joe Rogan, The Dick Show, NPR, Bill Burr, How Did This Get Made, Hardcore History, Comedy Button, Fighter and the Kid, Tiny Meat Gang etc.
I agree, any suggestions on what I can do in the future to generate interest without 'click-bait' ? I don't want people to feel cheated from viewing my content, I want people to come back every week and see me as a friend.
cut you up like jason bitch im a free mason
check out your goods adjacent to my mansion
ive been keeping them there since i snatched them for a ransom
get your whole crew clapped like charles manson
bitch im the better better
put fifty quid on the penalty shootout
your whole clan is new out
fuck a bitch with new clout
im dressed for the occassion
to slice your neck like a caucasian with a razor
and im highly a blazer
winning your favour
providing dat funky flavour
ill leave you, with no remainder
thanks fren, originalllllll
i don't have any suggestions. i don't want much interest in my content so i don't practice or think about things like that.
same, bro
I've posted some of my tunes here for feedback so some other amateur anons can help me not make rookie mistakes but otherwise I'm not shilling it anywhere, and I'm only doing it for myself. It's the only way to really be comfy
I have a creative project in mind and know how to do it, but I lack "materials".
Obtaining them is a matter of cooperation from multiple people, but I don't really have anyone to ask about this.
>I'm only doing it for myself
the most valid reason to do it imo.
i've never posted anything here, i keep that to other forms of communication.
Ask me, user, maybe I can help I'll try
Going to try and reply to as many peoples projects/posts as I can, cause I know I hate sharing things I make with people on my social media feeds, but also look for feedback.
I dig this a lot, I have no idea how hard it is to create lofi music, but I always have a YouTube stream of it playing, and I think this is dope af. Going to peep your soundcloud in a bit. I'd love to use a song of yours for an intro-bumper for an episode of my podcast, I like to change the intro/outro song every week to something indie/obscure/hasn't been heard before.
I dig the colors. What camera do you shoot on/where are these taken? I hate living in the city sometimes cause I just want to be in a giant open space with no one around me.
This was a decent short, in the sense that it was all you doing everything. I know it's corny AF, but listen to some of Ira Glass' talks he does. He has one where he discusses how filmmakers/artists have good taste but not the skills to reproduce what they enjoy, so it just comes down to constantly making stuff. Keep it up, keep shooting, I'd suggest you look into buying a cheap microphone. Even if your camera doesn't have audio in, buy a Zoom H4N for 100 dollars used, tape it to a hockey stick, and you'll have a much better retention rate cause people will accept low quality cameras, but bad sound isn't passable at all. Also watch Film Riot on YouTube, they provide tons of help/tricks!
I don't know how far you've come from drawing, but this is a great work in progress. I've tried to force myself to draw more because I just want to be able to sketch a person/surrounding in a half hour and be able to produce something that looks even REMOTELY similar. Drawing is hard as hell, keep it up.
I don't know how busy you are, but treat drawing like it's something that's scheduled. It's harder to get back into something than never having skipped/given up on it. Set a 30 minute drawing timer every day.
Hey man if you want to use any of my songs for the podcast that'd be killer. They're all free for download on SC. Just shoot me a DM if you do so I can smash that like button when you do.
It's not hard to make, but like anything it's hard to make well :^(
>few no robot musician bf
gib discord and i'll share and overlook your phoneposting
are you qt?
>original question by user
A bot for twitter to procedurally generate tweets based on a given structure.
"[did you know][X][can][Y][to][Z]?"
Each section would be randomly picked from a list: "did you know" can be replaced with stuff like "ever heard about" and similar things, the same goes for "can" and "to", while X, Y, and Z can be literally anything, names, adjectives, and so on.
The aim is to generate funny/weird/interesting tweets and see if the bot can get a decent amount of clout.
The problem is I need hundreds if not thousands of terms and sentences parts to make it varied enough, which is what I'd need cooperation for.
Thats a spooky project, user, do you work for the NSA?
How is it spooky?
I'm imagining dozens of bots like that built vary not only the XYZ variables, but between several sentence compositions as well, with different variables. These could be employed by corporations politicians or think tanks to shill and promote sponsored content.
In fact, this already happens surely, right? Maybe not exactly like you're describing, but alphabet agencies surely do this sort of astro-turfing
Hell yeah brother brother man, I'll bookmark your soundcloud and pick a piece for next weeks episode.
still need to learn a lot of stuff
There are already services to generate sentences that way, my project doesn't concern the technical aspect(the bot coding itself), rather the content, the variables it would pick from and the creation of a structure which will output a grammatically correct sentences regardless of the chosen variables, and being sure it'd generates funny/interesting enough sentences.
I finished this thing like 10 mins ago
Im really proud of it since reminds me of For the bell the frog tolls, and Links awakening.
Can confirm but originally tho
Don't mind me man, the project sounds cool and you would get some valuable experience from trying to implement even just some smaller version of it
I'll bump it--standby. Here, trade you the polished version of my newest comfy beat from a little earlier
Oh shit its you, I was shilling you higher up in the thread. New track is GOAT. Love it man. I'd play your game. Low key Zelda vibes
I really liked the one with the Gloom sprite. Your sampling was clever.
thanks man, I'm learning.
what software/samples do you use to make this 8-bit sounding stuff? I dig it bro
I like it. It's comfy.
Ty for shilling me. I am one step closer to making music for video games.
I use ableton live. And for my samples,
I used a soundfont for Mother 3 which had GBA samples in it, which I liked.
he's THE man. he never shows his lower half, he is a published author and hobby marine biologist. one time he survived for 2 weeks on a single moist suction cup out at sea. his house is filled with replica firearms and posters of mussolini
I made this collage of my favorite fighter Daniel Cormier