Any league players here robots?

any league players here robots?
drop your names and servers

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eddmnd NA
I play with like 150 ping because I'm from England
I also have an EU account but it is unironically my full name

Happy maker EU

well I barely play but fuck it :^)

why play on NA? lol

anyways, EUW p2 stuck reporting in

keyboi BR

idk why I play on the brazil server Im not even from brazil

NA player checking in. can't play on any other servers without having a shitton of ping. league is probably my main reason for living now. I activly realize how pathetic that is, but I enjoy the feeling of getting better at something and being important to people. in league i'm everything i'm not in real life.

Im the same. League is pretty much the only thing ive ever been very good at. In real life im mediocre at best in all respects.

Was so happy when I got d3 last season,according to i was in the top 0.5% of players or something like that

I feel like I am decent at league but want to improve? Playing a lot of solo has helped, and I am confident and patient enough that I can be a very valuable player with vayne, but what sort of decision making do I need to hit gold? Plat? Diamond? I am prepared for a long burn if necessary


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I play on NA, EUNE and EUW but they're all so cancerous I just stop playing the game.
Why can't we just nuke Poland and Turkey

Thief Lourde
I main top/jg and I'm fairly low elo, but I try to put in time to climb whenever I'm not too tired from work

MikauTheZora on EUW but I'm a low elo scrub.

Firstly, drop vayne she's garbage right now, unless you genuinely believe she's your best champ.
Pick 2 roles and pick 2/3 champions for each role that you wanna climb with. If you believe youre better on vayne than you would be on Kaisa (who is ridiculously op right now) then keep playing Vayne.

Your decision making obviously depends on your role. And adc is the role that requires the least decision making if im being honest.

At any point in the game, you must ask yourself 'what am I doing and why am I doing this?' This can be something as simple as 'im farming for my item spike'. This avoids you wandering around aimlessly.

Buy pink wards, they really save lives. Know good ward spots. Another thing that will definitely help is finding somebody to duo with. Im assuming youre an AD main, so a support main would be best for you.

I recommend watching pro/challenger streams. That's what rally helped me jump. I was stuck in silver for 2 seasons lol.

Idk if i answered your question at all, but i can answer more specific questions if youd like.

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Forgot to mention, if you are farming and it's midgame, make sure you arent just splitpushing alone. Ask your support to ward around for you and stay near you so you can farm safely.

If baron or drake is coming up, make sure you're at the right side of the map. Take tabs of where the enemy jungler is. I cannot stress how good deep warding is. Buy blue trinkets and save it for baron/drake.

Learn cooldowns. This is particularly important when playing top or mid.

These are all the tips I can give off the top of my head.

I got to masters last summer and i actually make a living just showing my playstyle on stream daily.
Getting gud at overgay or League or Cancer makes a fair amount of money.
Then i can just play games i actually enjoy off stream its a super comfy life.

>Your decision making obviously depends on your role. And adc is the role that requires the least decision making if im being honest.

No that would be jungle atm

Waldoogg EUW

I quit 3 months ago after i hit gold 5.
Might start again Shykrill on euw

I'm high masters in ow on PC and grand master on ps4 how do I make money from this

Arth14 BR server
Hardstuck gold V-IV
I play ADC and support

LoL's only good contributions to the internet are porn

That game is dead lol

I haven't played since they relaunched Aatrox. My poor boy what have they done to him. It's like I'm looking at my own child's dead body when I see his revamp on video. I've spent night crying and dreaming that Aatrox is fine and still the best Top laner in game to just wake up to this nightmare of a reality.

I just hope he's in a better place resting now. Sleep well sweet prince

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What? There's no League porn what you mean? I only ever find Overwatch and Warcraft porn

EUW Darld3adwolf proud b3 play
toplane main

we will remenber our darkin brother
most fun toplaner
rip brother

Riven2.0 just doesn't feel the same as he used to. I miss when we had the built in GA at lvl 1

Younai EUW
I've never really played Ranked since I never had motivation to do so.