Aww come on guys let this girl join the group, I promise she won't ruin it with drama

>aww come on guys let this girl join the group, I promise she won't ruin it with drama

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It's not women that cause issues. Its the beta orbiter incels like you who always start it

why is it unacceptable for social interactions to be built through warranties?

Wrong, many women insert themselves into traditionally male spaces and then complain when it doesn't suit their female needs. They then whine and crusade against traditions of the setting until it's functionally dead. The problem is white knights like you who encourage their behavior

I have never seen that happen. Now granted, I haven't played with very many female players, but they were just fine. Neither better nor worse than guys.

Yeah these women have no free agency to be either a douche or a really cool person at all!

You know, I'm going to have to go with the guy who manages to have regular functional social interactions over the one who can barely manage to maintain human contact with close friends when it comes to matters of social mechanics.

Pretty much this. I've played tabletop with plenty of women and only a small handful have been as awful as described. Most are pretty chill and just want to game. It's the beta orbiter incels who fuck it all up and act creepy and weird. Thankfully I haven't run into any woman-haters who actively try to drive women away from the hobby, either.


Its almost like those guys are straw men to paint an entire hobby when it is an unbelievably tiny minority perpetrated by people who actually aren't in the hobby.

Depends on the people involved. There are some manipulative as fuck women out there and some of them gravitate toward hobbies where they have the undivided attention of beta orbiters. I haven't played that much tabletop, but I've seen it more than once in vidya.

Both types exist.
There's two kinds of nerd pretty girl (so 5-6, highest it goes is 7 with makeup) who get into the hobby. Note that the first type always can (but doesn't necessarily) turn into type 2. The first kind likes the game and plays for fun. The second kind wants to use it as an ego sink, ruining everyone they dislike. Satine Phoenix and Marisha Rey are type 2.
These are abetted by two types of beta. There's the main kind who likes the game and says fuck it I can't fight it and most type 1 chicks are cool. Type 2 betas are your basedboys cucks who want to make everything delivered to type 2, and by extension type 1, females be served on a silver platter. As they actually control the behaviour of the type 1 betas who don't resist, this leads to SJWization of the game which I've noticed happen at most LGS I played at.
TL;dr women gonna women, most are cool but the moment one is a cunt she's immediately supported by white knights who really are the force behind ruining everything

I can smell the OP of this thread

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>That's fine. So if she causes any drama, both you and she go. I know you might want to involve her, and I know you might trust her, but I expect you to uphold your end of the guarantee if you're going out of your way to promise me.
The problem comes with that the guarantee is likely hollow. Make it clear that with any new player, whether they're a woman or a man, it's the player who brings them in who takes the responsibility.
If someone invites his little brother with ADHD who can't remember the rules, and the brother's behavior isn't fixed after the first warning, then I'm blocking the guy on all social networks he uses and planning the next session around him.
And then he can come back when he admits "it's my fault, I was too soft, I'll never invite a new player again".

My game is right now 70% women and there's been zero drama outside of the game.

>The Jews are conspiring to ruin YOUR game night!

>my friends are not reasonable adults who only bring reasonable adults to play
Sounds like a problem with you to be honest.

I knew when the GM tried to make the campaign about getting revenge for the murder of 6 million orc babies that something was fishy.

>announcing your seasonings like a complete newfag

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lmao based mods of /tg/

>thread moved to Jow Forums
fucken kek