What's your result, robots? I got "multiple personality styles".
What's your result, robots? I got "multiple personality styles"
>100% negativistic
apparently if you're just too autistic they cant even define you and instead just say you have "multiple personality styles"
i got the "multiple personality styles" bs too
Interesting. Schizoid is to be expected and Depressive isn't entirely new, but I've never scored high on Dependent or Compulsive in one of these tests.
You sound pure from these results, lets be frens
I don't like friends.
That's... kind of the issue with being schizoid.
Yeah i got that too. Seems to be pretty common
Do you still hang out with people just to hide your powerlevel of being schizoid?
What's it like to live a life free from the need of social interaction?
seems about right desu.
original seasoning applied
ohhh guuuys I finally scored 100% on a test my dad would be proud
>Do you still hang out with people just to hide your powerlevel of being schizoid?
Sometimes, yeah. It's kind of hard to avoid. Though if you met me in real life you would never know I was schizoid unless I told you. I mean I'm certainly no extroverted center of the party, but I can talk to people just fine and be friendly and funny and emphatic and all that shit. But I'd probably forget you the moment I walked out of the room and I definitely wouldn't call you to go have a drink or watch football or whatever it is people with friends do. I can be social (in fact, people who know me as an introverted loner are sometimes surprised at how social I can be), I just never feel the need to be.
>What's it like to live a life free from the need of social interaction?
It's peachy keen, for the most part. I sometimes wonder what kind of cool shit I'm missing out on, but I've made peace with that a long time ago so it doesn't bother me anymore. There are only two real issues. The first is when people really want to be your friend (or even more than that). I'm fine with just casual social interaction, but when people try to "bond" with me I seriously get the creeps. I find it difficult to be blunt with people and tell them to fuck off, but just the thought of being obliged to hang out with them and go to their birthdays and God knows what other kind of inane bullshit makes my skin crawl. The second is that I'm painfully aware of how useful it is (in a practical sense) to have a reliable social network. Obviously I don't have one and I don't want to have one, but there are definitely times when I wish I could call a friend to help me with something or other.
Interestingly, I have none of these issues when dealing with my own family. I love my parents and both of my sisters and I never find it awkward to visit them.
Though I can also be emphatic, I guess.
So, what am i like?
Just like most of this board. You'll fit right in.
Not very surprising results
i actually didn't expect it to be so high on antisocial. no surprise on depressive and borderline though.
i got depressive
I don't think this is very accurate
the good ol' avoidant
I guess this is the same as the ones above
How fucked am I lad also rate my result
>tfw multiple personalities
what does this mean?
>100% sadistic
>100% schizoid
Finally after all these years, I am become anime villian.
Everyone here probably got that user
wow I'm more depressed then I thought I was
>Not posting a screenshot of the results
Wouldn't say I'm that negative, avoidant or depressive. Maybe it just lumps those together with being paranoid.
Narcissistic and sadistic I agree with.
ay fucken sweet m8
Good job faggot
>Getting 0% at more than one
Oh wait
guess im a normie compared to the people who posted here
Some questions are stupid and I don't know how to answer. Help!
Which questions do you have trouble with?
no idea where the compulsion came from
ah well, at least I'm not dragging anyone else into my fucked up problems according to this, at least try not to.
Also took the gender test and discovered that I'm 0% masculine and 70% feminine
I got multiple personality styles when I took this, but it was a while ago. I'm pretty messed up but I can blend in with normal people well enough.
Looks pretty bad
gender role tests are usually retarded because they are unironically based on stereotypical views of things that lack the the foresight or complexity to ascertain whether or not a quality can be used in an alternate manner
Not looking to bright, boys.
A lot of the same, i don't think it's accurate cuz the Narcissistic bar should be higher
How can I be avoidant but not antisocial? What the fuck?
Note that this test is about personality disorders, not general behavior. You can be antisocial without having an antisocial personality disorder and you can be avoidant without having an avoidant personality disorder. In addition, being antisocial is something different than having social anxiety.
antisocial is hating people and society, you're thinking asocial which is covered by the avoidant
Thanks for explaining, frens
Depressive and avoidant were 86% last time I took this, so good for me?
If you were histrionic that would be 100%
>not even 1% negativistic or depressive
The absolute state of /norm9k/
What would this kind of person be like?
Dunno what to say
I got this
>0% Sadistic
>0% Depressive
>0% Negativistic
>0% Borderline
>0% Schizotypal
that's a lot of 0%
>don't interact with anybody so all of the social questions are essentially irrelevant
This does not seem accurate but then again phycology in general is a scam
Hmm, i guess i'm done :/
>tfw i cannot resist taking personality tests
>tfw i took this knowing it would take me 5 months back in therapy
lads, what the fuck
>the website criticizes you for clicking "agree" too many times
not even the machines think i'm good
Thats my result