Why negroes look good in everything ?

Why negroes look good in everything ?

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Confidence. Also black matches with anything

Only thing they looked good in

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that's a very rude thing to say user

Because theyre genetically inclined to have good proportions. Long lengs, short torsos, and small heads. They also have a strong complexion which means they can pull off high saturation clothing. Strong colors go well with other strong colors. Part of color theory.

>strong complexion which means they can pull off high saturation clothing.
make sense actually, wish I was a lil bit darker

'Cause she a fashion killa, & I'm a jiggy nigga.

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stf nigger!
I bet you're newfag....say, goodbye! Bang!

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Because , as a femanon, I know whatever a black guy is wearing, a BBC and dark, masculine body waits underneath it to make my dripping pussy quiver.

It's very rude when niggers rape our women and destroy America