>he actually believes he's smart but just lazy
I'm a teacher and I'll let you in on the truth, that's just a line we tell the parents of the stupid kids so they won't get upset and blame us because their little retard can't read out loud in class in high school
He actually believes he's smart but just lazy
>there are no people who are both smart and lazy
Just from the law of averages you can deduce that you're wrong. The absolute state of (You).
Is this why teachers fail at their jobs and then complain students are disrespectful and lazy
Me and my parents never went to any parents meetings because I refused. Also had like 80% attendance in some years. Don't give a fuck what some retard teacher thinks about me.
>there's a robot who teaches children
I worry for future generations
Only the brainlet kids wanted to be teachers so you probably are on the same boat as the "smart but lazy" kids.
>there are no people who are both smart and lazy
Man you are actually retarded. Did you even read what he said
I slept in class, skipped homework if I couldn't do it in free period, and still got straight As. Smart but lazy is real but they actually do well in school because they ace every test.
True as fuck my dude
One of my friends nearly failed high school but got a 33 on his ACT. You're wrong.
I'm going to let in on something I learned while working
The Chad and Stacy kids are actually nice, will bring little gifts, and do their assignments on time
The robot kids don't do their work which means I have to start scheduling meetings with their parents wasting my time, are uncooperative when it comes to group work and drag others down, and just mumble when you call on them to answer a question
>he got a C on a standardized tests that has its standards lowered year by year, he's smart
>not helping robot kids by giving them encouragement and free grades
>not destroying future Chad's hopes and dreams with bad grades and overly difficult tasks
You have the power for change, user, do something with it
>Implying I didn't try to help robot kids
They take the help you give them and spit on it, they don't deserve the help when Chad and Stacy are genuinely grateful
Reminder that high school education is a joke, for the most part only testing your ability to memorize. If that's the only way you are determining whether you're smart or not you have brain problems
>if only all my students were well-behaved genius kids, then my job would be easy!
yeah, because then you wouldn't have a job in the first place
You're not working for gratitude, fucker. It's your duty to help fellow robots and bring down the Chad.
See this is the problem with the robot kids, they want everything just handed to them but don't have the slightest amount of grace and get upset because getting help makes them feel inferior
assuming that you aren't just baiting.
>your dream was to become a teacher
>you spent years of your life working to become one
>all to regurgitate useless facts to children
>you've failed to educate them and your career is worthless
I feel sorry for you
make sure no one snuck hand sanitizer into your monster energy drink, mr. robot teacher
My parents would get told this all the time because I was a disruption in the class dicking around with my friends, did no homework then aced every test/ exam
feels gud man
See user this is why no one likes you, your entire personality is just made up of memes
>have to draw a visual representation of an idiom in English class
>people pick things like "don't cut your nose to spite your face" or "the best laid plans of mice and men oft go awry" and draw those literally
>teacher hands me my paper
>Caption: "Nothing comes to nothing."
>write my name on the back of the paper, look teacher dead in the eye, and hand back the paper blank
>teacher looks at me for a few seconds and says nothing
>dick off the rest of class
>get a 100 on the assignment instead of the 0 I was fully expecting
>stats class in high school
>teacher tells us homework will only be 10% of our grade, quizzes will be 15%, and tests will be the remaining 75%
>"So you're telling me I can do zero homework in this class and still get an A-."
>"Well, that's not what I'm trying to say."
>"That's what I'm hearing."
>napped, read Tom Clancy, and played blackjack instead of paying attention every day for the rest of the year and pulled through with an 88, whatever
>literally napped through half of the SAT and got a 2050, stayed up all night playing Ragnarok and didn't have a calculator
>multiple occasions of teachers just having lunch with me and orally quizzing me on everything we learned throughout the year and giving me a 100 in the class despite me not doing any work
>banned from playing the quiz games we used for extra credit because it was a foregone conclusion that I'd answer literally every question and my team would get all the EC
>the trick is to just raise your hand right away no matter what and do the math in your head or rad the question and come up with the answer in the split-second before you're called on
>complained and just got the EC
>getting the last question or two wrong on purpose just so your buddies can get an A with the curve
>using the wrong preposition in an English assignment just so I could write obscenities like "The dog came in Sarah when she called its name" or "Mary sat on Joey at the movie theater."
>a 33 on the ACT is a C
>33 is the upper end of the ACT average for UCLA students
I don't think you took the act, brainlet.
Teachers as represented by education majors in college consistently score the lowest in quantitative exams and among the lowest in verbal exams too. The vast majority of public school teachers in the English-world are all retards.
Are you proud of this profession OP?
>your entire personality
Yeah, because everyone on this site expresses their true personality with each post, and rarely memes. Are you dense?
>trying to celebrate your own mediocrity
>posting le anime epic XD
You teacher retards always complain that standardized exams are evil and discourage "creative thinking" yet you have a supposed teacher here correctly point out that those exams have gotten easier. Now go convince the rest of your retarded colleagues to see the truth so they can stop their incompetence from spreading to the next generation of kids.
Oh they all know, but it's government mandated and affects our funding
Feel free to petition Trump though and get some change going
If they make the exams harder than you retards will throw a fit and complain of bias in said exams. Here is a exam requirement that was dropped because too many educators complained, and it wasn't required for students but for educators themselves
K-12 teachers are all subhuman failures
>no people who are smart and lazy
>Be me
>Fail college because i never did homework, played videogames instead
>Parents and teacher told me i need to make an effort so i wont stay stupid and poor
>Work in a pig slaughter house for a few years after college
>Pay is ok, do nothing but play videogames after work
>Hates that i have to work, want to be lazier
>Wondering how to make money with minimal effort
>Idea pops into my head
>Takes up loan and buy land next to a large lake
>Prepare the ground with gravel and underground drains so ground stays flat and dry
>Part up the land and set up a lot of power outlets in each part
>Rent out parts of my land to RV campers
>Hire a guy for part time to look after the place
>Also build a boot where hireling can sell freshly made waffles each day if weather is good
>After some years dept is almost gone and has expanded property as well
>Yearly income after expenses like wages, graves, electricity, etc is around 50k
>Mfw when i now earn money without having to work, only occasional economics and budget stuff
How much do you earn my dear teacher?
forgot to add the mfw face, i guess its because im just dumb and lazy
A elementary school teacher in California can expect to earn $60k + benefits (envy of the rest of professions) when all they have to do is babysit some brown kids make them do some hand-print turkey arts and crafts shit.
Why do we pay these subhumans any more than $30k a year?
le smart but lazy meme is true, but these people are the ones who get As without trying, not the autists that struggle to get Cs but """this online iq test says i'm smart so it must be the teachers that are stupid xp""" fags.
What about the smart people who get As by taking a shit load of shortcuts because they can't be assed to study properly?
60k? granted they have to deal with snotty kids for a full day, still sounds too much
Damn, i guess because RV tourists are a bunch of rich fags? Thanks for the idea, it is actually quite smart, only hassle is the preparation itself, rest is mostly some paperwork, how much do you charge for each space?
Not being lazy is the smartest thing you can do.
>p[public school teacher
>is shitty and blames his students
>social anxiety is now being stupid
oh well
I feel so small.
Saving gif for sph
I got a 3.6 gpa, and I am a 30yo khv NEET
>there are high school dropouts on this board, replying to your posts, breathing your air, RIGHT NOW
Yeah sounds about how I treated all my teachers even though they were crazy supportive people usually. A few saw through me using them and just hated me, those were the smart teachers. You don't understand what it's like to be inferior though, it pretty much makes you into a piece of shit.
Yea, rich fags who crave nature for some reason.
average space goes for about 1.5k a year, the ones with better view i rent out for 2k, some of the bad ones thats furthest away 1k. Some have commented on that they thought it was cheap, so im wondering if in some years im gonna increase it with the excuse that it is to cover expenses.
A tip: make a deal with as many as you can that they can prepay for 10 years ahead for example when youre about to buy/prepare the land, that means less loan. of course also means you will go for some time with less yearly income, but after those years its gonna rain $$$ and you still will be doing barely any work for it