Why do girls almost take pride in this and think its funny? What, you like mentally unstable people? Lol So funny...

Why do girls almost take pride in this and think its funny? What, you like mentally unstable people? Lol So funny. Share this in facebook so more psychotic ass dudes hit me up.

I they beat them within an inch of their lives.

Attached: FB_IMG_1530814116881.jpg (1440x1418, 162K)

All the incels on this board seem to want a mentally fucked up robot gf so go figure

You have to understand what women look for in men. You have to stimulate them. Girls never payed attention to me when I was happy, healthy, and christian. I've attempted suicide twice and I'm essentially useless garbage but I get ass now. Sometimes it seriously feels like all I have to do is talk about some of my problems and they take their pants off in return.

I need a therapist and women don't want me. It's still only attractive men they want, ugly mentally unwell guys do not get anything

Because crazy sex is good sex.
That's because we're crazy.

Nah man. I think this is some gay fucking nod to "wanting daddy to choke them" or some stupid shit like that. In reality its a guy thst doesnt fucking care about them and hits them when they talk to them.


>crazy sex is good sex
Because youre a whore who likes pain, right?

I can beat you while I fuck you if youd like. Not gonna promise that it isnt because I hate you.

Will women find it more attractive if I switched from punching myself to cutting myself?

Because we still don't kill them and they know damn well that shit is a murderable offense

>hur dur I don use facebook cuz im so deep web mayne.
Shut your cringy ass up.

>That's because we're crazy.
Wow, couldn't think of a better pairing, mentally fucked social autist robots with equally fucked up robot girls, what could go wrong.

Make it punching and cutting them instead. Bingo.

I think theyre just retarded so they think thats love.

Get out, normalfag. Facebook is botnet.

>I they beat them within an inch of their lives.

if you're on r9k you probably need a therapist too. hell, judging by your post you need help.

im just going to chalk this one up to incel jealousy

"stacy wont date me so she deserves to be beaten within an inch of her life!"

you sound so mentally stable user

I guess I should just let the subject go and let mentally unstable Chad stab her 20 times. Fuck it. Dumba fucks.

I don't want to punch or cut them. That won't help me regulate my emotions

I imagine youre kicking and screaming this irl right now and your mother is wondering why?
Better stop before you wet your diaper and get your goodboy points taken away.

>What, you like mentally unstable people?
We're mentally unstable. They only want mentally unstable chads.

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Have you tried it? Its a rush, actually.

Good point. God, thats a good point.

Then leave the board. Go back to /b/.

>They only want mentally unstable chads.
Just when I thought I had a chance...

Get the fuck out of here, normalfag. do you think this place is meant for niggers like you? Jow Forums is THE board to contain autism. do you really think you would've been accepted here, f*cebook boomer?

Conspiracy theories are normie hobbies
get off my l33t h4ck4r board

Pretty sure it's meant to be self deprecating OP. Roasts that are self aware enough know they have objectively bad taste in guys make shitty memes about it.

>im just going to chalk this one up to incel jealousy
>"stacy wont date me so she deserves to be beaten within an inch of her life!"
Unstable or not, this is the correct mindset.

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I've been held in a psych ward for 6 weeks have schizophrenia am an alcoholic and suffer from anxiety, depression etc due to severe isolation. The last thing a girl would want is to date someone with mental health issues, it just comes from the idea of how mysterious and different the persons mentality is that they find so attractive but in the real world all it is is extra baggage. What I think you're referring to is normie tier undiagnosed problems that pull them in

No ive never hit anyone else. I don't like to cause people emotional pain I can't imagine I'd want to physically hurt them.

>Then leave the board. Go back to /b/.

why would i leave? im just pointing out how retarded he sounds

enjoy fapping lol

hey I'm so fucked up why doesn't anyone date me

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You got the points in the wrong spots.
Girls like OP like the guys with high Schizoid and Avoidant.

Jewgle is botneet too and Jow Forums is jewgle'd.

>botnet is conspiracy

>Sometimes it seriously feels like all I have to do is talk about some of my problems and they take their pants off in return.
How the fuck does it work for you? Please explain in detail.
When I talk about my problems, girls tell me they just wanna be friends.

You're old enough to know by now that bitches be crazy

Where can I take this test too?

incels need therapists, but girls dont like them because they're ugly. women should at least try to be honest about it

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>They only want mentally unstable chads.

Yep. Notice how the guy just happens to be a foot taller than her. She would have never noticed him if he were 5'5

>be sane girl
>think mentally unstable people are edgy, mysterious dudes keeping to themselves
>they're actually an emotional mess, some abusive, some so depressed they can't leave their bed
>"soooo cute!"

What the fuck kind of mirror reality do you live in? I've seen how girls look at me the moment I reveal what I feel everyday. They look at me like I'm a creep.
>inb4 ur ugly

Honesty is the enemy of female culture. Right down to the proliferation of make-up among women all over the world. Honesty is literally the antithesis to everything they wish to achieve in life.

I want a gf. That is mentally unstable like misaki chan.

I just want to. Cuddle with a hurt girl. To make her feel better.