This girl was born male, how the fuck am i gay for liking this?

This girl was born male, how the fuck am i gay for liking this?

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who is this? any porn of her?

that image is not the issue user.
it is what is out of frame of that image.

Depends on whether you're just jerking it to his female-looking picture or if you're sucking his dick.

what's this sorcery

I mean this girl(male) looks better and more feminine than most girls you see out and about

Give it a decade.
He'll age like a man, turn into a monster, and kill himself.

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how get bobs so big???
me no understand

Fucking trannies becomes gay when you take on the feminine role, like sucking dick and getting your back blown out. But doing it to the tranny isn't gay.

Yeah that's my point. Whatever it is in reality, it looks attractively female, so jerking it to that picture is perfectly straight. But when you start dreaming about "feminine dick" or shit like that, it gets pretty gay.

Ah yes, the age old question... Are traps gay? Yes, yes they are.

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getting old didn't stop Bruce from becoming Caitlyn

honestly if they look like a women, act like a women have a womens voice, and a vagina, i'd fuck it.

It should've.
Did you see that guy? They didn't make him woman of the year or whatever because he was pretty.
He was a freak-show drawing a crowd.

No, i'm just saying if given the opportunity i would destroy her(his) boypussy

>Just stay perfectly still. The Transasaurus Rex can only detect motion.

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That's pretty gay, broheim.

If i am gay for wanting to fuck OP pic then fuck it, i'm gay

because she looks slightly masculine i'd say.

>it should've
why, just for looking like a freak? I thought demonizing ugly people was hated by Jow Forums


pizza pie

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He was average looking.
He turned himself into a freak through his own stupid fault.

I don't get how mutilating someone's body to entertain their delusions is legal.

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it's legal because it's their own body and it doesn't hurt anyone else to see a woman (male) or man (female), just unpleasant unless they're young and passable.

Killing yourself is illegal.

It still looks like a man, just look at its face instead of its plastic tits you degenerate. Can you not read faces?

they cant arrest you when you're dead user

>originally being this retarded

If you can't see the man face there under all that make up or you can and it's not a total turn off you're gay nigga.

>liking someone who likes DICK
That's pretty gay man. What are you, a faggot?

Based and redpilled
pic related is the future of all the traps/trannies who dont end up killing themselves

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