What would you do if you owned Jow Forums?
>filter 'nigger' to 'n-word'
>filter 'your' to 'you're'
What would you do if you owned Jow Forums?
you're idea is shit
I would unironically shut down this site for shit and giggle
I'd delete Jow Forums, /s4s/, /v/, and /b/.
Ban cancer era memes like pepe, wojak, and everything under that "tree." Create a NSFW trap board, ban political posting from boards that aren't Jow Forums Jow Forums Jow Forums /trash/ and /b/.
>delete option to tripfag
>ban avatarniggers
>enforce rules (e.g. discussion on pol only when backed by data, ban people making unoriginal threads on r9k, etc)
sounds like you'd just bootleg tumblr OP
pls kys kudasai
>modernize the site, make it look prettier
>be like m00t and interact with my underlings
>make tripfagging again't the rules, if unnecessary
>uhhhhhhhhh i guess that's it
unironically shut it down with no survivors
make Jow Forums a blue board as it should be.
I'd permaban your dumb nigger faggot ass first and foremost.
N l G G E R
everyone is thinking it but i'm going to say it:
... vote buttons
perhaps hide posts with negative votes
I would ban anyone I didn't like. Edit people's posts so they said something other than what the poster wrote. And I wouldnt let anyone know it was me doing it.
ban all women and men larping as women
This isn't a bad idea. I knew a community outreach like this on Jow Forums would bring good ideas. Thank you.
yeah this is a good one definitely i can concur
I would steal all major gets and claim them for my waifus
haha! thanks! wish i could somehow vote for your posts lmao
>ban racists
>add vote buttons
>user-created boards
>ban anime
you're post has 1 issue OP
Turn on focrced user on all boards
warn/ban/fuck with people who complain about anime reaction images
unpopular opinion: restrict animated gifs and all webms to /gif/ and /wsg/ only, disallow them on all other boards
fucking reddit
>ban traps
>ban anime
>ban Jow Forums
>ban lgbt
Deleting /b/ just means all those people come to other boards.
>Deleting /b/ just means all those people come to other boards.
>filter nigger to roody-poo
>filter faggot to candy-ass
>filter moot to who?
>extend the filter for s o y to constantly make it more awkward to evade the filter
>introduce orange text
>remove the robot
>increase the image size limit
>ban generals altogether
>enforce a public ban quota for mods
>introduce html styling
>remove botnet
>open up the site's sauce code
Oh yeah, and ban mobile-provider IP ranges and phone-browser user agents. That wouldn't be an ironclad way to keep phoneposters out, but it'd be inconvenient enough that a lot of them probably wouldn't bother with the site anymore.
I'd implement Japanese captcha on /jp/ and bring doubles back on /v/. And I'd make it so that posting on Jow Forums automatically bans you from all other boards for 30 days.
They would just go to reddit or facebook. I would like to delet non-hobby boards (like here as well) because normalfags like using boards where you don't need to know anything to understand what's going on.
Change the theme of Jow Forums from fascism to communism.
not much of their behaviour would change. horseshoe theory and shit. It would still be as bad.
actually axe Jow Forums and never bring it back
ban everyone who is not a friendless outcast loser virgin
>restrict stormfags, commies, etc. to Jow Forums. Encourage commies to flood Jow Forums to piss them off and give them something to do, or make a /leftypol/ so that they can fight with each other and stop bothering everyone else.
>give a warning for anyone complaining about anime
>create an NSFW cuteboys board and restrict all sissyposting/traps to that board; posting outside of it is bannable
>create containment boards for furshit and lolicon/shotacon, much like /mlp/
>ban similar posting (i.e. dumb sissy white boi, dumb sissy black boi, etc etc.)
>remove the robot
>create a handful of career/hobby-oriented boards with a similar culture to /diy/
maybe add some word filters too but thats the just of it
Would ban all IPs that post niggers and blacked
>>filter 'your' to 'you're'
Do you know how I can tell that you're a nigger.
Implement a shitload of features that makes the site incredibly annoying to use in order to drive off the normalfaggots.
destroy every board except /trash/ and /po/
>introduce orange text
fucking yes
>webms with audio on all boards
>easier captcha solution
>monthly vote for a temporary board with changing topics
>delete pol
>ban mobile user agents
Same with Jow Forums
>easier captcha solution
unless you're retarded or a bot it shouldn't be a problem, or just buy a pass
>delete pol
So we can have more Jow Forumstards on other boards?
If someone posts on /b/, Jow Forums, /v/, or /s4s/ their IP address will only be allowed to post on that board, forever being banned on all other boards.
>it shouldn't be a problem
if you've never run into this, you don't post enough or you're allowing all of google's tracking shit, which is dumb as fuck.
Surfin Bird plays in the background everytime a thread gets made on the site, starts over every new thread.
>create a /trap/ board so these faggots infesting Jow Forums, /b/ and Jow Forums can finally fuck off. All trap threads on said boards would be transferred to /trap/
>would allow /v/ to talk about that thing they can't talk about
>would temp. ban people complaining about anime reaction images being on Jow Forums
Collect and sell everyone's data.
ban kpop from /mu/
then maybe fuck with Jow Forums idk
This but not for shits and giggles. I would do it because Jow Forums is pretty much dead in my eyes and moot took what was left of it's soul with him.
It could only be a good thing for the internet to create a renaissance of discussion sites.
Best post in this thread if I'm being honest desu
I would sell it just as moot did.
loads of money > being the king of manchildren and underages
make /b/ and Jow Forums blue
ban mobile useragent strings
filter buzzwords as they emerge
Reign in the god damn moderators.
>now bound only to one board, can't ban from any other boards than their own
>a log of each moderator's actions, to be reviewed by me, and their privileges removed if they do thing to people who didn't break the rules
>also get rid of all of the current ones in exchange for untainted stock before doing this.
Other than that, I'd probably set up polls to see what the userbase wants, and factor that into all future decisions.
Expand spoilers to all boards.
Why is this not already a thing?
this is the best post in the thread. user 2018
Get rid of my filters, scroll through the catalogs handing out one week bans to anyone I deem worthy, then change to permabans after the first month or two. Also things like logposting, bananaposting, "reply or your mom dies," and such would earn a permaban and mods will be instructed not to uplift those bans inder any circumstances.
btw, "robots" would be banned. R9k is for oc and greentexts, not for incels to hang out and gripe about everything. Shape up.
Remove r9k
>cutting a large percentage of traffic to a site that can already barely afford to stay up
You're a genius, my man.
The site would cost less to run without them too,
Make a trap board and keep away these degenerates from others boards
There's lots of ideas and all, but the real solution is to delete all non-hobby related boards. Boards created specifically for image dumping would also be kept I guess, boards such as /c/, /w/, etc.
I'd institute a permanent ban to only posting on /soc/ for anyone who's ever posted there.
>ban gay posting outside of /lgbt/
>ban female posting outside of /soc/
>ban race-mixing threads
>create a /shitskin/ board and ban any non-whites who post outside of it
>restrict Canadian and UK posting to 6 posts an hour
>make a /bogan/ board and limit Australians to 10 posts a day on outside boards but unlimited posting on the /cunt/ board
Property values would skyrocket.
id permaban you
>I sure do hate non-white people and social justice warriors
>Decides to act exactly the same as them
You're the real nigger
Why wouldn't I use the same dirty tricks my enemy does when they clearly have no compunctions about using those tricks on me? Turnabout is fair play, niggerlover.
Closing yourself off is exactly why they're losing so hard. You don't close yourself off because it's best to keep your enemy close.
You're copying their mistakes.
Yes, it's best to let the enemy corrupt the youth and spread their insidious and disingenuous message to the masses. What could possibly go wrong? Fucking pozzed idiot.
Good work proving that you're a bandwagoner and have no idea why they're losing.
pretty much this, except i'd leave the source a spaghetti code secret
The first is good.
The second is bad.
Blithering idiots such as yourself are the reason why so key has gotten as bad as it has. I will enjoy seeing the traitors such as yourself get their comeuppance first.
>t. redditniggers
Delete the entire site, leave just a picture of a bee when you visit the url, this site has needed to die for years.
so u want it to be reddit
fuck off nigger
i'd remove word filters altogether
they're annoying
>shut entire website down
>make a /dys/ hidden board for truly dysfunctional people, heavily moderate it to ban any normalswine by default.
Actually have the janitors enforce board rules as well, recruit autistics to be extra jannies so each board could be moderated round the clock strict to the rules.
Preferably just shut the site down though.
>filter 'nigger' to 'n-word'
I'm black and even i think your a nigger faggot
fucking newfag
Immediately delete Jow Forums and /soc/ with no warning or explanation. Possibly get rid of the 3DPD porn boards too just to watch the normalfaggots rage.
literallt fuck right off
if you want your curated opinion discussion, >>>/reddit/
remove Jow Forums and enforce that Jow Forums spillover doesn't contaminate other boards
Merge Jow Forums with /trash/ for maximum asspain
I'd just make /b/ a no-porn thread. It can have other nsfw things just not porn.
>Gain/Bleach Alternative
Is this the new Fate title?
Create three more Jow Forums boards so they have no excuse to post Jow Forums content everywhere else.
Like, maybe /polm/ (for media) /polc/ (culture and academia) /polo/ (for opinions) and /pole/ (just so people can niggerpost whatever they want.)
>is exactly why they're losing so hard
>they're losing
have you watched the news or interacted with society in any way in the last 5 years?
Merge /c/ and /cm/
Merge all drawing boards.
Get rid of a couple of porn boards
Have an APA citation tab on /sci/
Maybe split Jow Forums into a handfull of boards so they can discuss more fine topics
Get rid of filters. The s(01101111)y to onions this is kinda retarded in my opinion, and the T B H to desu thing as well.
Have better April fools updates. Like maybe filter the word and so it reads BIG FAT ANIME TITTIES or something.
Merge the wallpaper boards
Filter out doxing, just because it's rude
Maybe ban all-cap post
Sell it if I get offered enough money
>Merge /c/ and /cm/
why tho
S4s is actually entertaining shitposting, u leave them alone
Because cute anime co-ed sounds good in my mind.
Put every decision through a vote. That way when I fuck up I can just blame everyone for not caring enough.
>make r9k more in favour of actual robots
>remove normalfag threads
>remove orbiter/attention whore threads
>remove the original thing, that shit annoying
>merge s4s and pol for the giggles
Yes, actually. How about you?
Fuck you're self n-word
The joke went right over you're head didn't it?
You very clearly haven't if you think the world isn't in favor of sjw/far left views.
Shut it down. This whole site is fucking cancer.
It really isn't. If you think the world is in favor of far left views you know fuck all about the left. I'm a literal commie and I hate liberals probably more than you do. Just for different reasons.The left side of the political spectrum isn't nearly as homogeneous as you seem to think.