Femanons, why do you not look and dress like this cutie?
I mean, look at this girl
>perfect tattoos
>wears underwear around the house
Because I don't look like a man
I'm a redhead too i could pull something similar off but i don't wanna. Not my style.
Sure, you don't. I'm going to go buy donuts, anyone want some?
>I'm a redhead
You'd better not be thinking of race-mixing.
Are you single? Pls yes
Are you semi-qt?
She isn't always a redhead.
She needs big dick like a fish needs water.
I like your style clever girl.
>why do you not look this cute
Cause I'm ugly
>why do you not dress this cute
Too much effort to still look not cute
Add me on discord and show pic of your face
No, but for the record I know I'm objectively ugly
I've posted my picture online a few times and get 2-3/10, plus some mean (if hilarious) comments.
What are some comments? I could go for a laugh.
I will just see your picture, in return you can see my ugly first if that's okay? I'm just curious
user why isn't your dick like chad's
My dick is unironically eight inches and I love women who love big dicks.
Your move fembot.
"I hope you have a stunning personality, cause you look like a diabetic Arya Stark on steroids"
Whatever, send your discord to here [email protected]
Ironically Maisie Williams has an unremarkable personality.
I hate tattoos and piercings
What what is your preferred style? (:
I sent muh discord. I think Arya Stark is cute so if this turns out true that is good.
sent you my discord, im cookies, the first user.
Unironically, anyone without crippling autism can tell that at first glance about her.
Mori kei or natural kei. I just go for any "earth mother" kinda thing, really.
She looks bulimic
God you're one of those weirdos from lolcow aren't you?
How tall are you earthy girl?
I've been too tired to take care of my skin lately.
I like my long hair
And I'm still working on losing my 8 extra kilos
that ain't a cutie.
that's a pile of garbage and shit (both dogshit and human shit).
a real fembot cutie is just like pic related
From lolcow?
5'5, pretty normal
Here's another outfit I think is cute.
goddamn, you're pathetic. kill yourselves
will you be my gf? im trying to lose extrakilos too
This is indeed an original real cutie.
Supplementary cutie to show to faggOP.
You're one of those weird asiaphiles.
original oregano from oregon's organs
What else do you think is notable about you?
Please be my earthy qt friend
Friendly reminder: it doesn't matter how cute she is... her brain is almost exclusively dedicated to frivolus shit.
Pic totally related.
Seems more like what an electrical engineer would be into on the right tbqh. I'm a guy but I'm into barely any of that, even the GPU stuff.
Frivolous shit can be funny.
yep, can confirm. Pretty sad.
always original oregano from oregon's organs
What occupies your mind?
Consumer electronics are frivolous too. Guns are cool, as is DIY. Buttcoin traders and all crypto-traders are irritating charlatans who know nothing about finance and should stick to being fat "developers".
sounds like you cannot elaborate 'abstractions' and you need to go back to junior school
I'm just not an engineer/STEM so I'm not into that stuff. I agree with though, DIY, woodworking and metalworking are a lot of fun and I spend time on that (father knew a lot about it). Guns are (unfortunately) illegal in my country.
Take it easy anyway Stallman. No one is insulting you.
>t. brainlet who thinks abstractions make up understanding rather than impeding it.
>muh esoteric interests based around muh profession make me superior
Literally no other profession/field of work is like this. Bankers don't mock people for not knowing what credit default swaps are, or for not following quarterly housing data in their spare time. Doctors won't mock people for not following the latest news about epidural steroidal injections for vertebrae injuries and so on.
Why nerds such unlikable faggots?
Because intelligent people frequently believe that they're brilliant.
I disagree. Most exceptional people in the organization I work for are fairly down to earth and humble. The arrogant types are usually STEM, but they're towards the mediocre end of STEM (people who have never been able to make senior level position in ten years or more for example). It reminds me of what my pilot friend told me about the most arrogant pilots being those who could never make it past FO despite being 45+.
I also believe among a lot of nerdy types, it is driven by bitterness. Bitter people are often arrogant.
This is why I know you're a virgin. There's nothing wrong with women having silly, feminine interests. That's what makes them cute, or at least it's a part of it. The absolute state of turbonerds who want every woman to be some insufferable "femgineer"...
How brown boi get gf like dis??? Oregano semeno
You don't I'm afraid Pajeet
I am a fuckin beaner please tell me I have a shot being homeless somewhere in south west USA I need to leave my square ass senpai here in spicland
Im a redhead and i do dress that cute and have tattoos and piercings only difference is I dont look methed out like that
>have tattoos and piercings
How many and are they trashy?
What do you do for fun? Do you like punk stuff?
Methed out LA girls cute
Eat a bullet spic we dont want you here.
Fembots, you need to stop getting tattoos. Pls.
I am an a-a-American tho... I was born there...
Two tattoos one is a bible scripture to cover some scars and the other is a tree. For piercings its my nose, septum, naval, nipples, and a few on my ears
Yeah I work and go to school (college) most of the time but I like to go see shows, mostly metal, hang out with friends, play video games on occasion
>gaming devices
>not frivolous
you literal retard for thinking you're better than them
>and the other is a tree
Are you thinking of getting any more? Text tattoos on the side of the torso are honestly cute.
>For piercings its my nose, septum, naval, nipples, and a few on my ears
God damn it. How old are you and are you single?
Would you like a roboto boyfriend?
I dont care where you were born. Spics arent American
What about Latin AMERICANs, huh?
Where are you located? Hopefully in Europe. Also contact info? and what are your interests? guitar? bass? would be nice to talk to you privately, im kinda the same as well
I don't belong anywhere I guess I've always moved around from country to country but the Mormon missionary from Idaho stayin with my grandma told me that they'd have me... I guess they won't then :(
Gay alt faggot lol
because i dont like tattoos and have never been small in my life
Any femanons from New York or near NYC here?
Post hobbies and favorite food
Haha thanks and sorry, no. And yeah my next tat is gonna be on my arm of the mouse and fly from spirited away after youbabas (spelling? Idk) sister puts a spell on the baby and raven
What kind of games though femanon?
Nah sorry mate Im in America (somewhat unfortunately)
>You will never wreck this tatted, pierced whore with your 8 inch dick and make her cry
Not a ton but I really like fallout and the god of war series. I used to play spiro as a kid tho and am pretty excited for the remastered version coming out
Its fine, do yoiu have a contact info to talk or something? just to talk
God of war girl BE MY FRIEND
Lmao whore? And you wanna make me cry? Why?
Punk goths from abusive families are the best all other "epic super quirky alt girls" are all posers.
They're great until you realize there is a 100% chance they will cheat on you.
Not unless they're mostly aesexual/lesbian due to light sexual abuse from her mothers boyfriends!!!
This nigga is not me And because it's sexually satisfying on a deep, almost spiritual level to treat a girl you love like a worthless, cheap whore during sex now and again.
Nah they still 100% would but thanks for the input.
This nigga right I legit wanna skin all goth girls n then make love to them fuck I'm hard again
I really need one just to piss off my faggot square anti white father
Just for the record Ive never cheated on someone because Ive been cheated on and that shit fuckes you up but you prob wont believe me anyway lol
Yeah but are you goth with a history of an abusive family and heavy into drugs tho???, otherwise u are literally not a woman
>but you prob wont believe me anyway
Ignored again.
Tattoos are gay and a waste of money.
Also, needles scare me to no end, so I don't even have pierced ears.
I'm also insecure and like covering as much skin as possible.
I just wanna chat with an altqt
Are you an American or Canadian?? Australian asking