for me being a non-normalfag has come with a very high price
>normalfags can go out and have fun anytime
>normalfags can have friends and mantain a normal conversation
>their "depression" lasts 10 minutes after posting it on facebook/twitter/reddit
>normalfags are never lonely
>they can claim they like anime and everyone is ok with that
>they dont take autistic things seriously
sometime i just think if its really worth it, even tough is too late to even change a bit, not like i can anyways
Is being a non-normalfag worth it?
Normalfags can tell if you're faking. I was a cyborg for YEARS, was able to be among them and even have a few "friends" that I could eat lunch with during my middle and high school years. Thing is, when they start to get close, they can always tell and will leave anyway.
It's like those hyper realistic sexbots they have now: you can try to look as normal as possible, but normalfags will always be able to tell you're a robot once they get close to you
The benefit (Aside from not having to interact with normalfags) for me is that I can stay in bed all day and imagine that I live in a nice cozy fantasy world with a perfect waifu.
Either you are underage or just have been 2 months of "neeting"
Whether or not it's worth it, you really have no choice. You can't just magically become a normalfag after realizing there are divisions between normies and robots. Everything that happens to normies comes naturally and it won't happen to you if you're aware there's this separation of classes.
What origianally makes you think that?
of course it's worth it, but you have to be one from the beginning, if you start becoming a robot you never go back, even if things start looking up
>becoming a robot
This. No matter what you do or how hard you try you will always be on some level "off" to normies, some can't see it well, but to others you may as well be wearing a giant neon sign on your head. Normies are able to do the things they do literally by instinct, you can't just "learn" that shit, only be able to fake it with varying degrees of success.
Why do normies get offended if you fake being one to keep your job?
Who the fuck knows, normies might as well be aliens from a different dimension.
>Normies are able to do the things they do literally by instinct
this is a fundamental blackpill that a lot of people simply dont understand
to normies, shit that seems impossible to us just comes naturally to them
How did people in their late teens to mid 20s get so hypersensitive to social cues? They can just sense your weirdness more than the 37 year old you talk to. You can start a regular conversation with an older person and be fine but with younger people they think ew he's weird even if you do nothing wrong. What made them so hypersensitive to weird vibes?
how do i make that sign dissappear? i made a tinder acc and girls gave me a solid 7 but when it comes to the talking part they just blocked me, i cant even text
Fuck knows, but they sure have a knack for reminding you that you should feel like shit for being different. I don't care about them smelling weirdness, why the fuck are they so mean about it?
Be yourself be unabashedly yourself and don't seek guidance or answers from ANY hivemind (except for Jow Forums teehee teehee)
I don't think there is a way, like I said it is literally basic instinct for normies to act the way they do socially. They just "get it", we don't. Even looks can't help much unless you're an 11/10.
well not impossible, jsut hard. the quewstion is whether this can be trained or not.
I'm scared that when my generation gets in charge it will be totally hell for people like us. They will bully us and tell us to bootstrap our way into being normal or else we deserve poverty for not fitting in.
Nah, you're paranoid. Nothing much is going to change on the grand scale. The odd-one is always left out in any race or species. It's a matter of natural selection, I think.
I know it is always this way but these new younger people can sniff you out even if you try hard to fit in. They also see socializing and consensus as the end all be all. We're not allowed to be quirky like older people were.
>these new younger people
Are you like a vampire or something? You surely are not 30+.
>We're not allowed to be quirky like older people were.
Remember when nerds and geeks were bullied in the 80's? They are the odd ones out. Some ended up being Bill Gates, most probably ended up in a dark office somewhere in the back of a corporate building, doing tech support or some shit.
Being a normalfag isn't a choice. We'd all choose to be them if it was. Ours is a life of suffering and it's only bitterness that makes us think we are better off in anyway.
The difference was after high school it changed for them. For us it stayed the same. For them the revenge of the nerds trope was true. It all changed and they became rich Silicon valley techies.
Fuck this suffering. I don't even remember the last time I genuinely smiled anymore. And everytime someone says something negative about me, even a stranger, it fucks me up big time. Why the fuck can't I not give a shit?
Some of them. Like, a small percentage.
maybe because you are failed normalfag, in order to be a robot you need to be completely cynical
>Why the fuck can't I not give a shit?
You will as you get older and become too far gone to even care.
rofl it was even worse when I was an edgy piece of shit.
Maybe we suffer more because we draw these lines around which kind of loser everyone is when we're really more alike than we want to admit.
can you elaborate more?
We feel so isolated and alone because we create these labels like "failed normalfag" and "robot" and place each other into them distancing ourselves from people who may just know a thing or two about what we go through. We're doing to each other what the normals do to us.
Yeah just bee a normie then
are you a fucking idiot? literally everything is better than being a shitty robot.
>normalfags can go out and have fun anytime
depends on what you see as "fun". at some age pretty much everyone has a job and it's also natural to have good relationships with coworkers, and it can be often fun, I guess
>normalfags can have friends and mantain a normal conversation
fucking wow, do you struggle to have a friend? how? why?
>their "depression" lasts 10 minutes after posting it on facebook/twitter/reddit I've been depressed for several years now, and it seems like I need a doc because it's getting worse, but funny gmod/ytp videos as well as discussion of them kept me considerably sane for a long time
>normalfags are never lonely
>they can claim they like anime and everyone is ok with that
not five years ago they couldn't
>they dont take autistic things seriously
Nothing is worth it, at least for me.
I'm going to feel the same steady miserableness throughout my entire life.
Pretty disheartening really.
you are a normalfag yourself, no need
Most normal fags are just as miserable.
They work jobs they hate, secretly don't love or lust after their wives
Their kids are mediocre
They watch TV, they eat mediocre food and wait to when they will old, be frail, and live in a shitty apartment
The thing is they have given up even being upset at having given up
normalfags aren't chads
they have a choice to live a normal life
This all basic shit you realize early into neethood