Racism on Jow Forums

>Be blackbot
>Add female user from contact thread
>Chat, get on well
>Finds out I'm black
>Either tells me to fuck off straight up or starts ignoring me

It depresses me tbqh. Jow Forums never used to be this bad, let alone white women. What happened to white people in the past 10 years?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Stick to your own kind pavement ape normalfag

>What happened to white people in the past 10 years?
Explosion of distract and conquer social engineering race bait propaganda. Gotta keep those dumb goyim fighting with each other

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Get outa here monkey

gay/10 racebait. You're not even trying you lazy fucking nigger.

More like we were exposed to just how much non-white people hate us and wish to undermine us thanks to social media, and are merely returning the favor.

That said I'm not one of those anons who blindly hates all black people. While I don't want any of you in my country on a permanent basis (I'm European), on an interpersonal level I actually find a lot of you really friendly and decent. Without the Soros agitprop and boat-people detritus, a lot of blacks aren't so bad. And that's the greatest tragedy of multiculturalism, it makes groups hate one another when, if they were separate and allowed their own homelands, there wouldn't be much hatred at all and we'd all be able to interact on a more limited but much more friendly level (see: Japan's attitude to foreigners).

What would you expect from a site full of degenerates?

Non-whites got so much tolerance from whites and they exploited it to the max.
What might look like that the average white person you met/talk to seem to be more open to minorities is because more and more
try to avoid them as much as possible. A neighborhood is often expensive because people are willingly to pay extreme prices to NOT be around minorities.

>we are the REAL anti-Semites pol now enjoy multi racial society (:
Kill yourself

"blackbots" is as much of an oxymoron as "fembots". Both don't exist.

>not making hitler look like a modern liberal
el oh el this is some dumb shit.

Fuck off nigger ape, the day of the rope is coming and we will burn holes in your skulls with acetylene torches.

have your icon be your face. there. now people can know you're black and will react accordingly without the trouble of them shunning or ghosting you.

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This nibba got it spot on. Pic related. Asians are the worst white-haters of them all (not blacks).

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>we were exposed to just how much non-white people hate us and wish to undermine us thanks to social media,
Thanks to jewish shills more like, man. It's what they do. It's what they've done for 2500 years

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Shut the fuck up NIGGER you should be lucky you got enough iq points to use something so basic a shitcord since using might as well be the same as getting a PhD in your fucking neighborhood

research ingroup preferance. Whites prefer whites and blacks prefer blacks. The majority of Jow Forums is white, so it only makes sense.

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thats alot of salt

Funny how the bottom tried rampaging their way through the world leading to the top to develop such views.

It's just a smarter way to do it than to be an aggressive, insecure goy stooge who everyone will immediately ignore and forget about. Way better to play the niceguy and the victim. WN is a religion of peace

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My god this is r9k i know its r9k but jesus i never seen this much shit its disgusting to see how people cant relate because some color even tho i do hate blacks in a way but jesus is this place a hell hole oh wait we are in the era of incels invading

Dude fuck off. Muslims arent based lads in a war against the Jew. Jews have their interests and are not whites. Arabs too. And so do blacks. These interests are naturally in conflict. All Jews do is encourage us to let foreign competing groups inside our spaces to divert attention from themselves. It doesnt change that Arabs are not our friends either. If there was really some Jewish animosity to nob-white gentiles on par with their white hate then youd see shitskins being pushed to accept white migrants.

are you only interested in talking to white women op?

this is Jow Forums, nigger
nigger nigger nigger
welcome to the fucking internet.

>Alexander the Great

Fuckoff, shit stirring kike liar

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Wew. I should have expected this response.

Thanks for not just screaming nigger, I get what you're saying. I wish we could just go back to the 1990s tbqh.

Yeah, mostly.

Im not interested in living with violent niggers. Jews didnt give them an IQ of 85, genetic predisposition to criminality, or a distinct ancestry with in-group preference based interests. Biology did. Niggers hating whites is normal, not Jew caused.

i do this as a black female and when people ask if it's me I say yes and haven't been ghosted yet, except for one guy

>All Jews do is encourage us to let foreign competing groups inside our spaces to divert attention from themselves
Absolutely. And then they put on their masks and agitate all the conflict they can to further that goal. They're really the #1 problem for everybody

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Kill your self shitskin lover. Arabs invaded the Middle East and North africa and waged centuries of war on Europe because of their natural interests in increasing their power, not Jews. The crusades were not called because of Jews either lol, the crusaders killed Jews on the march to Palestine. The crusades were called because the Byzantine emperor asked for help after losing Asian Minor to the Turks

>Jewish shills have brainwashed me into being an insecure, hate mongering bigot who everybody will ignore and hate
You have my sympathies friend

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Gotta love how this site is full of degenerates and we talking about race

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No matter how hard I try, I can never muster up much sympathy for sunniggers. Shias, Shia Twelvers, weird sects like Alawites etc, yeah. But sunniggers are literal bottom of the barrel tier people. Low IQs, violent, no abstraction beyond religious literalism etc.

Being Black is ultimate bot status. White bots still have their white skin to feel accepted in the world

Race relations were never good dumbass nigger. Your kid was always violent, and always a ball and chain for whites. Good race relation dont erupt into race riots after stupid thugs get shot by cops. Your putrid kind are and always have been the problem. Now learn to stick to your own ape women, and leave our race alone.

>blah blah blah it's not the jews you stupid goy fuck

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i do it too as a black gay dude. it's better for your self-esteem instead of going "damn it i lost another one due to being black, i hate being black" or something.
it helps that they get to judge you based on appearance lol instead of what they think you look like as a black guy/girl.

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Remember that time Jews told the MENA world to accept migration? Oh wait that never happened. Because they are anti-white, not anti-everyone

Meh. Who cares. They are redpilled on jews and are currently a protected class by the state. It's simply a good play to side with them in the current circumstances, avoid the "racist" card, and then stick some needles into ZOG's toes

Glad to see there are still decent femanons out there

It's a faggot in the wild lads

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>Because they are anti-white, not anti-everyone
The NWO is the JWO. Whites are their #1 problem right now, but yes their global government will enslave everybody

Girl here.

Not even that Jow Forums. I just don't see myself with a black, brown or asian guy because I want to get married and have kids and I don't want to deal with

1) Mixed kids
2) Hostile in-laws/cultural differences

*accepted in their own land
now go back to africa nigger, and dance around massive campfires with your brethren

you brought black americans yourself retard

muricans lmao

Fucking cracker this was site is a copy from us Asians you goddamn snow apes need to always steal from us or try fight us and never mind the fact you can't beat us in a war you can't even beat Latinos

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Explain Kent TV and AnimatedJames

Remember, it's never you or your character. Everything that's bad that happens to you is because you're black.

Shouldn't you go back to Europe and give the states back to the natives. I didn't ask to be chained in the belly of your ships.

And that kids is how to be what we call brainlet

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I don't know man. White people used to be cool and fun. Racism wasn't even as bad on the chan as it is now. After 2010 it seems the world turned to shit. Now everyone is always so angry all the time

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well you can stay, if you accept to be our slave
we originally brought you here for slavery, so serve your purpose

we conquered america, there's nothing to give back and it's now rightfully ours

You should probably cut your foreskin off, grind it, put it in pills and sell it to the Chinese market. Black foreskin meat warms up your chi very good for winters.

>give the states back to the natives

Yuropoor here, and not the guy you're replying to but I'd probably agree to this on two conditions. Firstly that the non-whites in Europe get out and secondly that the Chinese don't just sweep into North America after the Whites leave and establish a Chinese ethnostate on the West coast.

It's the latter reason why such a move would never work imo.

No, because the civilization known as the United States was pioneered and engineered by whites. Native societies didnt create or even partake in creating the United States. Saying go back to Europe is as stupid as telling Japs to go back to Korea because Japan is the society of the Ainu.

We stole this like we stole your land. There's nothing you can do about it.

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we wouldnt be so angry if Y'ALL behaved yourselves for a change

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Sure thing buddy it be the blacks who we are superior to because some guy on a internet forum said so and linked to a study from more than 100 years ago and those actual scientists who call that theory bullshit well they're just SJW nigger lovers

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Fuck off yuropoor. At some point your ancestors conquered your plot of land to have an ethnogenesis. Franks conquered Gaul, Saxons England, Poles too Polonia from the Rugii, and Germans took Germania from Celts.

I'm a nigger and a full fledged robot

Kys nigg*r

>bruh tf is up w/wypeepo? what happened to they asses? tf?

this is why they hate you you nigger

Name a single 100 year old study that Jared Taylor or Ryan Faulk ever linked. There are studies demonstrating IQ heritability and racial gaps from the past decade.

I just hate chinks dude. People who hate niggers more than chinks are too myopic. Chinks are a massive existential threat to our people. Blacks are a minor annoyance that creates low level chaos and are empowered by hostile elements within our own society. Blacks and Whites never hated each other 60-70 years ago to the same degree they do today. That tells you something about the power of mass media/jews.

Allah's light welcomes all peoples.

Yeah it's over OP. Autistic black guy is life on nightmare difficulty.

it's okay op if it makes you feel better im a white girl who thinks blacks are cool :3 but I prefer asian guys and my crush is asian

deus vult.

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Yuropoor you are retarded. Stick to your own racial problems, and dont presume to talk to us about our own.

It'd be nicer if your government didn't fuck a lot of blacks over a long time ago and then told them to deal with it with no help leading to huge amounts of inequality and crime
>Evidence supporting the role of structural factors in high black crime rates comes from multiple studies. For example,Robert J. Sampsonhas reported that most of the reason violent crime rates are so high among blacks originates mainly from unemployment, economic deprivation, and family disorganization. Specifically, he found that "the scarcity of employed black men increases the prevalence of families headed by females in black communities" and that the increased prevalence of such families in turn results in family disruption that significantly increases black murder and robbery rates.[98]Sampson et al.[99]and Phillips[100]have reported that at least half of the black-white homicide offending differential is attributable to structural neighborhood factors like parents' marital status and social context. Multiple other studies have found a link between black crime rates and structural factors, such as single-parent families andstructural inequality.[101][102][103]


Fuck off soi skin

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Fuck off to rebbit with this deracinated shit based on retarded fee fees

Society is becoming more racially divided. Ten years from now and things will be really bad.

>Name a single 100 year old study that Jared Taylor or Ryan Faulk ever linked. There are studies demonstrating IQ heritability and racial gaps from the past decade.
A Microsoft presentation graph made by Jow Forums is not evidence fag

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You think that and could never justify it without libshit buzzwords

Here is a META analysis done by alt-hype based on the data that does exist.

Okay point to the Microsoft graphs they cite. Because I have read their shit, and they cite actual peer reviewed studies published in major journals.

Ayo nigga it ain't our fault fo murderin' an sheeit. Iss cuz we wuz slaves an sheeit like a hunned yeez ago an sheeit. Now gib me yo munny wypipo. I gots like five chillun and baby mommas dat need sum new kicks yo.

but blacks are cool though. I like how silly they are

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This comment is very original

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Cobtrolled for SES factors like unemployment and single mother households blacks are still more criminal. Nice try

Be aware of the risks.

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>be aware of the risks

what risks?

Stick to your own kind disgusting race traitor.

Grab the popcorn this is a good shitshow to watch

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Significantly higher propensity for violence, massive STD rate, low IQ, and lower ability to delay gratification. None of which are explainable with SES because the gaps persist even when you control for them.

>It doesnt count unless I gear it to my very specific viewpoints

>Significantly higher propensity for violence
Last time I checked blacks dont start massive global wars every few years

>massive STD rate
So stay away from the ones with STDs

>, low IQ
Whites have lower I.Qs that asians and jews on average. what's you're point

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>Last time I checked blacks dont start massive global wars every few years
lol bro, yeah Africa is totally a stable and peaceful continent.

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Ah I see youre too stupid to understand the difference between geopolitics and interpersonal individual behavior. And the white IQ isnt at near retardation levels like blacks. Further 1/2 of all blacks have an std and most of them dont know it. Good luck just avoiding them. Dumb race traitor whore.
be my gf

>but I prefer asian guys

Said no white girl ever.

Nice try Chang, but we can see through you.

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It's an Asian dude LARPing as a white girl user. The same one who spams AMWF threads. Note the feigned apathy and disinterest towards racial politics (what he imagines a typical white woman to be like) followed up by incendiary, racially loaded comments like:

>Last time I checked blacks dont start massive global wars every few years

The best way to get to him is to spam WMAF porn. It drives him berserk.

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Hot projection. The conclusion a researcher makes, and flaws they present are open to review. Crime meta analysis have shown that SES does not cause blacks to be more criminal than whites because whites of equivalent SES factors commit less crime.

To illustrate how I know exactly who this poster is, he'll follow up with a reply "subtly" denigrating white male/asian female relationships and "subtly" praising asian male/white female ones while still trying to maintain the act of being a white girl.

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>mentally ill, uneducated millennials talking about history, politics and race

Cute. You should kill yourselves, though.

Great post user. Quality stuff.

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>WMAF porn
lame. White men with brown and black women is so much hotter

A rough half of women in interracial relationships with black men will experience physical abuse. For white women in intraracial relationships that is in the lower single digits.

>Jow Forums is full of mentally ill, uneducated millennials
>But not me tho I'm totally woke and not like that I just come here for memes

True, every time I see whites with Asians I fucking cringe.