What thing on Jow Forums bothers you the most?

what thing on Jow Forums bothers you the most?
for me, its the rekt and gore threads on /b/

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The shills and bait.
>Going on b
>Caring about gore
Not only underage, but also a beta male.

The thing that bothers me the most is the ever increasing tendency to both actively avoid and suppress discussion by spamming meaningless buzzwords and memetic insults. Jow Forums is a place where "lol ur a faget cuck soiboi" is a more effective argument than literally anything that actually addresses the topic being discussed.

back2reddit xD *snap*

i agree with you completely though. it's almost reaching a point where being genuine or sincere is a form of shitposting

t. soi loving numale in a cuckolding relationship

>what on 4ch bothers me most

The whores who stalk me

Being banned for ridiculous reasons all the time. Asshole moderators will make me drop a site like a bag of bricks and I stopped using Jow Forums for years because of it. I still hardly post on most boards because I hate walking on eggshells and I recently quit a different image board that used to be freedom conscious because I guess they're trying to clean their image and only have serious discussions.

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It's the fucking normalfags that keep showing up everywhere.

they all need to die.

>t. supreme shitposter

the blatant racism everywhere.

yea yea ik "grow a thicker skin, nigger" but it gets so tiresome seeing niggas shitting on your identity 24/7. And all the talk about how 90% of this board would kill me just for existing is unsettling.

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Nothing. This site is nothing compared to /b/ in it's hayday

gay threads, literally [everywhere

>My identify is my skin colour

Typical fucking niggers.

Thank the Jews for polarizing America.

I'm not even that big of a shitposter. I got a "warning" on /co/ for posting this in an arthur thread. It's sfw and an obvious parody of a hentai page that's posted around often. Some dickhead mod trying to flex his power said it was furry porn, deleted my post and warned me that if I posted it again Id be banned. Mods are just shit

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The fact that we're all miserable, lonely people that have absolutely nothing better to do with our lives than to make more people like us feel worse about themselves.

and thank retarded Americans for going along with it

Rekt threads on /gif/ are way superior. Sound makes it way better

what bothers me is that the ones (normies, today's underageb&s, etc) who newly discover this place don't lurk anymore.
and then comes the comment about how the complainers are grandpas or how this site isn't a secret club. spoonfeeding is also encouraged.
they don't fucking understand anything.
makes me nuclear.

The fact that everyone here is helpless as fuck.

The lack of sense of community. You think you're socializing on here but you're really not. A (you) will never make up for the crushing loneliness I experience in real life.

Also don't like gore and violence either. I also don't like watching anons throw epithets at each other because it's boring and not intellectually stimulating conversation.