
Rem is all you need Edition

Welcome to /fraud/, the steroids and blogging general.

Before asking your stupid questions, read the Reddit wiki:


Also, include:
>pp size
>time spent lifting

Oral-only cycles will suppress your natural testosterone production and are far less beneficial than injectables, so don't do oral-only cycles. If you're scared of needles just admit it.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

No source talk. Figure it out yourself.


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yo reddit wiki says to get blood 48 hours after pin but if I get it 24-36 hours after will it really make a difference

Is clomid necessary for a short cycle like 500 test e for 12 weeks?
Im going to use nolva as base

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you probably wont even need nolva but nolva will be enough regardless

Anyone cut for the first 4-6 weeks of a basic test e cycle before going for a surplus?

What are you confused about?

I see thanks. Will probably use clomid in a heavier/longer cycle next time

>that dude who looks like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger

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>that dude with the blatant narcissistic personality disorder that also suffers from the dunning kruger effect who thinks hes cooler than everyone

What the fuck

>that guy who projects his inner lack of self confidence by assuming that others around him cannot be successful based on his own failures causing this to manifest to a word that he once read a few paragraphs of the Wikipedia page of

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yeah bro its astounding just how close i look to arnold in his prime id say a few lbs. of muscle on the chest is pretty much making the bulk of the difference

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>been on supraphysiological doses for 18 months straight
>start coming off to get a low t blood test
>around low normal natty levels now
>did legs yesterday
>wake up today
>crippling doms, can barely walk

So this is what being mortal feels like

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18 months, of what?

I thought you said you were 6’2 and 235, why are you so small?

2 blasts and cruising at around 1500ng/dl

because of the god tier frame
you are used to seeing guys with average frame so they are easier to fill out

Okay lads let’s say I get my nipples and glands removed then once the scarring heals I get tattoos now I don’t have to worry about gyno and I can run anything with out AI

>Okay lads let’s say I get my nipples and glands removed then once the scarring heals I get tattoos now I don’t have to worry about gyno and I can run anything with out AI

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yea u can

yeah the only side of high estro is gyno go for it haha

Kek pls be troll

why cant i just pin aldosterone if i want to delude myself with instant gains like that from dbol?

Why are you doing this to yourself? You're smaller than everyone in any daily CBT and they're all Natty.

i think thats an old photo his hair is longer now

Who hurted you, god?
Theres no way someone creates this phantasy world around himself without a reason.

Uh my guess would be Satan. Duh.

I just got two bottles of this for my first cycle. What sort of PCT do I need? Nolva or clomid? I've seen a lot of people recommending both. Also I want to run it for 15 weeks, is that fine?

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Your arms are tiny and your chest is weak as fuck...

Only thing nice in this photo is your booty

based bimbo

you need to look at it, pick it up throw it in the bin and go get proper testosterone

Nolva and anastrozole should be more than enough.

>roiding for this

It's called autism

I bet you're tiny everywhere fucking faggot

im 23 and have no morningwood every second day or so
should i be worried?

masT. If you were me, what would you do?

Just get T and E2 levels checked, damn, we cant tell you if you should be worried.

i would enjoy what i can with fucking my own ass and then kill myself


Terbutaline tabs for a month: gain 2 kilos of muscle, lose 1 kilo of fat


What are you on?

i already told you bb

>Terbutaline tabs for a month
Wew lad another drug to add to my walking pharmacy of a person.

Pic related

Oh damn that'd be too good to be true.

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all my injection sites flared up over the weekend, now i have disgusting itchy as fuck rashes all over the place. i wish i never fell for the fucking subq meme.

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I even have a source for it

The lean body mass [say: the muscle mass] in the terbutaline group increased by two kilos compared to the placebo group. At the same time, the fat mass in the terbutaline group decreased by 1 kilo compared to the placebo group.

Isn't it something like albuterol/clen or something


Mail me if you want, I'm very curious about this.
Almost sounds too good to be true.

Where the fuck do you acquire sources for basically everything?

hes chinese

Technically he isnt but his workers are.

Google Bricanyl, not sure if the the source is legit. Read it on Dutch bb form.


Mail me anyways.

Looks like its expensive as fuck to run.
>for every 30 kg of body weight the subjects took 5 milligrams twice a day
That's like an easy 6 tabs a day.

2 kilos in untrained? could be comparable to that 600mg test e study

damn you are delusional

it's like 52 euro's for 100 tabs. 1 tab is 5 mg.

I am at work now, I don;t have those accounts here.

During the experiment they continued to exercise as they were used to.

I think I know what website then, they also sell them in inhaler form and liquid right?

To run for a month, especially at your weight you'd need at least 100 euro's worth.

Yes correct.

Yeah for me it's not worth it probably.

Wait what the fuck? You guys are talking about a bronchodilator here right? How is that putting muscle in anyone, especially untrained. I don't get it.

I don't know why anyone ever tries subQ for oil. It seems so much grosser to me

I doubt it's worth it to run at all. The study probably just measured some change of fluid balance. It's only real effective purpose would be fat burning like other beta2 agonists

It's not untrained

No it's clearly indicating lbm

Seems similar to albuterol.

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MasTer of retard strength! You're back! Show us the whey.

>that guy that never posted a picture

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do girls not consider that i sleep because im not attractive enough?

No you're just ugly, just f.a.c.e it

How did you get my facebook profile?

>that autistic soiboy that think he's funny

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Ya got me, MasTer, ya got me. I'll just cry into my flannel.

I am getting iPhone 8 instead of Samsung s9


What are you even doing here. Do you roid? Do you lift?


id say he enjoys making you mad but thats too easy


MK3 was such a fucking brutal game

Ain't going to happen without the pictures

500mg Test C/500mg Tren A/400mg NPP along with some Sdrol right now. Bulking up and going well. Except for my TIIIINY CALVES.

I am going to dress up like scorpion and rape all the anime girls crusader can't have

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Show pictures then pussy. I bet you're tiny everywhere

How do you even have tiny calves on gear
You literally just have to walk a bit each day, like the easiest muscle group to work on AAS

I don't feel the need to put them up on a Lebanese camel whipping forum. I just focus on training, diet, and shitposting.

since I dont aspirate anymore pinning is just so much less hassle. Takes me less time then peeing. God damnit I love this life. AAS are just the best thing ever.

Maybe if you're obese or got them for free, you fucking retard.

They're not easy to work on. I trained them 3 times a week and they still grew very little. It's also related to muscle insertions. If they attach high they will never be truly big

>inside the mind of the coping dyel

you mean you focus on being fucking dyel

Wait until you crash your e2

I've never bothered aspirating. Pinning goes just fine without it. Not even the nurses in my local hospital aspirate before giving IM injections anymore. Unless you're in a major artery there won't be an issue.

Play Mad World for the wii.

lmao no wonder you never show legs
I weigh in at 230/240 at 6' and my calves just keep growing
Have to make sure I don't runny winny or var for too long because I can't walk due to the pump
>inb4 taurine hur hurrr

Are you gunna run the DHB that Nano is??
How is the cut going faggot??

I dont take any AI atm, cause I am just on 400mg Test deciding what I will stack on it for now. Little bit of acne little bit of soft nips but thats fine.
Here in Germany nurses still do it. Its weird. Studies have shown that nurses only do it because they were taught this way.

The worst part of being on a blast is the night cramps I tend to get in my calves.

Granted I walk all day carrying 20kg boxes.

get some gatarode stat

What do you do again??

I'm already taking taurine, its not like Clen cramps.

Foreman in a freezer warehouse.

Good pay?

Here nurses aren't taught to do it any more because it's been proven that it's not actually necessary for IM injections. Even when I've shot 3ml of oil into quads and hit a vein I've been fine.

For me yeah.
3k net a month, looking at a raise for another 400-500 bruto.

Average workers makes 2k.

What is it like? i just borrow the wii U from my colleague because i wanted to play DK tropical freeze and Mario

What about now then?

I also have solo legs pictures with calves. Just say it and i post it. masT doesn't hide

Yes for my next blast probably. Very good fat is melting away, without any supps just lots of cardio and low carb diet

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Wow that is pretty good
brb changing jobs

:D nice. With DG injection its necessary but who does that anymore anyway

Weren't you leaving us

Show calves and penis pls bbi

Fair enough, stack plan for next blast?
Ordered that CoQ10 you mentioned last week 300mg.
BP was 161/102 with a Pulse of 97
Literally dying.

Scorpion isn't an anime character you loser

It's a brawler set in black and white aside from the blood. The goal is to murder people as violently as possible to advance to the next slaughter area.

I can't just leave you guys.

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>3k net a month,
and you say you work less than 50 hours? Wtf how you can earn so much money. Not even top tier Seniors make so much money

Here you go

What are you on? Are you going cardio? What is your diet like?

I didn't say that faggot

Attached: legs.jpg (452x351, 31K)

I managed to bring worktime down to 40-45 hours, which is why I'm getting another raise lmao.

Its mostly added bonuses from being in a freezer. Its 4 euro an hour extra. Also onregelmatigheidstoeslag since we start on 6 on a friday.
They also have a special compensation for travel expenses if you live in the same area as them. Its a 5 min drive for me yet I get 8 euro's a day.

It all adds up.

Also nice legs, I think your calves look fine.

Not going to fuck any anime girls as a non-anime character. It just doesn't work that way.

I just want to find a girl to dress up like Rem.

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False, vidya cosplay and anime mix really well.


Djwowjwgwvahaisbrbeiakabsusjwbaisorj to you too

I refuse that reality.

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