Let's settle it once and for all

Let's settle it once and for all,

Who has it worse? Asian or Indian men?

Both are

>reviled by their own women
>known for tiny dicks
>known for being nerdy

Shout out to spic turbomanlets for satisfying many of these qualifications but spic women haven't entirely rejected their own men to the same level as indian and asian girls.

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>Thinks Indians and Asians are different things

Nerdy Indian guys are my fetish tho

i've seen white stacies with both and they tend to be financially ok and never have embarrassing lives

brah indian girls are mostly gross too i literally fucked one not even an hour ago and i wish i didnt

>>reviled by their own women
This is the one that hurts the most. I'm a light skin (but ugly) Indian guy and I see all of our women marrying white hipster looking fags lately.

How do you mean, brah?

give it up whiteboi, this century will be the age of the brown and yellow man

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Asian guys can be cute though (think K-pop stars, actors, etc)
Meanwhile cute Indian guys are practically unheard of

When it comes to getting gfs? Maybe Indian men. Asian boys can still be cute enough to get any kind of gf.

Shut the fuck, you cheng pices of shit. Go eat a dog

Why can't just whites, east Asians and Indians team up and genocide everyone else (i.e. the subhumans)?


Because that's a shit plan and your retarded

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On the one hand Indian have the worse on the free dating market on the other hand they can get an arranged marriage and quiet a few Indian families living in the west only allow their kids to marry an Indian, preferred from the same caste.

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indian men seem much more autistic about their situation than asian men. asian guys seem real insecure about their stereotypes and seem to try hard to defy them (like the fags on r/asianmasculinity or something) but indian men don't seem to be doing that.

Because they hate each other much more than they hate whites.

t. Proximity theory

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I see Indians talking about it on r/braincels and here but they don't spam porn or try to attack white guys for it.

take all the poo and chink and gook women.

>east asian
girls like effeminate east asian guys because of kpop
the only ones that can make it with white girls are the rich educated ones or the ones with chad tier looks, an average pajeet wont get a gf outside of an arranged marriage
>east asians
one of these does not belong, hint, its you pajeet
>pic related is indian ""people"" doing what they do best, shitting

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just bleach em all bro.

oh whats that? you cant? so you just post about it all day.

damn how do you fail this hard? you have yellow and brown pussy handed on a platter.

Seems like the street shitters have it worse.

For some reason though, I think I would rather be a poo in loo than some yellow, soulless human insect

To whom are you replying, retard?

keep raging kid. how do you fail tutorial mode

who is this, retard?

damn, op must be lucky to be what he is. i have too much respect for other races to bash them just for him.

if its so easy to get pussy, then how are you still a failure.

>The East fetishizes white men
>BLACKED.com fetishizes black men
>K-pop fetishizes asian men

Indians can't dress well because colors can't match shit brown skin. Also indians have significantly more hair growth than asians.

>scat porn fetishizes indian culture

if we have it so hard, how come its OTHER races that talk non stop about us? i guess having all that status from being another race isnt enough to get you a gf you talk about so much.

cus ur a fermented soisauce boi

rather die alone than get roped into an arranged marriage with some village chick 2bh

nothing? scattered like fermented soi bois once a real alpha started laying down hard truths.

cus youre a bitch boi op. stay hiding, cause i would light you up.

i just hate women that much more for these threads. keep going op.

i would say indian dudes. desu im a taller asiannon so i dont get all the horrible stereotypes that most asian bros do and while i have seen attractive indians, smetimes even they get brushed off

nah i reject your rating system because that implicates most women are worth a shit.

Asians at least have the honor of being second to whites

especially these gook and chink slut whores. theyve been getting a free pass all this time but theyre just escalating it.

fuck em. i dont think about you whores.

Indians - unless you're a scat fetishist
horrible sanitary conditions - no fucking toilets - people make food with shit-covered hands
no one-child-act means population is going to keep going up - higher competition for jobs, housing, lower wage growth, more stress if you're an introvert
weaker central govt means criminals and special interests have more power, local environment is more toxic because chemical regulations are poorly enforced
religious proliferation means greater chance of getting killed in a pointless war or terrorist attack
equatorial position means you have a greater chance of dying from a heat stroke
antibiotics useless because shit from antibiotic-fed livestock everywhere
people think cow piss is an acceptable ingredient

fuck these whores and sluts. take em all.

hello Jow Forumsasianmasculinity

hello you fucken whore

youre a fucken ugly whore.

make me the bad guy and ill play the part because you wont fuck off, you concubine rice whore.

I know some asian chads. Kpop and anime fan loves them. But never heard about an indian guy getting a non indian gf.

i want nothing to do with you. youre too ugly to look at head on.

i dont think about you i def dont want you. i could care less who you spread your legs for and show off your ugly roastie gash to.

youre not worth my thoughts which is why you keep pushing for it. if you dont i wouldnt spare you a second of my time.

Non-chad Indians have it worse, but mostly because Asians, to a certain extent, are considered cool thinks to martial arts movies, anime, weebs, k-pop, etc. Indians have nothing going for them, except bollywood which the only whites who watch them are annoying libshit types

t. Persian Sunni Muslim male who wishes the Mughals exterminated the native population of Hindus so that the current inhabitants would be Persian speaking Muslims instead of cringey shit eaters (still feel bad for them tho)

build your worth as a concubine you fucken rice slut.

Indians definitely have it worse. Asians seem to find it easier to be chill and fun, while Indians always come across as spergy and there's a 90% chance they smell bad.

Asian men are so misogynistic, this is why I would never date one

>But never heard about an indian guy getting a non indian gf.
Russel Peters sounds pretty Chad from his own account (although he is a famous comedian so he doesnt count as a common street Chad)

>Nerdy Indian guys are my fetish tho
m-m-marry me please

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fuck your rating system youre a fucken WHORE

nobody offered you retarded slut

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stay mad wh*toids

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cow piss aint an acceptable ingredient, that one guy was blasted by most of indian mass media for acting like an autist

Indian men have it exponentially worse.
They don't have the brain Asians do.

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>t. Persian Sunni Muslim

I.e pedo worshipping Arab rape baby
We wez Shah n shiet
Kys you worthless loser

whores always play this game to elevate their worth. saying that they hate their men is a free pass for white dick without making them look slutty.

lmfao and all this time i didnt say anything but its summer time, these whores are on full whore mode so they are playing this game.

dont blame me for doing this.

YOURE A FUCKEN CONCUBINE SLUT. spread your holes and take a cock in each one like the whore you really are.

>no credible source
>created by some random reddit user
fake news, india is still the world's toilet

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indians did nothing wrong but be ugly. take their whore women too, bleach em all.

if youre gonna play this status game ill call you out for the status grabbing cock riding cum dumpster you are.

i dont fucken care about you bitch

and you fucken bitch boys, enjoy that PUSSY courtesy of rice whore concubine and beta rice lad.

keep this shit online and never say anything to my face

fucking hindus at it again

youre not my bro fag, i dont know you.

Asians DEFINITELY have it easier. Asians have K-pop and anime on their side. Two niches that create waterfalls in certain women's pants. Indians have.... shitting on the streets?

Good thing im arabian

tall koreanon here. i dont have it bad like my fellow asian bros who are manlets but ialso feel love for indian bros who find it hard to get laid in the west. best of luck to all of you

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bring it you fucking faggots

Jesus, why is the pajeet that's shitting up this thread so mad? It's just banter, amigo. Calm down, you'll give yourself a hemorrhoid with all this shitting

I'd say indian men, because everyone thinks they're creepy

At least as an Asian I can still bang a trashy fat White girl. I don't know if a dark Pajeet can even do that.

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>on r9k
>calls other males creepy unironically

Neck yourself roastie

>black women stats

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Lmao, calm down Pajeet

You fucking yellow mongrel, you don't get to take pride in being incrementally above a street shitter

bring it you fucken fags and whores. i dont need a fucken bitch.

leggo pajeet

who the fuck are you FAGG

heres the government site sandnogs

Depends on the asian youre talking about. Korean men are known to be tall as fuck.

>mfw when both alternate day fasting and nofap
I don't know which one I'd take desu

forget these rotting whores and their beta bitches. leggo Pajeet.

theyre some motherfuckers arent they?

Why are these brown and yellow shits so schizophrenic and creepy?

who the FUCK are you bitch? shit talking motherfucker, reveal yourself BITCH

What is wrong with Asian/Indian """men"""?


man...if only you knew how bad things really were.

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How did that even happen? Which one of your parents is which?

My father is Sri Lankan.
My mother is Vietnamese.

>How did that even happen?

It's a story I can't mention here because I could probably be identified by someone I know but it's a wholesome story I assure you

>sri lankan marries a viet cong qt
maybe i should start chasing after asian girls
anyway, how are your looks user? never seen this mix before so i don't really know what to picture.

nigga are you a sri lankan as well??

no, but i'm a pajeet

Its very hard to give you a picture. I don't look filipino and searching up indian+chinese mix on google images gives a very different picture. I cant find anything that resembles me. Its hard to describe my looks without making a very long blog. But my important features are, my eyes are viet, my nose is sri lankan, looking straight and smiling I have a very strong jaw (viet) but sideways my jaw looks chubby even though I am an ultra skeleton (sri lankan trait). I have a problem though so if thats fixed my jaw will look more viet. My skin can get quite fair when in doors a lot and I can get very dark if Im outdoors all the time

You must be an absolute goblin.