Ofc I'll marry you user, but you have to stop playing video games! :)

>ofc I'll marry you user, but you have to stop playing video games! :)
what do bros?

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Fuck off

lmao wtf is up with her neck? It's almost as long as her head.

Ask her why that's such a big deal.

Fuck off nigger

Why would I want to marry someone who hates what I love doing?

based and redpilled

Tell her to fuck off because I'm a woman who isn't attracted to other women, but not before telling you that it's unbelievably pathetic and petty to force someone to abandon their hobbies once they enter a relationship you, because of flimsy reasons like "not getting enough attention."

Whenever I had a boyfriend who had hobbies I wasn't particularly into, I never gave them an ultimatum because I'm not a shrewd bitch. I feel that more women need to be like me. There's too many selfish bitches around, nowadays.

Fuck off thot

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it's meant for collars

>marrying a giraffe

But what's the profit of this situation? Not only you can't play games, but you are also fucking married.

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wow a based ladyanon :)

Because you shouldn't love doing it past a certain age. It's unhealthy and unhinged.

Being a part of society, fulfilling the human's sole reason for existing (reproduction), raising a family.

why do internet virgins keep fawning over these plastic doll-esque ugly korean girls?
white girls are superior in every way

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Sure I don't play vidya anyway. I just like shitposting on /v/

She looks ugly.


aw hell naw

Did you guys compare dicks alot?


white women have the highest standards of all and are smelly

The beauty about Korean plastic surgery is that since all of their women look the same, you're bound to find a woman exactly this attractive if not more-so that's accepting of your video game degeneracy!

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who bitch is this?

Post your feminine penis

Nothing good comes out anyways. Just don't take my fa/t g/uys away from me.

ITT: People who don't know what a shit test is.

Protip: If you are a pushover for her, she will assume you are a pushover for everyone.

>fulfilling the human's sole reason for existing (reproduction),

Why, don't we have an overpopulation issue?

That's the best part, tho.

o-oh wow... you're really nice. your bf is really lucky to have you
*sweats nervously*


>fulfilling the human's sole reason for existing (reproduction)
Yet here you are, wasting time online. Why aren't you fulfilling your SOLE PURPOSE right now?



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I'm good, have fun with chad hepcock

btw I don't even play vidya

Mutt goddess > flat asi*n plastic bitches

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I already don't play vidya so its a win win for me

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Playing is healthy and beneficial at any age. It shouldn't be all you ever do of course, but saying it's bad is just being afraid of high tech playing.

No way fag

Fuck you buddy I'm a volcel

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He's an armchair psychologist that knows about your life and relationships even more than you do yourself. He's here to enlighten us all.

I am. I'm developing important social skills by interacting with Anons on here. My skin has become so incredibly thick that I can now effortlessly carry out conversations with women without fear of rejection. It's obvious how useful this is.

dump her then and there


your vagina is unhealthy and unhinged

>not liking both

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>videogames are bad
why would i marry literally a 12 year old?
this asian chick needs to grow up and go outside more

Why is it that every Korean girl I see is beautiful?

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.
>mfw thinking about you hurting
I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby doll. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen. I live in London. Please be in London.

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If you partner puts stipulations on your relationship aside from the normal ones, no cheating etc. You should break it off immediately. Itll only get worse

You know how this works, tits or gtfo faggot.


Go back to reading regularly.

>Because you shouldn't love doing it past a certain age. It's unhealthy and unhinged.
It's unhealthy to have a hobby? Nigga whut?

Sorry, I'm already married. Maybe if you ask nice enough, you can eat my cum out of my wife's cunt.

why would I marry someone opposed to my interests?

Half the time white women look like men because of all the hormones in food.

>another brushed up plastic whore
No ty

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play games

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plastic surgery

work and breed is all you need

>fulfilling the human's sole reason for existing (reproduction)

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>sexual goddess spread the pheromone

ok, homosex

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My neck is like that, user. It's called genetics.

>Implying anyone on /v/ plays video games.
You must be new here.


fucking uninstall and throw away my video games before she even finishes the sentence.

Fuck off goose, don't you have a canadian to attack

>unironically calling a woman a goddess
I can smell the s.oy from here

source? that name isn't giving results

I dont give up what i like to do for any woman.

So slavery then? No thanks; I'd like to use my leisure time as I please, rather than just being a meat robot.

god bless plastic surgery

You are going away for a long time user

I'm actually surprised that half of the people here voted yes desu

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thats not even a woman

boomer incel detected

t.dan schneider

*tips fedora*

begone thot

What the fuck?

I've been playing games for more than 25 years out of my 32 so no bitch will stand between me and my games. I've had a gf like this, almost married her but thank god I've changed my mind. Never again. Fucking whores.

I play them to distract myself from feeling dead inside and it only usually works. Where do I fall on that?

i don't play videogames anyway

Good, boy! Mommy is making your dindins tonight.

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millennial skid mark detected.

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>Sure but also, no more books, tv or internet for us.

I play vidya for the story.

49% isn't half

shrew =/= shrewd

>actually playing gaems


Okay. Sorry, user.

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send her ass packing

91 please, I'm hungry

Instagram is always "recomending" this girl in that explore/discover tab and I don't even follow anyone from Korea

Patrician mix of girls and women.

because no one that isn't a dumpster looking slag shares those hobbies

>I play them every now and again but im dead inside
this but unironically
>49% is not half

don't you have a lawn to mow or a fishing trip with *the guys* or whatever you tire kicker, boomer

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