Be me

>be me
wat do

Attached: happysadnamejigylo.jpg (1200x918, 166K)

convert to islam and get sympathy pussy

>Put down the fork
>don’t buy junk
>learn to cook

also you are stronger than a lean newbie faggot because you're wearing padded skin, you can be a bloatgod in 6 months if you just lift

how old are you

Lmao oh God u came to Jow Forums we won't tell you to pull the trigger but instead in courage you to continue your suffering and get in shape u fat fuck and then lift some weight and stay miserable to the point where you have a wife and kids and then grow old knowing you had suffered and gone the hard way out

lurk the /fat/ threads

Train, meditate, change, evolve

The whole point we're on this rock, evolve your soul

Stop eating and fast.

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I can sense your gravitational pull from here