>It can and will get better
Is there anything normies say that is more annoying and less true?
It can and will get better
>Just stop caring what people think
>People care about you...
>Just be yourself brah
are you doing anything to make a change?
>You will find her someday
Well, OP? Are you?
>Why are you always unhappy?
Well I don't know dad. Maybe because you always shout at me and call me a failure?
>get a haircut and dress better!
>just get your shit together!
>have you been to a psychiatrist/therapist?
>there are children dying In Africa, that means your problems don't matter!
Its true if you try. Wallowing in your misery won't make your life better and opportunities don't magically fall into you lap most of the time. You have to actively try to improve your own life.
You're being incredibly naive thinking there's a point in doing this
When I was 13: Life is horrible, I can't talk to anyone. Noone likes me, everything is scary. I can't go to friend's houses or school because it's too scary.
When I was 18: I can talk to people better and I can at least go to parties now but I still feel miserable, I'm still learning so much and everything feels overwhelming
When I was 21: I want to die every day but at least I can work now and no get migraines from the panic attacks and at least I'm sociable.
Me at 23: I can work now and talk to people without stress. I have good self esteem and I am actively making steps to improve my life. I have my bad days and I'm still recovering from my past but I am getting better every day and life feels more bearable. I have made a huge improvement in my ability to manage my anxiety and depression and feel hopeful for the future.
It's not always a meme user. It's so hard to succeed and make yourself happy in this life, and you have to be strong to do it.
this. Change is a fucking meme. You can maybe change a few circumstantial things in your life, but you will still be the same person in the end.
That's a pretty normal progression. Are you at least a virgin? Friendless?
>that young
Yeah you were never that bad off you fucker
what is this the fucking oppression olympics over here?
I spent years and years of my life wanting to die, self harming, hating everyone and everything around me. People on here act like it's a secret club that has official requirements to join but noone can even agree on what they are.
I'm a virgin NEET on tendiebux
Not every situation is the same
My life was pretty shit while I was in school but it's gotten so much fucking worse as I've gotten older
>It can and will get better
I have severe mental illness and people have been saying this shit to me for at least the last 20 years, and I'm 37 now. What I have is chronic so when the fuck is it suppose to get better? I wished normies could understand that keeping the mouth shut is also an option.
Again that's just naivety
For every success story there's plenty of failures
only takes 10 years np
I wish people were more real with shit like this instead of offering baseless platitudes
t. faggot who wants life handed to him on a plate
i dont feel like describing my life to you and proving how wrong you are, instead im going to call you a faggot who should just eat a big fat dick
Because people can't empathize with pain
They just don't understand what life is like for us
like your problems are anything special?
youre just a little faggot who overreacts to his little faggot problems thinking he has it really bad and begging for attention to anyone around him and on the internet. if you really mean just just shoot yourself live, otherwise youre just another little faggot with his little faggot problems on this platform
It's not the attention it's the fact I get to lament somewhere
it can get better.
stop thinking what people think, it ruined my best years.
thats what they all say YOU RETARDED PIECE OF SHIT
like im not even kidding just hang yourself you disgusting nigger
>It can and will get better
when i was five i thought i fucked up my life for not being Richie Rich rich.
when i was in my teens, i thought "this time i trully fucked up" seeing all the famous teen celebs
when i was in Uni...
it never stops anons. get what you want or suffer.
How is caring about what people think helpful? For true robots it will only hurt you.
If I could kill myself I would have already done it
you clearly know fuck all about mental illness
thats weird
things have only gotten progressively much worse as time has gone on
i call bullshit on normies.
thats not the same as expecting not to suffer everyday
whether or not your life is good is almost entirely decided by things independent of your own actions.
your height, wealth, personality, nationality, bone structure, etc. is 80% determined before you're even born
Just pull the stick out of your ass you edgelord faggot
tell me where to find willpower/motivation/discipline and I will
until then, it's moot to even try
origineli you suck user
you dont want to help yourself
just loking for xcuses
But complaining is all I have left
That actually works for normans, though. Just bee urself is amazing advice for normans. If you use a fake personality around someone you want to date or be friends with, you're going go be miserable, or at least dislike spending time with them. Problem is, robots can't really BEE URSELF, because no one likes them.
newsflash player life is pain and it's a struggle and it isn't fair. sometimes shit happens to the nicest people. sometimes shit doesn't happen. the fact is you are the clay and you either choose to remake yourself or let events form you into what you are. at any point you can change yourself and make improvements to your life but most of the sad faggots here aren't even remotely interested in doing so. accept your suffering and find strength from it, and use that strength to find a way out of it. you are owed NOTHING in life, it's completely fair to have to suffer every day. YOU choose whether not you endure it or give up from it
I honestly think just saying 'it'll never get better' is a much worse thing to do. At that point might as well off yourself.
looks like someone took a course in philosophy and now knows the TRUTH lol
>has no idea what mental illnesses are
>life is not fair
>it's fair to suffer every day
Pick one, normalnigger
Be yourself works because you don't have to waste your time trying to please people. People can see if you're a normie or not. Pretending is a waste of time.
>you dont want to help yourself
wow it's like it's your first day on /r9k
That's a great thing to say but I see the bullshit behind it
I've had severe anxiety and depression for 50% of my life faggot I just didn't give up like you have
the point has gone completely over your head
there is no order or guiding hand in life, it's chaotic and random and any suffering handed out to you is not targeted or pre-determined, it simply is.
>I just didn't give up
so you havent been mentally ill
got it
Always counter with. "It can and will get worse"
doesnt matter what i do, im still hurt all of the time
You really have a point.
>you're not my official definition of mentally ill so you aren't allowed an opinion
sorry im not fucking prometheus on the rock dude, jesus
You know most people grow out of stuff like that
Mine only deepened its claws in my life
your actions directly affected it's growth
it is fair enough to have depression/anxiety/whatever
if you have any of these and don't: exercise regularly, abstain from porn and excessive masturbation, keep a tidy living environment, maintain a productive hobby, spend time with another human being that you care about and actively work on personality flaws, you have no excuses
lets see
>train 7 times a week
>cant jerk off because too sad for that
>have a tidy living environment
>have a few productive hobbys
>spend a lot of time with others
>constantly work on my flaws, trying to obtain that level of perfection
>still cry every night and get tortured by depression
I've done most of that
The only thing I haven't done is spend time with a person I care about because there's never been anyone who gives a shit about me to spend time with
All I've ever seen were diminishing returns
So fuck that shit
My life sucks as much when I gave a shit the only difference is I don't have to have my soul crushed everyday by seeing my efforts fail
i dont do any of that because I have no willpower
I love these threads.
Im gonna say this shit to next people i see thhat are struggling if it makeks robots REEEEE aand do that funny face lie Ops image.
Admit it. You arent interested in improving yourself. The least you can do is sack up and accept it.
Im sure all those roastie, stacies chads and normans did a huge self improvement and hard work to get to go to all those parties and
get all those gfs user. Gee how retard was i to not notice all those people in middle and high school talking, dating and having friends were just as incompetent as me, but i was the one unable to carry on, thanks for the enlightenment user
an hour has passed i think, now ready to start this argument with you.
I train 7 times a week, im really trying to make as much social contacts as possible, im always putting on a positive attitude even if i feel like shit on the inside, i went to seek professional help multiple times, im trying to sleep more, im trying to force myself being happy even if i dont want to
everyday still hurts and i feel like im going to get tortured like this forever
worst part: i cant commit suicide bc i dont want to give up
>The only thing I haven't done is spend time with a person I care about because there's never been anyone who gives a shit about me to spend time with
>All I've ever seen were diminishing returns
>So fuck that shit
>My life sucks as much when I gave a shit the only difference is I don't have to have my soul crushed everyday by seeing my efforts fail
wtf are you me, no matter how hard i try those fucks never even give me the light of day
this endless torture wont stop
just give me one thing you think i can do that would really help me get out of this
Friendly reminder to hide all normalfag advice threads and complaining-about-not-wanting-advice threads
>wanted to kms at age 16
>told it will get better
>now 31
>it never did get better
Why do normies lie?
>tfw invested so much time into others i dont even know who i am
hory shit, right in the feelerinos
You are only a failure if you give up
They don't know any better because life is always good to them